a simple sentences that means so much..

I just got a message text from my friend in my new highschool.. and she is a fishy, just like me.. she sent a sentences (not too long, but not too short either) and she said she got that from our bias's twitter..

this is the sentences :


"if you love something, then let it go..
if it finds its way to comeback to you, then its yours..
but if it doesnt comeback to you, then its not yours.."


when I read that simple sentences, I feel like something is wrong with me.. I think, maybe that sentences is true.. cause I did have a hair accesories a long time ago, when I was in my first grade in junior high school.. I always used it everytime and everywhere, until oneday it was gone.. I thought maybe I dropped it on somewhere, I was so sad and I didnt use a hair accesories about a few days.. and the next day, I was about to go to a shop to buy the new one.. I reached my wallet and suddenly my phone (I put my phone inside my wallet) got a call. I picked it to found that it was my grandma.. she told me that my hair accesories was already on her place since a few days ago.. I was so happy and take care about it till now..

and now I have that problem again *sigh* 
something that I love is gone.. I hope it will back to me soon to prove that its mine.. 
but when it doesnt comeback, then... well, like my oppa's words, then its not belong to me..

Im waiting for it to comeback now, since nothing I can do to make it back.. I just hope that my oppa's words is right.. *sigh* 
like Luna Lovegood's words in Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix movie :


"something that lost from us, will comeback to us someday later
with their own way..
even maybe with a surprising way.."


so how do you think, guys? ^^ 
did you have experienced my oppa's words? if you did, mind to share it? 
thanKyu for wasting ur time to read this nonsense blog -.- I was bored and I didnt know wht to do until donghae's words came to my mind and make me write it..

gomawo~ *bow 90 degrees*



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Whoa ^^ it's true ;) believe me thankyu for sharing this :D love you * kiss you and hug you*
Hello cutie
I miss u
When u lose something u should try to find it if u didnt then u should let go trying is really important
I lost many things. most of them probably will never come back again. It's countless how many times I cried because of regret.
But of course we grow up, so do I. Although many bitterness will come in t future, so will t sweetness, right?
Thank to God, that I still have Him; The One Who never lost in my life. And that's enough for me :')