Victorious app

The Real You


AFF Username: Allymo


AFF Link: Click!


Your Real World Nickname: Ally


About Your Character


Full Name: Oh Rana


Nickname: Ran


Age: 20


Birthdate: January 22


Birthplace: Soeul, Korea


Hometown: Busan, Korea


Ethnicity: Full Korean


Languages: Korean (fluent), English (semi-fluent)


Height: 170 cm


Weight: 120 lbs




Ulzzangs Name:Baek Sumin 


Ulzzang Pics:






Statistics Attitudes


Personality: She loves attention and she loves to talk. She is always bright and has a glass half full type of attitude. She hates awkward silences and usually breaks them even if she shouldn't . She originally wanted to be a comedian or an entertainer but her family told her that she should try to be a singer. The reason was when she was younger she immetadated rappers tv and quickly became good and her parents saw she had talent. She likes to look serious in picture since she is a rapper but in real life she always has a smile on her face. She cares for her friends and while sometimes she can seem self center she does really care for people. she wont give up when it comes to getting what she wants and will always try to talk her way out of punishment. Her brother is going to school to be a lawyer but everyone always say that she could out arguee anyone who came her way. sometimes has a temper and a short fuse but her group members and friends always know how to shut her up.


-comedy shows


-her phone

-Social network sites


-stuffed octopus ( real ones too.)

-old cameras


-photo and film editing



-awkward silences

-scary thing like haunted houses or scary movies(secretly a scardy cat)

-spicy foods

-sand (but loves water)

-high heels ( has learned to deal with it but still complains)

-the dark

-people who insult people for no reason.



-taking pictures

-making short movies with friends

-writing raps

-collecting stuffed octopus 

-hanging with friends



-speaking to loud

-taking her shoes off under the table

-picking at her clothes when she is trying to be quiet.


About Your Family


Mother: Kim Sunna/a college photography teacher/ a bright and sometimes strang women who is exactly like her daughter.


Father:Oh Junhyun/ an accountant/ the opposite of Rana and her mother. He is serious and steel like man with a weakness for his kids.


Siblings: Oh Rahyun/ college student studying to be a lawyer/ as Rana is like their mother Ra hyun is just like their father. He is Rana's opposite but they get along great. They are twins but Ra hyun skipped two grades when they were younger.


Outside Your Family



Sandeul/ B1A4/ they have know each other since young.

Taemin/ SHINee/ their parents where old friends and when Rana moved to seoul to be a trainee they helped her ajust a lot.

Kwanghee/ZE:A/ they meet on night when a bunch of trainees from different companys meet and hung out at a party. they met and when they did they butted heads and didnt get along soon becoming quick frinds.

Best Friends:

Min/ Miss A/ the two are similar and always have fun together


Where Do You Meet?:

She tries to go out with them to eat or get a coffee.


When do You Meet?:

usually at night when they all know they have no schedule.


What Are Your Usually do together?:

hang out see movies. normal things bt they haveto be discreat.




Partner: Hoya


Where and When Did You Meet?: they had heard of each other when they where both in high school going to schools close to each other. Later when they are both trainees they hang out and had alot in common because they had both moved from busan.


Ex: Taemin


Where and When do you Meet?: family old family friends and knew each other when they where kids and when she first moved up they started to datesince they had talked to each oher through mail for so long.


Why do you break up?: when taemin debuted they realized how different they were nd their relationship stared to break until they ended it. still really good friendsand dating had made the better ones. Hoya gets jealous alot when they hang out. she is also afraid to date Hoya because she has already had one celebirty break up that failed and doesn't want the sam to happen to them.




Rivals: Hong Yoo Kyung/ A pink/ they got of on the wrong foot when they where trainees.


Why did She Become your rivals?: they got of on the wrong foot when they where trainees. at frist she had her eyes set on hoya but now she has her eyes set on Rana's brother. this makes Rana mad. Also she sometimes pretends to like Taemin to get on Rana's nerves.


On The Stage:


Stage Name: Ran


Fan Club Name: Runners


Fan Club Color: lime green


Desired Position: Main rapper, sub-dancer


Years of Training: 3 years


Anything Else


Suggestions for Victorious' Debut Song: ???


Comments: love the idea of victorious.


Secne Request: Hoya confronts Rana about her always dodging and avoiding their unclear relationship. She tells him about Taemin and how she is scared of a relationship that will end because of fame.


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