Rainbow EXO Symbols, Stupid Paparazzi and Spazzing.


Um. To my subs, I'm really sorry for not updating, cos I had tests to do and I forgot to tell you guys. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. 

STUPID PAPARRAZI. CAN'T THEY SEE CHANYEOL'S IN PAIN WHEN THEY USE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY?????? HE FREAKING HAD LASIK AND YOU'RE SHINING LIGHTS INTO HIS EYES. GOSH YOU'RE INSENSITIVE. I know thats what paparazzi are paid to do. I know thats their job. But if I were them, I would just let go of some good quality photos and leave Chanyeol without lifelong damage. If you haven't heard about it yet, read on to the article


I honestly feel terrible for Chanyeol right now. Do you see these pictures? Look at the way Kris has to literally lead him around. It’s not a shipping moment. Chanyeol recently had Laser Eye Surgery and his eyes are incredibly sensitive to bright lights. He’s technically not even supposed to go outside without a pair of black-out sunglasses.

What’s happening in this is that Chanyeol is literally blind. He can’t see. His eyes are watering, stinging- to the point that he can’t see. Damn it. He can barely blink! All these flashing lights are making it impossible. Kris is helping him. Telling him where the cameras are, making sure he doesn’t fall, and supporting him. Because, especially in the last Gif, Chanyeol looks like he could collapse at any given second.

I wish fans would stop for two seconds and pay attention. He needs to protect his eyes, otherwise the surgery was for not. He got it done to please us in the first place. Don’t make it more difficult for him..

Turn off the flash. Get a crappy quality photo for once. Deal with it because guess what? You saw your idol in person and not a lot of people can say that. Be thankful and put the damn camera away. That is all.


SM really knows how to piss people off.

Stop torturing Chanyeol and let the poor boy heal for Christ’s sake, he’s not a perfect little puppet.



여로분, 찬열 지금 아파요. 한테 위해 기도해 주시고, 빨리 나으라고 말씀해 주시겠어요?



source of pictures : chqris via : hyuna-allnight

For more information, follow -kaisoo @WufanBiased


On a brighter note... I painted the EXO symbol on canvas in rainbow colours! /cheering kids 

I initially wasn't going to post this but Bubbles, this is for you. I hope it brightens your day cos I know that you've been going through some stuff so I thought I'd do something nice for you. I know it's mesy but I kinda did it at midnight so I couldn't actually see too much and I used my non dominant hand cos my other hand was occupied. /sheepish well I hope you like it and sorry again for the bad quality. 

Bye then!



P.S. I know this is a kpop asian site but I need to let out my excessive fangirling. I'M GONNA SEE THE WANTED ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG YAYYYYY FRONT ROWWWWWW STANDING TICKETSSSSSSSSSSSS. 16 SEPTEMBER HERE I COME. yeah then bye. sorry for taking up your time. 

I'll leave you with Luhan screaming to MAMA and Kai being cool in the background. The cuteness. 


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I've heard about this from my friend but after I saw the gif.. :"
I feel bad idk. I hope he's fine now
Awesome painting <3...... Aww poor Chanyeol T.T
How can you sat that your EXO symbol is messy!?!??! IT IS PURE PERFECTION!!!!!! Poor Happy Virus , I agree , SM is a big troll that just makes you wanna RLAB when you are stressed. Aish , Anyway , AWESOME PAINTING :D