Sherlock - [Shin Soojung]
What comes around goes around.



Username : AngelicWhisper

Activeness : 9


-----Well, hello.

Gender : Male / Female

You're a : Freshman / Sophomore / Senior

Department : Fine Arts

Full name : Shin Soojung -

Nickname : Ice Princess - She's been called that way because of her character and apparences.

Code name : Sola - It means alone in latin, and the two first letters of her name.

Birthdate : September 17, 2003 - 18

Blood type : O


-----Let's start the game.

Pesonality : There were two Soojungs in the life of this 18, soon 19, year old girl. The first one died when she was only 6, as the second one completely took over the young girl's body. Only a few people knew her past, and they can probably be counted with one's ten fingers.

Soojung was born to be a cheerful and sweet girl. She always wore a smile and brought playfulness wherever she went. Her presence was enough to make someone's frown into a smile. She loved to laugh and enjoyed every moment without thinking pessimistically. At that time, her nickname was the Happy Virus. Not once she was seen sad. Some said that when she was born, she came to life with a smile. She did cry, like any other babies, but they never lasted long. Like that, she grew up to have a friendly atmosphere around her. 

Until one day, everything changed. Dramas and miseries came into her life one by one. She began to stay away from people and since, never showed a smile ever again, and doesn't plan to show it any time soon. At age of 6, she didn't care what people thought of her anymore. She wouldn't even give them her attention. Hence, she received a new nickname, the Ice Princess. It was said that when you make eye contact with Soojung, she'd eat you up alive. When you go against her, the dark and cold aura around her is so strong that you can almost feel Satan's presence next to you. However, when she doesn't speak and just walk by, she seems rather peaceful and nice from afar. Her face never changed, although it's expressionless, only her heart did. But rumors are still rumors. Soojung just don't like acting friendly. She always think that there's betrayal accompanying whoever tries to befriend with her. It's really hard to approach her, and during that last 12 years, she never got any new friends. She prefer it that way as it's quiet and doesn't remind her of her own painful past. Even if someone wanted to be friends with her, they'd run away without even attempting. They all say the same thing, even her stare is intimidating.

Soojung prefers to have her own space. She's cold to everyone, even her parents. She doesn't show her feelings, but they're almost always the same. When she doesn't care and have no interest, her face would be blank. When she's irritated, her face is still blank. When she's happy, which hardly ever happens, it still remains blank. Even if it shows no emotions, it's always accompanied of her piercing eyes.

Soojung rarely opens , but when she does, only blunt and hurtful words come out. Even the teachers don't try to bother her. She may be a good student with top grades, but when it came to socialize or teamwork, they always have to make exceptions for her and that's how it is at school.

Anywhere she is, Soojung always bring the cold vibe with her. She might be quiet but everybody notices her presence because her looks catch any's attention. Soojung's looks is what make people notice her the most at first sight.

His/Her background : Soojung was raised in a wealthy family. Her father as a worldwide renowned CEO for his international business. Her mother as a beautiful model who still seem youthful despite her age. Both of them brought Soojung into this world 18 years ago, but things didn't necessarily came out good. With time, people's feelings change. And that was exactly what happened between them.

Although separation came between her parents, Soojung still lives with money surrounding her. She was never short in money. Everything she wanted, she had them. If she found something of her taste, there was a golden card under her name. She could obtain what many children of her age didn't have. Although she's rich, Soojung didn't necessarily acted arrogantly. Peple do class her in a higher rank as her wealth and visual was much greater than theirs, but what made her unique was especially her character.

Every now and then, Soojung changed houses; she spends one month in her father's mansion, the next one at her mother's villa, then her father's, then her mother's and so on. It didn't bother her the change every month since all she needed was at both houses and if something was missing, she'd get it right away. Isn't that what rich people do? They use their money for whatever they want, whether it's necessities or useless.

