Zodiac Charm Application

AFF username: Anelea
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/74579
Activeness: 8
Character Name: Shin Rae Shi
Nicknames: Colorful Shi
Birthday: 20.12.1992
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Korean
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Rae Shi is optimistical and always believe in everyone and everything good. She never gives up if there is at least a small chance to reach her dream and whenever she wants something she goes for it no matter what. That may seems as a good feature but sometimes she is so blinded by her (even unreal) goal and if you tell her not to do it she will surely snap at you. Sometimes she can hurt others by her 'I'm-gonna-get-it-at-all-cost' behavior. However, if she is not in the middle of hunting her dreams, then she is pretty generous and kind-hearted.
Although she beams with optimism and looks like she is just hanging around having fun she really loves talking (more like debating) about serious issues. And if people know her a bit more they find out she is intellectual person who likes to have her freedom and her own (often unique) opinion and that's why it's often hard to persuade her. Sometimes she won't easily agree with majority just because she wants to be different than rest. In this way she may have problems to be in such a large group as Zodiac Charm when it's important to find some compromis or agreement.
She loves adventure and it's hard to surprise her. She also likes to appear as the tough one in the group who is hard to scare. Having image of rapper helps that a bit. She wants to keep this image at all cost because she doesn't like people thinking or saying she is girly. That's why she kind of hides the fact she likes shopping and fashion.
Her mother is divorced and she have never met her father because her mother didn't keep in touch with him and always told her he is a bad person which is true. He didn't really work and was alcoholic. Rae Shi used to want to meet him but as she grow up she realized it's better this way.
Her mother always tells her to be careful around guys and not be fooled by them like she was.
When she was a child she loved to read and was a bit loner always day dreaming but she learned that if she just sits and do nothing these dreams can't never come true so now she always tries to give her best. That also helped her to become trainee and later member of this group.
She appears to be a bit older than she really is and used to be very annoyed when random people thought she is older. Like she was only middle school student and people used to be suprised by that fact thinking she is already adult. So she is not one of these innocent looking or baby-faced idols. She may not be the prettiest girl on the earth but she has some charm about her mostly because of her own style.
She has dark black hair but because she likes colors so much she is totally okay with dying her hair (even to some crazy colours). However, she has no tattoo or piercing, because she dislikes stuff like that (at least on her own body).
Her figure is average and bit boyish since she has kind of narrow hips.
She likes to wear colorful clothes and have a casual look. You can often see her wearing torn jeans or shorts and some colorful top or T-shirt with a witty sign. She has many many pairs of glasses matching to almost every outfit she has, so it's impossible to see her without glasses or sunglasses. She may not be wearing them on eyes though, but just on top of her head.
- rollercoasters
- karaoke
- baseball
- colorful things/clothes
- fashion
- her voice
- being called girly
- people thinking she is already in her mid twenties
- vegetable
- people smoking close to her when she is eating
- collecting colorful glasses
- shopping,
- taking photos and travelling
- writting rap lyrics
She only uses oppa and unnie when she needs something.
She is always late.
Talks faster than usual when being irritated.
Stage name: R-Shi
Position: Lead rapper, vocal
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Persona: Mouth Machine
Trainee history:
She auditioned with song but they apparently liked more her style and deep voice thinking she will be a better rapper which she apparently is.
She was trainee for 3 years.
She speaks Korean and English.
Sometimes she talks really too fast.
Is bad at handling her schedule and is always late. (Her record of being late is 2 hours.)
She is always having glasses somewhere with her.
There were rumors her father is in prison which she can't confirm or decline because she doesn't know anything about him.
She can't be seen with a boy by her mother because she would start her two hours long lecture about boys and their bad intentions.
Other jobs: Radio DJ
Singing: She doesn't have high or wide range but her deep voice is kind of unique and that makes people like her singing.

Dancing: She may not be the most talented dancer and makes mistakes but she works hard to learn dances.

Rapping: Her rap ability is similiar to Miryo of BEG. She is good at freestyle rap and she doesn't only talk fast, but her rap has rhyme and rhythm.
Partner: Eli (U-KISS), Donghae (Super Junior), Kiseop (U-KISS)
Rival: Suzy (Miss A) - love rivalty
Friends: CL (2NE1), Soo Hyun (U-KISS), Leeteuk (Super Junior)
Shin Mae Ri - mother / 39 years old / works in bank
Password: MBLAQ (O_o - hard to tell the bias because I love them all T_T but let's say today is my bias Seungho xD)
Extras: -


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