Hey you. Please don't shut up.

I honestly would like to say what I had typed in the title bar to my classmate who sits next to me. The other day I cried because she said sensitive things. I regret saying "Please don't say that again" to her.

She tried to coo me using the "(insert bias's name here) wouldn't like to see you cry now, wouldn't he?" whut.



In this world nothing is real.

Welcome to reality.

You think you've won, but you are wrong.

You think you're okay, but you are still running the unending race.

People judge you; as you do people.

Nothing is fair.

Justice is dead.

Maybe someday I'll bring it to us.

Maybe someday you'll come back to me.

Everything is an illusion.

^^^ whut is that up thar what did i just type orz


I'm lost. I highly doubt that friend of mine is reading this... but meh. Colourful. It's just you and me in this world baby okay what is that thing i just typed


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whut, this kid.
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Thumbs up (Y) :P