However, Soojung didn't get the top rank at school with her money. People might suspect her at first because she's from a higher class, but when they see her work, they change their minds. Soojung had always been attracted to art, and that's the way she relieves herself. As she grew up, she became an artist that many are jealous of. Her talents are exceptionnal. Even with little efforts, she can get something creative and unique out of something so simple. Like that, Soojung gives her attention to all details, even the smallest ones. She loves perfection and would work on something for hours to get it at her taste.    

Fault's/Sin's background : Love is strong word. Everybody deserves to be loved, but does everyone receive the feeling? People seek for the love of their beloved ones, but without knowing, some might hurts the others. Those who can't get what they wanted turn obsessed with this emotion. They get so attached to someone that it becomes suffocating. However, there are also those who can just sit there and watch. They think that they aren't wanted and just another waste in life. They envy those who get attention from one. Not only because they did something good, but because they want their affection.

Soojung didn't commit any crime or did anything that would make her regret all her life. She was just another young and cheerful kid until everything became upside down for her. Her parents with who she thought they were forming a happy family broke her image of them. Her only friends left her. She was alone and had nobody by her side. She envied those kids that were smiling simply because they were happy. She envied the couples who loved each other dearly.

When Soojung was casually coming back home from school, she heard a scream. Curious, she headed to her parents' room only to find them yelling at each other. At first, she didn't understand, she thought it was only a misunderstanding. But as days passed by, her smile slowly disappeared. They weren't hiding it anymore, it showed in their eyes that they weren't meant for each other anymore but they had to stay together to protect the young child they had. Every now and then, it'd be out of control. Until that one day, they decided to call it off and divorce. They'd share the child and take turn to take care of her. But little did they know that she started to hate both of them. She didn't like how they were forcing themselves on her and were acting nice only because they had to. Why do adults always have to lie? she thought. But that question was never answered.

During her hard time, she had two friends who supported her, or rather only one since the other couldn't really talk.

Her only real human friend. She doesn't remember his name, but knows that she used to call him "Myu", probably his nickname at that time. That friend was a male and spent everyday with her. He brought her a certain happiness that no other did. She loved to be with him and felt secure around the young kid. He was always by her side until his parents had to announce a sad news to him; they were moving away. The day he had to leave, they decided together to run away from home and hid themselved in the park while hoping not to be caught. However, they were found, roughly 8 hours after their disappearance, in the early morning. Since they had no choices, he promised her to come back and get her when they'll be older, but she never saw him again, not even a letter. She lost faith in him and started to not believe in anyone anymore, although she is, until now, still waiting for him with small hopes.

Her other friend was a cat. Myu, the cat and her were always together. It was a stray cat, to be precise, since neither of them could bring it back home. When Myu left her, she stayed with the cat and cried her heart out while it stayed there looking at her without knowing that was happening. It didn't spoke, but she liked it's presence. It somehow reminded her of Myu. One day, when she was looking for it, she couldn't find it, until she heard splashing noises. She ran to the pool and saw a group of kids playing with it. As most people should know, cats don't like water. Playfully, they threw it in the pool. Seeing the whole scene, Soojung got out of her hiding place and went to save the cat. However, she stopped before entering the water. She couldn't swim, how could she possibly save it? While the group was laughing, she stood there, looking at it drowning. She would have jumped inside the water but for her own safety, she didn't. She knew that if she did, there wouldn't be one death, but two. Once it stopped moving, for a while, her world also paused. Nothing moved and she couldn't hear any noises. When she snapped back, she glared at the kids. Instantly, they stopped laughing. Never had they seen such deadful stare. They started to feel chills and ran for their lives before she could take any steps. For almost the rest of the day, Soojung stayed there, looking at the floating cat.

All of these happened when she was only 6 years old. At this age, most kids probably wouldn't understand the feeling of loneliness or being hurt. They were still oblivious of the world and still have their playful side. However, Soojung was different. She anti-socialized herself and became the complete opposite of what she was before. Her old classmates were scared by the sudden change and even the adults weren't sure how to talk to her. If they did, she'd either only stare back or ignore them completely. 

