Rant Topic O1: Judgement

Alright. So i'm kind of feeling bored. Therefore,  I had decided to write on something more... 'Reality'. Instead of nonsensical stuffs about my life. No, not that my life is just nonsense. But you know, I'm kind of those dorky girls... Who dances in the middle of nowhere, sing weird songs, play pranks on people and laughs alot. There's more to that. My life is pretty interesting though. I don't mind drama, cause you know what? It just spices up my life. Over drama is just a little you know, ._." Yes that cute whale face. I still can't find a good word to describe what I'm thinking. Anywho, let's get to the topic.




I get judged pretty often and I know you guys out there get judged too. Honestly, I judge and I know you guys judge too. That's how the human brain works. If you see a guy digging his nose in public, what would you think of him? That will definitely leave a bad impression on you. That would just be GROSS. That's a duh. But isn't that already judging? If you see a kid yelling at his mother, what would you think? Yes, rude. That's judging. If you see a pretty profile picture on facebook, what would you do? You'll like it and you might just start liking that person. That's judging. Don't blame yet, that's how your brains work. That's how mine works too. That's how everyone's brains work. First impressions play a part right? 


Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with judging. And don't start ranting on how you hate the judgemental society. You freaking belong in there. You need to learn to open up and start taking the judgemental comments as a help in life. Yes words may hurt. But just by reading them doesn't kill you. (Unless you start slashing yourself/jumping off the roof etc) There'll always be people who judge you and then dislike you. Everyone has haters. I do too (though I don't know how many out there) And I don't give a damn about it. To be honest, I do hate people too. I judge too and even dislike them. Like a girl I used to dislike - She was always loud and an attention seeker (Talking about that later). But now as I learn to understand her, I don't dislike her anymore. And there's times when my friends judged me during an incident and said hurtful words to me. I cried though. 


I was in class with my two guy best friends. They were joking around like monkeys and a girl sitting in front of me was reading a book. Everyone knew she's a bookworm (it's true, not a judgemental information). One of my guy friend slammed the table hard and scared her. She got angry and slammed back, that scared my friend back. You know that face she made and my friend jumping off his chair made me laughed so hard. And I just drank water... (The water was still in my mouth) ~ You know, when you're laughing so hard and you can't swallow. Yup, that was how I felt. I keep trying not to spit the water out. Unfortunately, the water seemed to be inching it's way out my my mouth. Covering my mouth, I ran over to a corner of a class. 


The teacher saw and started calling me 'Drama Queen' ._____. *FACEPALM* Then after a while, my best friend walked up to me and told me that two girls called me 'Attention Seeker'. She refused to tell me who. After school, I found out that it was one of my good friends and another girl. Both of them are those 'Gossipy' Girls. Well, i mean like one of them was my good friend. That hurts of course. They totally just judged me like that :< They didn't even know what the hell happened.


Everyone is afraid of being judged. Cause a simple judgement can make someone lose her friends, her reputation and so on. But what I don't understand is why do people judge and starts saying mean things. Can't they keep those critism to themselves? Why do you have to go around spreading mean words about a certain someone? Why do you have to say it in their faces? Don't you ever think about what you said can harm them? Yes, you can judge. But keep those over-hurtul comments to yourself. When no one asks you, don't say anything. 


People wouldn't think that you're mute if you don't speak. Everyone has flaws, so after you judged that person, try to reflect and accept that person. Don't go around telling people how ugly that person is or how much you hate them. And please, don't point out their flaws to everyone. Yes, they may have flaws but they have feelings too. It just gets on my nerves everytime someone keep pointing a person's flaws over and over again so that I would dislike him/her too. Well, I don't give a damn. Next time a person tells you you're ugly, Smile and say 'Then we're the same.'


You don't have to feel inferior when you see a pretty/handsome person. You don't have to feel dumb when you see a smart person. You don't have to feel like a loser when you see a popular friend. You don't have to give up your life over someone's comment. 


Let them judge, and if they insist on saying mean comments to you. Thank them with a smile. It'll piss them off more.  I no longer feel upset about being judge. Yes I'm afraid too. Everyone has fears. Fears are what makes me stronger, but only if I dare to overcome it. At least trying. Trying doesn't kill, *WHAT DOESN'T KILLS YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER~* So let's all try to overcome the fear of being judged. 


/cheers/ ~ Stay optimistic friends ! 





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