The Element's girls app



Aff username: Allymo

Profile link:

Your Name: Ally


Info About Her


Name: Yoo Hana


D.O.B. and star sign: November 15, 1994

Height: 168cm

 Weight: 47kg

Ethnicity: half Korean, half American

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent)

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Seoul Korea



Style:  wears natural colors and patterns. Doesn’t like to wear bright neon colors or flashy clothes. Also she doesn’t like to show to much skin at all.

Name of ulzzang: Baek Sumin

Picture links:






Back up Ulzzang’s name:Park hyo jin

Backup picture links:








Personality: Has a down to earth and mother like personality, Likes to take care of people even if she complains about it every once in a while. She is protective of other people, but doesn’t always take care of herself first. In verbal or physical fights she will always take the hit for others. It doesn’t have to be her friends either she hates seeing anyone in trouble. All this has her friends describe her as unwaveringly loyal. She trusts everyone which gets her hurt a lot but she doesn’t regret any of it and still continues to blindly trust other.

She is smart and uses this to help her friends or try to get herself out of tricky situations. She is oblivious to if someone is flirting or likes her and often gets made fun by her friends because of that. Also if you ever get her mad (which is hard) she will ignore you and make you regret ruining or trying to ruin a friendship.

What type of person would be your best friend: Someone reckless or crazy who she can take care of. Also they have to appreciate their friendship.

What type of person would be your rival/would you dislike: Someone who throws people away without thinking or acts differently to get what they want. Not showing their true selves.

Idol best friends:

-Kwanghee (ZE:A)

-Min (Miss A)

Idol friends:

-Seungri (Big Bang)

-Daesung(Big Bang)

-Yewon (Jewelry )

-Lizzy (after school)

-Mir (MBLAQ)


-Victoria (F(x))



Mother: Summer Yoo| 43| archeologist | solid and down to earth person, she travels a lot because of her job. She seemed to marry Hana’s father for convenience. Never really wanted a child. She and Hana don’t get along. |Alive

Father: Yoo Dongshik |45|Owner of a museum| He is a happy person who is always optimistic. He Loves having a job where he can learn more every day. Loves having a child and always wants to spend time with Hana. The two get along very well. Neither Him nor Hana like her mother.

Love interest:


Name: Lee Joon (MBLAQ) |17| a happy person who likes to show off a little and doesn’t always understand situations. He is a go with the flow and you’ll be fine kind of attitude. He is afraid of Hana’s mom but exactly like Hana’s father. Doesn’t hesitate to head in to situations without thinking which is what gets him into a lot of trouble. Hana is always there to help him out though. When Hana went off to study abroad in America for two years when she was 14 they both realized they liked each other but haven’t told the other.

How you behave around him/when you’re together: Treats him like another friend not knowing how to try to be more. While Joon tries hard to get her to realize he likes her.

How you met/ when did you meet: Childhood friends. They lived next door to each other since they were little and Joon always went to Hana’s family museum.

Anything else:


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