Likes :

  • Art - It's a way that she often use to express herself.
  • Open fields - It's wide, so Soojung can have all the place as she like. Since it's outside, it inspires her for a new work.
  • Plushies - She might look cold, but Soojung has a big collection of them. It keeps her "company".

Dislikes :

  • Darkness - She despites any dark places and fears what can hide there.
  • Liars (dishonesty) - She hates how people can't keep a simple promise, just like her parents who were acting like lovers until they couldn't stand it anymore.
  • Alcohol - She hates of smell of alcohol and don't see anything "good" in it. She sees alcohol as another drug that slowly kills someone.

Fears :

  • Screams - It reminds her of her parents' fights when they were still together, but on the edge of divorce. | Whenever she hears someone screaming, she flinchs and stays frozen for a few seconds until she regains her senses back. At times, she'd look around with an empty stare, as if she was lost.
  • Water (pool) - The place where her last friend died. | She hadn't gotten near the pool for ages now. She doesn't know how to swim either as she never put a foot in it. Her reactions are still unknown, but she'd probably stay as far as possible from the water. If she ever has to go there, Soojung would stare at it for a long period of time, without moving or noticing anything that passes behind her.
  • Cats - Her last friend. | Soojung tries to stay as far as possible from these mammals. Everytime she sees one, she thinks that the cat Myu and she 'raised' is coming back for revenge as she didn't try anything to help. She fears that it might come and hurt her. Most of the time, her eyes get teary and she'd start to tremble until it walks, or is taken, away.

Hobby :

  • Drawing - Soojung loves to draw. It relieves her stress and gets her mind settled down. Since she can draw anything on her sketchbook, she freely expresses herself in it.
  • Reading - She can put herself in the character's shoes and forget her own problems.
  • Listening to music - She feels less lonely when she's listening to music. It also relaxes her and clears her mind. Since there are different types of musics, there's always one that matches her feelings.



Love interest : Kim Myungsoo (L - INFINITE) | March 13, 2002 - 20 | Senior | Practical Music

His/Her personality : At first glance, Myungsoo is a cold city man. He doesn't look like the type the socialize and often keeps his thoughts for himself. However, once you get to know him, he's completely different from what his image shows. He can be sweet and caring, but also serious when he has to. Sometime he wouldn't show interest and become stubborn but he's actually playful and often off to his own world. He would blurt out things that only himself seems to understand. Sometime, he'd act strange too but that's what unique about him.

Myungsoo was just like any normal sophomore when he heard about the infamous Ice Princess. The first time the name was said to him, he didn't care since he, at that time, didn't really have any interests for girls. Because of this outstanding looks, he'd get confessed here and there, but none of them was the one who he had been looking for. For a whole year, he was oblivious of who was this infamous Ice Princess. Since they weren't in the same department, the chances that they met was really small.

The first time he saw her was on a rather cold and breezy day. During the lunch break, he went out just because he felt like it. As he was walking around school, he noticed a  figure sitting in front of the school's field. She wasn't doing anything at all, just watching or maybe staring the sky. When he got closer, he saw in her eyes emptiness. He stood there for a while, looking at her. He felt something familiar about her, but didn't knew what it was. Unconciously, he walked toward her. When she heard his footsteps, she turned back and saw him. She was about to get up and walk away but he stopped her by holding her wrist. Myungsoo awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and asked for her name. Irritated, Soojung pulled her arm away and walked off. During her struggling, she didn't notice that a picture fell out from her sketchbook. Frustrated, Myungsoo blamed himself for acting carelessly until his eyes landed of the piece of paper on the ground. He bent down to pick it up. When he turned it over, his eyes grew bigger. He felt tears coming down and stood there for the rest of the break. He finally found her, his Shin Soojung.

