Alive World Tour NJ or LA? Help please

So I was doing some soul searching...? I wouldn't call it soul searching but I have been checking how much it would be travel to NJ and LA. I'm going to see them live, because I know that if I don't go I'll regret it for the rest of my life even if they do make more tours here and much closer to me. I really don't have a choice I live in Houston, TX.

NJ would be $501 USD Flight+hotel included the shuttle to the hotel is free so I wouldn't have to pay for that. Just worry about food and stuff but that's easy. And the hotel is a 1 mile from Prudential Center so I can walk and wouldn't have to call a taxi or anything. 


LA I would have to book separately since the deals and hotels that were offered on the traveling sites put me off. One of the reviews said the hotels had BED BUGS and I was like NO not happening. Bunch of the reviewers suggested staying at the motel 6 which is like really close to the Honda Center, I checked out the site and they post pics of the rooms and they look really nice. ANYWAYS flight to LA would be around $470 USD. Hotel is 119.98 + tax

So adding 470+120=590 USD + tax from the hotel wich is 17% which would be around $20 USD So... 590+20= $610 USD

Overall it would be $100 USD more than NJ.  I'm kind of torn because I really like the thought of paying $500 to go see BB plus whatever the tickets and merch cost but in LA it'll be Tabi's birthday and he's special to me. So... IDK where to go! D8 If I had the money I'd go to both but yeah...I'm in a dilema here.

Someone help me out here!!! D8


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What hotel are you looking at for NJ?