
So recently, my best friend got me up for some School/Class event. Since National Day is like tomorrow, and there'll be two mascots from each class to represent the class. 1 boy and 1 girl. And there'll be a design team. As I was away from class to bring something to the office, my best friend sabotaged me since she was also in there. :( 


I got in and had to design the costumes for the two mascots. Alright ._. Okay ~ Together with three other friends, we designed. (The rest wasn't here as they were busy). After designing, we were also expected to buy the materials and even pay for it. -____________-" 


Come on seriously? We have to do everything on our own and pay for it ! 

It's like working for a job and paying your boss .__________________. 




And we have to buy the dress for the girl mascot. It cost lik a bomb. 40 dollars. ~_~ I was hoping everyone in the class sharing the money but heck no. We have to pay. I mean i don't come from a wealthy family. My parents would kill me X_X 




Urck. Why the hell did my best friend got me in :( 


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@ctmgonzaga yeahhh :( I kind of did ~_~ My friends bought the materials and I have to chip in. But there's only like five people in the team >o< I don't know, my teacher might scold me :/ it's for the celebration of national day tmr.

@Elizalee HUHUHU *cries* I know ~

@NoraEXOtic yes tomorrow isn't National Day. It's on 9th. I'm used to calling it National day cause of all the celebrations that fall on that they, I'm not sure ~~ the school didn't go on much :3 They just said about having mascots :D
Poor you
Omo! that's so unfair!
you did all the job and then you have to pay?
hell no!
why would I pay? at least let the mascot pay, lol!
or tell the teacher because it's no fair!
What the heck is it really for?
Why you need mascot or something?
if I were you, I wouldn't pay whether they like it or not.
I'm not rich either, we're saving money! Not to pay that dress!
Chingu, I pity you, you have no rights to pay it.
You're not even the one who'll wear it.
That's so unfair I tell you and my teacher won't allow that.