Sasaeng fans

I kind of feel bad for the idol groups that have sasaeng fans because for one they have no proivaticy! Do you want someone sneeking  in your room, taking your stuff?!?!? I know I hate that! I know you love them and all but if you really want them to like you and talk to you go to a fan signing and don't act all stalker ish. I know if a guy was stalking me I would cry! Stalking is scary!  I was watching a video on YouTube and I wanted to rant a little!




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I agree! Sasaeng fans are not real fans.

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goofygal14 #2
yeah, that's totally uncool of them or should I say those sasaeng fans. *nods head*
IKR!!!!!!!!!!! i mean its getting over the limit of love its like some twisted obsession >.< im sure their idols feel uncomfortable too >.<
Yeah!! I 100% AGREE with you!
Why don't they just give their idols a privacy time? Don't they realize that their acts just make their idols feel disturbed? *duh*