love ♡ pill ⁞ kim seo eun - “ew noona & dongsaeng relationships.”

l o v e  p i l l

Description: -pikachen

username  beastbangblock

profile link  clickeu

character name  kim seo eun | 김서은

nicknames  eun - close friends only; shorter version of her name

ethnicity  korean

birthdate  may 1, 1989

age  23


school major  school of music - department of instrumental music (gukak - traditional music, violin, and piano)

part time jobs  barista in a coffee shop in hongdae

name of college  korean national university of arts (k-arts)



     ♡ the name's eun, seoeun. seoeun is rather intimidating the first time you meet her. she isn't someone who should be taken lightly and tends to be too serious and has no time for jokes and horsing around. seoeun is so uptight that she forgets how to let loose and enjoy life to its fullest. she has probably grown up too quickly for her own good. she is typically known as a person of very few words. "speak unless spoken to" is a phrase that she grew up living by. when she does speak, it is usually something very blunt much like a "i-told-you-so" kind of tone. sarcasm, smart-, and profanity are the three languages that seoeun is fluent in. what she hates the most is repeating herself. she will say it once and only once. seoeun has a tendency to come off as y at times because of her remarks. she gets annoyed very easily so its best not to mess with her. she may seem to be too full of herself, but seoeun's arrogancy is because of her confidence. not many people try to understand seoeun. people tend to think the worst of her without fully getting to know her. seoeun isn't the easiest person to get along with. if you can put up with her attitude, then you have gained a very loyal and trustworthy friend.

     ♡ love me, hate me. seoeun doesn't like to associate herself with other people. she pretty much likes to isolate herself.  it takes time for seoeun to trust a person. one little mistake can change everything for seoeun, meaning she hates liars. seoeun isn't a person to hold grudges or show her emotions. if you do something that jeopardizes that trust, then seoeun will probably never turn your way again. her silent treatment is far worse since she barely talks in the first place. but knowing that she probably won't ever acknowledge you again is pretty heartbreaking. despite her extremely introverted and mature personality, seoeun is quite the flirt. after her first boyfriend broke her heart, seoeun never really gotten in a serious relationship. when it comes to love, she doesn't believe in 'happy-endings.' neither is seoeun a type of person to 'fall in love' easily nor does she believe in all that 'love at first sight.' although it may seem that seoeun doesn't want to fall in love, it is quite the opposite. seoeun, deep down, really wants to have a happy relationship where both parties are able to trust and care for each other.


     i. coffee - caramel macchiato and hazelnut are her favorite

     ii. the sound of rainy weather - the sound is very calming

     iii. music - it also calms her

     iv. food - she loves to eat any kind of food (except american fast food)

     v. horror movies - her favorite movie is Death Bell ft. kim bum

     vi. amusement parks - she loves the thrill of roller coasters

     vii. the night life of seoul - it excites her


     i. aegyo - it annoys the heck out of her

     ii. clingy people - she also finds this annoying

     iii. cats - she doesn't like how they scratch

     iv. tardiness - being late affects everybody

     v. cheaters - her first boyfriend cheated on her

     vi. being deceived - she hates fake people and liars

     vii. chocolate ice cream - she prefers vanilla

hobbies ♡ 

     i. playing instruments

     ii. drinking coffee

     iii. listening to music

     iv. taking walks at night

     v. singing in the shower

     vi. sleeping

     vii. drinking (soju, makgeolli, etc.)


     i. curses under her breath to vent out her frustration

     ii. rubs her temple when she is annoyed or tired; gets annoyed very easily

     iii. when she is sad or angry she will turn up the volume of her ipod to drown out her surroundings

     iv. tends to be very tempermental when she is under stress

     v. when she is heartbroken she will drink alcohol or hold back the tears

     vi. plays an instrument to ease her mind

     vii. she will clench her fist when she is angry

family background 

     ♡ busan, south korea. ever since she was little, seoeun was surrounded by music. both parents were musicians; her father was into the traditional music while her mother was more into the classical music. seoeun began learning many instrumentas at a young age. nicknamed 'the musical prodigy,' seoeun was well known for her abilities. her parents wanted her to follow their footsteps. the more seoeun was forced to play music, the more she grew tired. its not like she hated it, it is just that she wanted to explore the other genres of music. no one knew that seoeun wanted to sing.

