Cappucino | Lee Jikyung [xx]

welcome to café latte! -- Lee Jikyung
- Cappucino -


- your name, please -

Hey, you can call me: Ling ~
Username: AngelicWhisper
Level of Activity: 9


- a little bit about yourself -

Full Name: Lee Jikyung
Nickname(s): Jiji, Kyunggie
Café Alias: Ji

Birthday:  May 3, 1992

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Full Korean

Blood Type: A


- and how do you look like -

Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg

Ulzzang/model name: Kim Seukhye
Ulzzang/model pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Back-up ulzzang/model name: Park Miyeon
Back-up ulzzang/model pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Style: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Anything else: Fish-shaped birthmark on her lower back


- about you -

Personality: Jikyung is the typical nice but reserved girl. She's sensitive but patient, understanding and caring. Jikyung's recognized to be generous and soft hearted. She forgives easily and don't hold grudges. Without a doubt, she's a perfectionnist also. She likes to take her time to do her things. When there's rush accompanying her task, she'd show her irritated side although people can't really call it being "mad". However, once you get to know her better, she's actually cute and bubbly. Not everybody can see that side thought since she often hides herself. 
She is what people call the ideal perfect daughter. She has the face and the brain. People often compliments her look as she has a soft and white skin. She was also often compared to a doll, and they'd nickname her as the Living Doll. She might not be tall like models, but she doesn't mind her height. Her smile is known to be the most angelic and warm. Jikyung is smart and always ranks herself upon one of the tops of the school. People say that she inherited it from her father, since he also was quite knowned for his intelligence. She's also polite and behaves well in public. Whenever she's around elders, she would go to them and offer help.
Like everybody, Jikyung also has flaws. She might be perfect, as her image shows, but in fact, she's really shy. Her cheeks often become red and some people might misunderstand it. She's socially awkward but still tries her best to get out of her shell. People find it actually cute to see the number of efforts she puts to have a small conversation with someone. But they also tend to use her by asking her favors; as she can't say no to anything that wouldn't cause harm or trouble. Humans are greedy and lazy, once they found an easy target, they'd go for it. When she's alone, it's the perfect time to ask her something. However, when her best friend shows up, you better run for your life. Jikyung's best friend always stands up for her and can't believe how weak she is. Sometime, she even gets desesperate with it. Together, they form a well knowned duo at school. They both catch their surrounding's attention for both their looks and academic results.

Her biggest fear is the darkness. She can't stand anywhere dark. Her childhood memories wasn't a totally peaceful one either. She gets paranoid when she's out in the dark and sometime loses her mind. When she's alone in a quiet alley, she thinks she hear noises and is on the verge of tears. Jinkyung shakes more intently than usual and tends to maker herself into a small ball until she gains her senses back.

Background: Jikyung was born and raised in the most wealthy district of Seoul. As she's from rich parents, she could get anything she wanted. She grew up in a fancy area but don't act arrogantly. Since grade school. Jikyung has always been amazed by artistic works. As she grew up, she developped her drawing skills as well. She wanted to make them as her living but she knew, or rather thought her parents would be against it. For many years, she hid it from them although they knew her secret. One day, when she was merely 16, she got the opportunity to be a transferred student to China for a year. There, she learned many new art technics. When she got back to her home country, she confronted her parents. Surprisingly, they weren't against it although they were worried as it's a weak job that wouldn't bring a lot of incomes. In order to live her dream, she begged them to move out and start doing what she wanted to do. After a while of thinking, they gave her a period of 5 years. If she could manage to live off alone during these years, than they'd accept and let her to persue her dream path. However, if she doesn't, then she would have to study in another course and live to their standards. 
People doubted from the start that she could manage to live by herself as she had always been a spoiled child. But seeing her strong determination, they also found themselves supporting her. Jikyung indeed found a lot of difficulties from the start and tries her best not to get her parents disappointed in her. When she found out about the cafe, a part of her became relief, but still another part was scared of failure. After two years, she's on her verge of giving up, but still does the smallest things to save her dreams.


  • Art
  • Classical / Traditional music
  • Keroppi
  • Museum
  • Nature
  • Photography
  • Sea
  • Strawberry
  • Tea
  • Vanilla


  • Alcohol / Drugs / Smoke
  • Annoying / Loud noise
  • Bugs
  • Circus
  • Coffee
  • Dark
  • Disrespect
  • Dog
  • Reptile
  • Thunder


  • Freeze for a second when hearing swear words
  • Humming songs
  • Playing with her fingernails when nervous
  • Spacing out in the middle of work
  • Starring in someone's eyes when speaking


  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Playing the guitar
  • Reading
  • Studying


  • Achluophobic
  • Allergic to animals' fur
  • Favorite artist : Bosch
  • Favorite colors : green, yellow
  • Favorite food : Sweet potatoes
  • Favorite musician : Yiruma
  • Light eater
  • Never been in love
  • Pacifist
  • Was kidnapped at age of 4 and put in a small dark room by a group against her father

Does your character use profanities? No
If so, how often, and when? -


- education and work -

What course are you studying: Fine Arts
How many years: 2 years, and never repeated.
Mark Average: 90 - 95 % / A
Procrastination level: Being the goody-two-shoes she is, Jikyung doesn't procrastinate a lot. She'd always get her job done on time.

What floor is your apartment on: 2nd floor

What position do you work as? Barista. Sometime waitress, but only when the cafe's really busy or missing workers.


- and what about your relationships -

Lee Bongho | 51 | CEO of Lee's department store | Alive | Jikyung is what people call daddy's girl. He's overly protective toward his only daughter. Although he can't always be by her side due to his busy schedule, he tries to keep a good bond between them. | Bongho is a serious and strict man at work, but a caring father at home. He's known to be successful thanks to his determination and leadership. Bongho's a really smart person, and nothing can trick him. During business, he'd use any tactics to win over his collaborators. 