As he walked in the hall ways, he heard rumors about the Ice Princes and carefully paid attention as he was suddenly more intrigued about her, saying that she was a cold hearted person. He was surprised at first. Myungsoo was sure that the last time he saw her, she was a bright and cheerful girl. He didn't know the reason why she changed. Since, he was determined to bring back her smile.

Without giving up, Myungsoo went to her everyday even if she'd only reject him. He told himself that he wouldn't give up until she'd remember him, the one and only "Myu".

Soojung, on her side, was getting irritated that a senior kept following her although there was something about him that still made her want him by her side. He felt somehow familiar but she couldn't remember him. For a while, she thought it was her childhood friend, but she didn't believe it for long. In her head, he didn't look like that and his name was Myu, not Myungsoo.

As time passed by, she got used to his presence. She didn't reject him like she rejected the others. Although it was annoying sometime, she felt secure next to him. She would talk to him, but her words were short. She wouldn't show her feelings, but at least she opened up to him a little. As Myungsoo noticed that she doesn't talk a lot, he likes standing next to her and enjoying being by her side on his own quietly. Their moments together are usually silent but he thinks that it's rather peaceful. 

Back up love interest : Gong Chanshik (Gongchan - B1A4) | August 14, 2003 - 18 | Sophomore | Performing Arts

His/Her personality : Chanshik is the cute little boy that everybody want to protect. He has a lot of aegyo and loves the attention he gets. Even though he's playful, he has a mature side due to being the oldest in his family. So he'd take care of those around him despite his age. Chanshik gets motivated when he sees that his surrounding is happy. People often compare him to a dog; he's always hyperactive and loves to play around.

Being in the same year, Chanshik noticed that Soojung was always alone. He thought that he could maybe cheer her up so he went to her. People got terrified by his idea but couldn't help but silently cheering him because despite whatever they said, he was stubborn. When he walked up to her, he gave Soojung a candy, telling her that it'd give her energy. She stared at the piece of candy for while before walking away. He frowned when he saw that she didn't care. He stop her in her tracks and pulled out her hand. He forcily put the candy on her palm and closed her hand. He then smiled saying that she can't refuse what people give to her or it'll hurt the other. After finally convincing her to keep it, he thought that it was a sign to the beggining of a new friendship. Everday, he'd be the first to welcome her and the last to bid her goodbye, and probably the only one as well. During his breaks, he would stick to her, telling her what he did the past day.

People weren't sure how to react. They were frustrated to see that their Chanshik was taken from them, but seeing how happy next to the cold hearted girl, made them soften a little. It was obvious to everyone's eyes that he had fallen in love. But what hurt them was that Soojung didn't care at all for him. It seemed, to them, that she was only there because she had to and if she was going to walk away, Chanshik was still going to follow her.

However, that wasn't necessarily how she really thought. At first, it was true; she didn't like him because he was noisy and followed her everywhere, just like a dog. But as time passed by, she, instead of thinking of him irritatedly, thought he was rather cute. It reminded her of her past, how she was always smiling, how she could be just like him. That thought hurt her, but she couldn't get away from him. She felt like it was the only moment of the day that she felt "happy" and he was her source of energy.

Bestfriend(s) : None - Being the Ice Princess, Soojung prefers to be alone.


------Open your mask.

Eohljjang : Lee Soah - [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

Back up Eohljjang : Kwon Sujeong - [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]


------It's not the end.

Dare to die? : Yes / No

Suggestions : Whoo, I finally finished, and hope I wrote enough! Please PM me if there's anything wrong, I'd be glad to change some things~
And good luck with your story! It seems really interesting. Although I'm not really into those kinds, because I get scared easily - n -" ...
I will support you even if I'm not chosen! :) // and sorry, here's another female character.. I wanted to do a male one, but didn't want to erase this one. So another girl, voila!

Password : memento mori



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