Told to quit.

I was told to stop working out.

I mean I stopped for around thirty days because I was fasting and I didn't want to wear myself out.

And then, my mother got upset one day and just told me to stop, I don't even know why.

She said something about not needing to lose weight until I was eighteen, but that was completely pointless because since forever she's the one who told me I should be losing weight.

Mum said, "Huda sweetheart, maybe you should stop the working out, it's getting a bit much, don't you think?" And I shook my head, because seriously an hour or two of my workouts are quite exhilarating. Call me a freak but Insanity workouts are fun (even if I did download it illegally and then burned it on a CD). 

That's not all, she said, "You know, there's no need to lose weight at all, at least until you're eighteen at least." 

I couldn't stop glaring. Coming from the person who has pushed my self esteem to the core of the earth and after I lose a whooping thirty kilograms, now I'm told to stop?

Want me to tell you a secret? I used to weigh seventy kilograms. For a five footer that could be obese, overweight at the very least.

Now I'm a comfortable almost 46Kg. I'm quite happy, but my legs are atrocious and I was going to get working on them. I have muscle-y legs and it makes me look so fat omg. 

Oh no, I have to stop the working out. Mum's taken my DVD with the work out and said she'll hide it until I'm eighteen.

What the actual hell. 

I'm actually going crazy. 

That means the only time I'll get to work out are three times a week at TKD and that's completely unfair because we only do that for like fifteen minutes and I'm barely even warmed up by then. 

I still just can't believe that after at least five years of slagging off my appearance and calling me fat, chubby, overweight and such, and after I started working out at the beginning of the year, and after I started to like my body, my mother just tells me to stop.

After a whole routine and a whole schedule of how my day goes and how fun it got; now it's just been cast aside and agh. 

I'm going to fetch myself a cup of green tea to stimulate my metabolism and to calm myself down.


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sweetbabyjesus #1
keep healthy!!! that's all it matters, maybe your mom was getting scared that you will become "too" skinny? tell her that your a young woman and deserve to improve your body. Working out is a positive thing!!
Also, don't overdo it too much!
You could try remembering the steps to your workout, or look one up on youtube... Or go run around the park or something :P
You're lucky you weigh 46kg. I am at least 72kg.
She just cares for you adorabutch ono
She - much like myself - think you're beautiful as you are
Weight doesn't define any level of beauty!
Not saying that working out is bad, but try to tone down the amount of times you work out?
and pls qurl i weigH 48KG
Or smth idk