Kang Misun | 48 | Housewife | Alive | Just like with her father, Jikyung is really attached to her mother. Those two spend a lot of time together as the husband / father of the family isn't home quite often. | Misun is the typical nice wife who stays home. She cleans up daily, cook for her family members, etc. Briefly said, also a good mother. She always look up at things positively and tends to smile in most situations.

Sibling(s): None, she's an only child.

Best friend:
Kim Jaekyung (Rainbow) | 23 | Student in art major (fashion design) | Alive | The Kyung Sisters, people call them. As their parents are close, the two girls are also. Since young age, they've been sharing many interests. They have a really strong friendship bond and could talk for hours without breaks. Jaekyung is probably the only person Jikyung trust, aside from her parents, and can refer to whenever she's down. Being by her side since birth, Jaekyung takes care of Jikyung as if she was her own sister. | Unlike Jikyung, Jaekyung is outstanding and catches attention wherever she goes, and actually love the spotlight. She has the looks and charisma. She never fails to impress those around her and likes showing her best.

Love interest: Kris (Wu Fan)

How did you meet: One day, Jikyung had to replace a waitress, the task she disliked the most. While she was in the back, resting for a while, she recognized a regular customer's voice ordering his usual americano. When she was done preparing the coffee, she got out to serve him. As she approached him, she noticed his handsome features and instantly became mesmerized by him. Back home, she found herself drawing a new piece. Once she was done, she was satisfied with the work and felt that it was somewhat special. Little did she know that this customer also goes to her school, majoring in Applied Music. She accidently bumped on him on her way to meet Jaekyung and a piece of paper fell out from her sketchbook. Wu Fan bent down to pick it up so he could give it back to Jikyung. Curious, he unfolded it and saw his portrait. He was amazed by her drawing skills. By the time he remembered to go after her, she was already gone. Later that day, he went to the cafe to get his coffee and recognized the small built of Jikyung at the back.

His personality: Wu Fan shows a charismatic and cold image. He rarely smiles but his charm never fails to catch girls' attention and make them fall for him. He's aware of his handsome visual and sometime turns a little conceited anc cocky about it. He's sociable and can talk to anyone, but prefer to have his own circle of friends. In a crowd, he stands out a lot, especially thanks to his height, but tends to stay quiet. However, when it comes to Jikyung, his innocent, obedient and naive side comes out. Without knowing, he's really caring and sweet toward her.

Your relationship with him: That day he found out that she was working at the cafe, he stayed there longer than usual, hoping she'd get out. Seeing that she wouldn't go further than behind the counters, a place he couldn't go, he decided to go see her the next day at school. However, finding her in the huge building was really difficult. Jikyung doesn't stand out from the crowded place although her name was heard here and there. When he was about the give up, he found noticed her sitting alone on a bench in front of the school's large field. Not wanting the disturb her while she was drawing, he tried to approach her slowly and quietly, but she quickly noticed his presence. As she was about her put her things away, he stopped her and praised her work although it was a little awkward. Since Jikyung wasn't used to be around boys, she wanted to sneak away because of the inconvenience. Wu Fan then introduced himself and asked for her name. At the beginning, she'd replied with one word or a short sentence, even if she recognized his voice. After a while, he asked her if she wanted to hang out sometimes. She was surprised by the sudden question, but somehow couldn't refuse him. Since, those two met each other more and she became more comfortable around him. Wu Fan always purposely forget to give her back the drawing, telling himself that it's an excuse to see her although she hadn't realized that she lost it.       

Back-up love interest: Suho (Kim Junmyun)

How did you meet: It was one of those days Jikyung had to work overtime again. Unlike the other days, when she got out, the sun was already down and the alleys were really dark. Junmyun happened to pass there as he left his friend's house late. He noticed a lost girl and approached her. Jikyung thought it was one of those scary men who came after her again, since she couldn't really see his face in the dark and also because she was a little out of her mind. Seeing that she was scared, he tried to calm her first, telling her that everything was okay. Once she came back to her senses, she noticed that it was just a normal boy around her age. She was relieved seeing that he wasn't the type the harm someone. He walked her back home and told her to be careful. Before going his way, he gave her his number, telling her that he wouldn't mind walking her back if she happened to work until this late again and that all she had to do was to punch the few numbers on her cell phone and call him.

His personality: He's exemplar, polite and considerate. He doesn't get a lot of attention and likes the way it is. He's the ideal nice boy that many girls love, but haven't been in a relationship yet. He is still waiting for the one and only girl who can make him happy without even trying. He's careful around girls and tends to be protective and caring with his friends, whether they're older or younger, it doesn't matter. His first impression, according to those around him, would be a friendly and soft down-to-earth boy.

Your relationship with him: Since that night, Junmyun found himself visiting the cafe everyday. When they see each other, they'd exchange few words as she's busy and he doesn't want to intefere with her work. Whenever he had free time, Junmyun would wait for Jikyung so he could walk her back home. With the time, those two became closer and have friendly conversations. It didn't take long before those two became close friends. However, they were, and still are, clueless about their feelings, although they feel something tingling inside whenever they meet.


- we've come to an end -

password: ayo waddup. | krees.
have i forgotten anything? Erm, no. I don't think so..
comments / request / suggestions / critiques?

Waah, I'm sorry ><" I can't really think of anything right now.. but your plotline is really really interesting! Can't wait to see more of the actual story! ^^
And hm, good luck Zico's wife, hehe ~ :D




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