≈Five Angels In A Classroom≈

The  Application



Which Angel?

The  Angel  of  Earth



Username: AngelicWhisper



Her name: Choi Miyoung

Her nickname: Mimi, Youngie

Age: 18

Birthdate: April 3, 1994

Ulzzang Name: Park Sooyeon

Ulzzang Picture: [1] [2]

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Han Suhyun

Back Up Ulzzang Picture: [1] [2]

Height: 163



Personality: Miyoung is really calm and have never risen her voice. She doesn't speak a lot, but knows when she has to. She isn't socially awkward, but rather just quiet and observant. She's the sweet girl that most people are afraid to hurt even if they know that she's strong. People nickname her as the school's angel, without knowing her true identity. She was scared of the given name at first because she thought her secret was exposed but got used to it. Miyoung is always seen with a soft smile of her face. She's well liked by her peers and also respected. Most of the time, she's surrounded by her friends, whom she cherishes a lot and protect dearly. Her schoolmates would often go see her whenever they have problems, whether it's school or for personal reasons.

It is rare to see Miyoung angry; in fact, probably nobody saw her mad. Since she forgives easily, it's hard to image her in that state. Although she's innocent, Miyoung can't help but only speak the truth. She doesn't know how to lie, which make her struggle when people ask her opinion on something.

Miyoung is a caring and warm girl so she can't stand when there's someone close to her who's sad. She always put her friends at priority. Miyoung is also sometime compared to a nun. She always stays neutral in situations and takes no particuliar sides. She accepts all kind of favors as long as they won't cause trouble. She's well dedicated to God, since herself is an angel behind her human image. She rather think optimistically and help the ones in need. She believes that there are always a solution to everything.

The quote she lives with is : Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough (-Oprah Winfrey). 

Likes: Apple, Books

Dislikes: Bugs, Liars

Habits: Draw circles with her index finger when she's embarassed/nervous/scared, Twitch when she hears profanity

Trivia: Achluophobic (phobia of the darkness), Has a huge obsession with Doraemon, Has a tattoo on the back of her neck


The  Student

Name of Student: Kim Myungsoo

Nickname: None

Personality: Myungsoo's the school's hottie but everyone at school fear him. He displays a cold city man image and keeps his usual irritated expression. He prefers to stay alone and have his own personal space; even in class, he has his own corner. The aura around him is always dark and fierce. In class, he's very quiet and barely even speaks. Since he hadn't really spoke to anyone before, there are a lot of bad rumors circulating around the campus saying that he gets into gangs fights and such. Myungsoo doesn't mind the rumors because they actually help him to stay away from people although there are many girls who secretly fawn over his handsome looks.   

Likes: Being alone, Quiet places

Dislikes: Loud people, Love

Habits: Glare at those who bother his silence, Looking outside (the window), Roll his eyes at things he don't like

Trivia: Often come to school with bruises (that's how the rumors started), Only child, Stay at the rooftop (a forbidden area of the school) during lunchtime

Background: Myungsoo is one of those children who didn't enjoy their childhood. When he was only six, he saw his mother died in front of him. Constantly, women came in and out of his house. His father was often drunk and abused him. He wasn't part of a wealthy family either. He always had to work his off to get want he wanted, even if it wasn't the best. Myungsoo, at young age, became cold to the world and didn't care of his surroundings as long as he wasn't involved.

He was a normal kid at first. Both of his parents were loving him and raised him normally. The family state changed when his father lost his job, when he was probably only 5. That was the day they started to forget Myungsoo's presence at home. At night, his father would always come back home late and smell like beer. Both his parents often started to fight, sometime physical gestures were involved. His mother often threathened her husband to divorce because she was sick and tired of his complaints although he did nothing but woo girls in the streets and spend his time at the bars. When she was really at her limit, without even minding her son, she ended her life in front of the young boy's eyes. Seeing his mother laid on the floor in a pool of blood traumatized him. The only person who give him a little care after his father became unstable left him alone in this cold world. His father became insane and blamed Myungsoo, saying that he was the reason why she suicided. Since he didn't have his wife by his side, Myungsoo's father kept inviting women to their house, spending the night together. During those times, Myungsoo always sneaked out of the house in the lonely night until dawn. He was a young boy so he couldn't go further than the quiet and dark park. However, when there weren't a guest, his father would hit him to relieve his stress. Until now, he grew up that way. He fought back sometime, but never actually said anything out loud although in his mind he stabbed the man who killed his mother billions of times.