     ♡ seoul, south korea. by the time seoeun started college, she moved out of her parents home and flew to seoul to attend k-arts. as her parents wish, seoeun majored in instrumental music while minoring in vocal music. at k-arts, she met choi seunghyun, her english teacher. he became seoeun's first boyfriend since she was too immersed in music to fall in love. they were very much in love. but as time went on they fought more and seunghyun grew tired of seoeun eventually breaking up with her. seoeun vowed to herself to never fall in love again since it is such a troublesome feeling. she began to focus more on school and became the person she is today, cold, up-tight, and lifeless.


appearance  su kyung - gallery (just in case)

style  seoeun's sense of style is more on the mature feminine side. her style is very classy and chic to compliment her womanly figure. seoeun does occasionally wear comfortable clothing and will trade her heels for sneakers. she dislikes wearing flashy colors during the day and preferably wears colors such as white, black, grey with just a hint of color to accentuate the outfit altogether. seoeun's formal night attire is ier with bolder prints such as leopard.

     i. casual - more

     ii. formal - more

height  167 cm


     i. piercings  both earlobes


your heart breaker  choi seung hyun; t.o.p.

his job  english professor at the same university

his new girlfriend  im yoona

how she acts to you  yoona is the definition of an angel. seoeun knows that yoona is a very kind-hearted person. yoona tries her best to not cross paths with seoeun. if they do see each other, yoona fidgets and acts very awkwardly towards seoeun. seoeun is jealous of yoona because yoona is pretty, fun, and still has a feeling of innocence. seoeun knows that is why seunghyun fell in love with yoona. yoona still tries to act friendly with seoeun so they could be on good terms.


your annoying highschooler  

     i. choi jun hong; zelo


     ii. park chan yeol


his age  18

his personality  immature and childish are just the few words to describe him. he tends to be very out-spoken and friendly with anyone he meets which sometimes has him forgetting about personal space. when he wants something he tends to shower the person with aegyo. he is still in the midst of puberty; a growing boy with raging hormones. although he may have a child-like exterior, he can also be serious at times especially when it comes to love.

your relationship  seoeun finds him the least bit charming. she sees him as a frivolous child and wants nothing to do with him. although she may act cold towards him, he still tries to pursue her heart. he won't back down until he will win her over. he is like a clueless puppy that tags along with seoeun. but as she slowly gets to know him better, seoeun starts to see him as a young man rather than a boy. he was able to release the inner child of the up-tight seoeun.


his handsome older brother 

     i. park simon


     ii. yoon doo joon


his age  25

his personality  he is the complete opposite of his younger brother. he is the ideal boyfriend of many; mature, manly, and handsome, he just oozes out the essence of masculinity. his sharp features and well defined bod determine him as a man. alluring and mysterious is what draws in most girls. he can get a little cocky and arrogant because he knows he is good looking. although he is known to have dated many girls, he never fails to act like a gentleman. he can also be a player at times since he has no problem with getting women. when it comes to love, he is way beyond experienced. from putting his arm around a girl's waist, to slightly biting their neck, he can woo them all. besides from being a flirtatious cassanova, he can get very jealous at times. he can also be very romantic and knows how to make a girl feel special. behind his rough exterior, he does have a dorky side to him. he is very sweet and kind and can be laid-back and outgoing.

your relationship  the moment seoeun saw him, she became star-strucked, but it wasn't love at first sight. at first he just saw her as one of his 'girls' and continued to play with her feelings. he knew his younger brother liked her yet he still wanted to make her his due to 'sibling-rivalry'. seoeun would flirt with his younger brother whenever they are around him to make him jealous. since they are both playing hard to get they like to tease each other and see who can give in. at first, he thought seoeun would only be good for a small fling rather than a serious relationship, but in the end, really fell hard for seoeun. 

who do you end up with  although she grew to love the highschooler, she felt like she needed someone more older and mature in order for her to feel more safe from a heartbreak. seoeun trusts the older brother to protect her heart. the older brother was able to rekindle the feeling of love that seoeun thought she had lost forever.



     i. blood type is O+

     ii. has a husky voice

     iii. favorite number is seven

     iv. ideal type is someone charming, mature, and has y eyes

     v. her ringtone

     vi. has a high tolerance for alcohol

     vii. her motto is "your haters are your motivators."

extra/comments/requests  herro~ omg the first time i saw your apply fic and was scrolling down i was like 'the layout is  so beau...ohmaigawd what the...' and then i saw the 'lima-bean.' it literally scared me...oh, back to the app! I hope it is alright that the last name of my love interests are different ;---; i based the siblings on looks than last names. i feel like zelo and simon look similar and vice versa with derpyeol and derpjoon, so yeahhh...I hope you like my character and i'm sorry if my personality and background is confusing and short ;---; please feel free to tell me if there is something wrong with my app ^^.


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