Hard Disk Failure

....pretty self-explanatory after that.


I'm still in mourning T__T. Its death 3 days ago took part of my heart with it, too. No joke. My laptop was my life, though like my brother said, maybe now I should use this opportunity to re-evaluate some of my priorities.....


Anyway, what makes the situation sort of worse is that due to some scheduling/timing conflicts:

1. even IF my computer were to get fixed by Tuesday, I won't be able to use it til Friday at the absolute earliest (I will be away and internetless for about 5 days)

2. (more likely) if it does NOT get fixed by Tuesday (assuming it ever does), I won't be able to access it for over a month, namely until end of August at the absolute earliest


As a general summary/recap/rephrasing, I pretty much lost whatever work I didn't save online (indefinitely), so for those who were hoping for an update soon, I'm sorry.


(How does this even happen??? Does anyone know? My hard disks fail me more often than I get viruses, which for the record is less than once a year..... my dad says it's because I "abused" my laptop, but HOW, exactly, did I do that?...)


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lahdeedah000 #2
:((( I'm sorry for you loss. Like seriously, my laptop is my life, too. I'd literally die with it if it died. So I understand. :(