His/Her Problem: Myungsoo is anti-social. Because he grew up with such background, he doesn't believe in anybody and don't care of what was happening around him. He might be cold and scary but all he really needs is a friend by his side to support him through his hardship. Under his emotionless mask, he hides a weak boy who seaks for someone's care. However, he's actually scared to lose those he loves, remembering his mother, that's why he doesn't bother to get close to someone. He thinks that, in the end, they'll all betray him and leave him alone again. 

How Do You Act Together: When Miyoung first talked to Myungsoo, he ignored her. He'd also often push her away, telling her to mind her own business. However, with her constant persues, he'd soften a little but still reply harshly. Even with that, Miyoung doesn't give much care to his words. Most of her break time were consacred to Myungsoo. She always smiles at him and does things he wouldn't expect. Knowing that he's easily irritated, she likes to simply walk, or rather follow, next to him and stay silent. Myungsoo thinks that she's weird because she just stays there and does nothing but without saying out loud, he slowly began to like her presence by his side. But in Miyoung's mind, she believes that if she's by his side, he'd feel secure and protected. When he'll finally aknowledge her, she'll playfully call themselves the 'M2', as both of their names start with that letter. 

Her peers will get worried because they'll start to think that Miyoung is used as a slave, or something similar, by Myungsoo. Just looking at her standing next to him make them concerned. Their sweet Miyoung was trying to befriend with the scary Myungsoo. Miyoung would always get checked after her visits to Myungsoo, her friends always caused a commotion, so she eventually heard about the rumors. However, she'll try to convince them and show them the opposite. Sometime, she would even praise him or only talk about his good sides and lose tracks of what she was saying. People actually feel weird to see someone saying good things about Myungsoo but they think that it's only because Miyoung is just too nice.   

How Will Your Angel Cure His Problem?: She will slowly approach him. As she knows he has a problem, being the usual Miyoung, she will purposely team up with him for school works and greet him every morning. When she'll feel that the time is right, she will try to speak to him more, in order to know more about his background. Although she was rejected and ignored at first, Miyoung never thought of giving up. Being the first person who gave so much care for him, Myungsoo will start to look at her differently but he won't completely trust her until he finds out about his feelings.

Would You Like Your Character To Fall In Love With Their Student?: Yes, but she won't tell him and keep it for herself. Miyoung won't deny her love for him but won't say it out loud either. She thinks that it's better to stay silent about her love for him as she knows that a relationship between an angel and a human is impossible. 

If You Do, Request Scenes?: Hm, if you insist ^^ ~ I don't know if it'll match the story though. They are not necessarily requests, but actually some kind of suggestions? You don't have to put them in your story. Please do write your story as you please. I'll definitely support you even if I'm not picked or my suggestions aren't chosen. :)
(1) There's a male transfer student in their class and he's actually one of the student Miyoung helped in the past. Since they're already acquaintances, they act friendly with each other. Myungsoo will feel jealousy and will show it. He'd try to keep the girl away from the new student and act immature, which is new to the school and Miyoung herself. - I just want something that will keep the fire in the relation of Miyoung and Myungsoo. Like a little bit of jealousy involved so their relationship can move on. -  
(2) The day Myungsoo wants to confess his feelings for her, she suddenly disappears. Because she finished her last mission as an angel, she had the choice to leave the humans' world, and that's the path she chose. She knew that Myungsoo told her to be there on that day for him, but she decided not to hear his thoughts. She knew that things wouldn't go well so she'd just escape from the situation. She would blame herself of a scaredy cat but still stay stubborn and not take a step back. Although there are possibilities that it might change Myungsoo again, she doesn't want to see him because of her own feelings. - I somehow really want her dead, but at the same time don't. because Myungsoo might turned back to the old Myungsoo again and that would mean that her goal wouldn't be reached so I don't know :/ -
(3) One day, Miyoung will follow Myungsoo to his house and found out how his father have been abusing his son, even in front of their house shamelessly. Before he could hit his only child, Miyoung will step between them and she'll be the one who'll get the slapped. She'll say something that will hurt Myungsoo's father's pride and actually make him think and become silent for a while. - Miyoung should meet Myungsoo's father. It doesn't have to be that way, but if she somehow leaves a mark on him, then maybe he could change his attitude a little. -





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O.O what is this? Is this...no...i must be dreaming...its a earth angel fic right? tell me im not dreaming! this is....ah heaven! I will give u my real answer on my story dont forget to check!