Example application




About You:

Username/ Profile Link: HudaCheesecake

Name: Huda 


About Your Character:

Full Name (Korean preferred): Lee Sora 

What the clique call you: Sora

Birthday(dd/mm): 14/02

Place of Birth: (where you were born) Gyeonggi, South Korea

Hometown: (where you grew up) Nottingham, United Kingdom

Nationality: (Must be some Asian and realistic) Korean

Language (Max five and add fluency): Korean and English very fluent, conversational Mandarin, French and Japanese 

Personality :( 8-12 sentences please) Sora is a girl of immaturity, majority of the time anyway. She likes to have fun and be out a lot, but she can be disciplined and work hard. She is lively, active, energetic, and all round she seems like the perfect person, daughter, whatever. She has a way of getting whatever she wants, and is stubborn when something doesn't go her way. It causes her to grow ill feelings for someone quickly, alternatively, she is very out-going, and makes friends far too easily. The way she acts may seem annoying occasionally, but it is easy to get used to. She loves her life and family (exception for one) and is more than happy to try something new. 'You only live once' is her motto.

Background: (6-8 sentences) She was raised up in a boarding school, so it is a very breif background. She was raised up in St Hope's Boarding School for the Privileged Girls, and it is considered the best girl's boarding school in the UK, with an average mark of over 90%. The school is very strict on studies, behaviour and attitude, which she learned the hard way. They looked after their own belongings, if you did well, you would be placed in a dorm room for two, with a personal bathroom. Otherwise, you would be placed in a room dependant on your grades, a room of five, or a room of eight, these different room sizes also have different qualities, better quality, for the best graders. Fortunately, Sora tried hard and moved up two years so earned herself a room for two. All in all, the school moulded her into the 'proper' lady.

Likes: (6-12 Likes Listed)





Hello Kitty


Interior designing




Writing music

Dislikes: (6-12 Dislikes Listed)

Not doing anything


Her brother

Staying inside

Rude people

TV ads


Hobbies: (6-8 hobbies, what you like to do in your free time)






Writing music


Habits: (what she does when she is happy, sad, angry etc.…)

Happy: Jumps around, flicks her hair back, shake her shoulders, sings randomly

Sad: Not talk, not smile, scowls a lot

Angry: Stay in her room, eat nothing, say nothing

Trivia: Shops for whatever, if something looks nice, she'll have it.

Usually gets whatever she wants (Aegyo card)


Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang Picture Link: 1  2  3  4  5

Height: (in cm) 175cm

Weight: (in kg) 52kg

Vicual Description: (a short visual description only 2 sentences) A tall, lanky girl who is good at playing oblivious, and adorable. Pale skin, and big grey eyes, she has a way of getting whatever she wants by using her eyes.

Style (2 + links for each one, Polyvore is preferred): 

Casual 1  2 3

Formal 1 2  3

Sportwear 1 2 3

Sleepwear 1  2  3

Party 1  2  3

Beachwear 1  2  3

Back up Ulzzang Name: Song Ah Ri (lol, you can use her)

Back up Ulzzang Links : 1  2  3  4  5



Family (max one Idol family member Sungmin is taken)

Relationship-Name- Age - Occupation –Interaction

Father- Lee HyunSoo-Owner of Computer company - Very close and very easy to relate to each other.

Mother- Lee HwaYoung-Owner of numerous academies - Loving and able to talk about whatever. A very stable mother and daughter relationship and Sora can get advice for whatever from her mother.

Sibling (optional):

Lee Sungmin- 20- Member of Super Junior - Awkward, continuously arguing.

Lee Sungjin - 18 - Unemployed - Very close, and very easy to talk to each other, on the phone or wherever.

Pet (optional): Egyptian Mau called Mimi

Pet pictures (2+ links please): Mimi 1  Mimi 2

Crush/Boyfriend (Fictional):

Name: Cho Kyuhyun

Pictures (2+ links): 1  2

His Personality: A very gamer like attitude, but once in a relationship is loyal and is very serious about it.

How did you guys meet? (And not the cafe scene please): Being the little sister of Sungmin, she moved in and they became friends

Interaction towards each other: very close, age difference is eleven days and so are pretty much best friends

Back Up Crush :

Name: N/A

Pictures (2+ links): N/A

His Personality: (3-6 Sentences) N/A

How did you guys meet? N/A

Interaction towards each other:N/a



Comments: Example for my story I Hate You Lee Sungmin


Scene requests:


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