The Dark Knight Rises and Big Bang?

Now I watched Dark Knight Rises this past weekend and I personally give it 5 stars. I'm not going to talk about it much because I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it.

But let me just say that the whole time I was watching and Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) came on screen I always thought of Seungri. Everytime Blake said something or did something my head automatically thought about Seungri. Even certain lines brought on Seungri in my head. 

Now in my head if they were to recast this movie with Korean actors I would choose Seungri to play Blake. I feel like their personalities match and maybe just a bit but I feel like they sort look alike, I think it's their face shape.

Anyways this is what I wanted to talk about since it was bugging me.


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