Arts Academy App :3


 Application form 


❧ Info about you

Username: Kyunni31

Link to profile: Poke Me! :3


❧ Education program

Japanese: No

Course: Drama Course

Subjects your character is good at: English, Literature, History

Subjects your character is bad at: Math, Psychology, Music history


 ❦ For those who choose Drama courses

Acting: 9

Genre: Nicole does her best at Comedies, Thrillers and Mystery roles, but has done some other genres and has done Backstage work as well.


❧ Main info about your character

Name: Kim 'Nicole' Soo Jin

Age: 20

Date of birth: July 20th, 1992

Ethnicity: Korean-American


❧ Appearance

Ulzzang: Jin Jae Young

Links of ulzzang: [1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5]

Height: 168cm 

Weight: 46kg

Comments: She has two lobe piercings
                  She has a piercings on her cartlidge
                  She wears glasses usually, but sometimes she wears contacts
                  When she smiles she has dimples



❧ More about your character

Personality:  Nicole was born and airhead and will probably die an airhead. Ever since she was a child, she has always been the oblivious person who couldn't see the point to save her life. Even as a grown woman Nicole is still naive about some topics and her friends have nicknamed her "Captain CuckkoLander" because of her tendency to say things that make little to no sense or her weird ideas. She claims it's because she's in Performing Arts and everyone in Performing Arts is secretly a bit crazy to her too. She's a very happy person most of the time despite any troubles she might have and doesn't believe in burdening others with her problems. When she meets people she is always friendly and will talk non-stop if she really likes someone. She also does skinship no matter the gender and goes around giving hugs at random sometimes.

However, when Nicole performs she can turn into a completely different person depending on her role. If she's in a comedy it's not a stretch to get into character, but when she does a thriller or mystery she can be a fearless adventurer or a dangerous murder suspect. Off the stage, she is everybit as dramatic and has exaggerated hand movements and changes her voice often when talking. Despite her naievety, Nicole is very determined student and always tries to do her best in class too. In short, Nicole is one big airhead, but a brilliant performer, pacifist, walking teddy bear and has the prestigous title of Captain CuckooLander!

Personality traits:  Daydreamer, Dramatic, Childish, A very friendly person, A bit naive, Crazy, Random, Loveable

Languages: English (fluent), Korean (semi-fluent), Spanish (moderate)

Likes:  Donuts//Action movies//Comics//Hot chocolate//Animals (except spider)//Crazy glasses//Children//Sweets(especially Skittles)

Dislikes: Ignorance//Backstabbers//Math//People who bite their nails//Horror movies(she'll turn into a crazy banshee if she watches one)//The cold//Running//Spicy food

Hobbies: Yoga//Write her own scripts//Cooking//Tennis//Sleeping//Blogging//Attempting to dance

Fears: Horror movies//Spiders//Not being abile to perform ever again

Comments: When she was younger she broke her leg performing and the doctor said if she broke that leg again she'd be done performing


❧ Family

Status:  Her family is in the middle class, but are nowhere near being poor.

Family: Soon before Nicole was born her father had been shot down by a North Korean troop during his military service and afterwards her mother moved away to Newark, New Jersey where she lived until her mother decided to move back to Korea. She had an older sister named Ye Jin and the two were like peas in a pod, always giving support and helping each other improve. During her fifteen years in New York she practically lived in the theaters, her life of theater began at age four when her mother took her and Ye Jin to a play. While her sister loved the music, she loved the acting. Ever since then she has always been auditioning for plays, musicals, skits and any other type of performance she could. However, in her early teens she was bullied for being overweight and with the help of her sister she went on a diet and began exercising losing nearly 15kgs. When she moved back to Korea and found out about an Academy for Performing she immediately auditioned with her sister and both got in. Now she's planning on majoring in Theater Art and Production while her sister has graduated the Academy and is majoring under Musical Application and goes by name Ailee. She hopes that she's made her dad proud and one day wants to tour the world doing performances or be a famous Actress.

Country: Nicole was born and raised in New Jersey until age 15 when her mother decided it was time to go back to their homeland and then moved back to Korea and has been there for the past five years. 



❧ Love interest

Name of love interest: Chanyeol from EXO or Park Cheondung (Thunder) from MBLAQ

Personality of your love interest: Chanyeol is the ultimate Happy Virus and is always making people laugh. He's a bit awkward sometimes though and some think his smile is creepy, but Nicole thinks it's endearing. He has a baby face, but the voice of a 30 year old which scares people sometimes. He is a brilliant comedy and romance actor, but has trouble in the thriller and horror department. Nicole calls him 'Beanpole'.

Thunder looks younger than he is and has an amazing voice. He looks quiet, but get to know him and he's funny, loud and even a bit stubborn sometimes. His voice can intimidate people, but he still struggles in some areas himself. Thunder also has 'Hair-Rainbow Syndrome' (in the words of Nicole herself) which means he can't keep the same haircolor for more than two weeks and has had the Skittles rainbow on his head twice over. 

Age: 22 & 21

Course: Drama & Music 

Japanese: No & Yes


❧ Other

Any questions?: None right now, but let me know if there's anything wrong with the Application :)

Comments about your character?: Nicole is really, really, REALLY bad at all forms of Math past the 7th grade. She is so bad at it that her teacher has been looking into tutors for her in hopes to improve her grade. She currently has a C+, but if it drops to a D she can't perform outside of school.


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