Supernatural Academy Application


Application Form


AFF Username: Kyunni31

Profile Linkпривет



Who are you?

Name: Ekaterina Lee

Species: Half-Breed Demon


Transportation: Ekaterina can move from one place to the other in a stream of black dust. Her distance limit is approximately 6 miles. 

Fire Control: Each demon has the ability to control the unextinguishable fires of Hell, but her fire is a dark purple, but it is unsure why, but no matter the color the burn is still killer.

Coercion: Her silver tongue can manipulate people at the snap of a finger and gets her out of any possible situation, it's how she practically runs the school.


Personality: Ekaterina is the embodiment of 'the Devil wears Prada'. After her mother's death during birth and her father's abandonment, she was raised by her mother's parents in Russia at an enormous Estate where she grew up spoiled and ruthless. She thinks herself above many and treats most people as peasents compared to her. If Ekaterina thinks you're beneath her she will not hesistate to manipulate you, disrespect you and trample you if you get in her way. Her level of iness is so high that trying to out- her is like trying to outrun a race car. Ekaterina loves to use sarcasm as her weapon of choice and has destroyed more people with her silver tongue than actual violence.

However, as they say, the cover of the book isn't where the fun is. Ekaterina is only half-demon which is considered disgraceful in her world and has hidden this for her entire life. Her human side is like her conscience and if she believes that you are on her level she will begin to trust you and let this side out. However, very few people know about this secret and she plans to keep it that way. She is also a bit immature and is a sore loser, when she loses she'll make a big deal out of it. All in all, she's a Demon who is rich, fashionable, ruthless, and y, but has a sweet side buried within her crusted black heart.

Background: Ekaterina was born from a human mother and Satan. So when she was born her father considered her a disgrace because she showed no signs of being a demon so he killed her mother and abandoned Ekaterina at the house of her grandparents. She was found by her grandparents who adopted her and raised her as their own. However, they weren't mindless people who just sat and twiddled thumbs all day. They were coninving business owners and politicans so she was trained to perfection in the course of 16 years. That is until, she finally showed her demonic side and killed a few of their partners for trying to assault her. After that incident she was enrolled and in the Supernatural Academy and has been attenting for four years. Her powers are growing significantly and recently her father has taken in interest in her because her powers are different from other 'pure-blood' demons. In her four years she has become something of a 'Queen Bee' and runs the school more than most of the administrators there, the only person she couldn't exceed was the Headmaster.

Ethic: Russian-Korean

Age: 19



 What do you look like?


Ulzzang[1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5]

Style: [1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5] // [6]



Tell me a little about yourself


Likes: Music//Hot chocolate//History//Singing//Hot places//Spicy food//Pastries//Dark chocolate

Dislikes: Math//Cold places//Cutesey people//Conceited people//Romantic novels//Her dad//Being told what to do

Love Interest: TOP

How did you guys meet?: Despite TOP having a preference for Demon girls when these two met on the first day of school, they hated each other with fiery passion. Everytime they see each other it's as if there's dangerous static in the air and don't let these two actually fight each other. The last time that happened the school had to rebuild half of the West Wing. As of late though, people are starting to think these two like each other, but are just extreme cases of denial, much to their personal frustration.

Are you guys dating or not?: No


Mir, Werewolf, School's jokester and the first person she trusted at the Academy 

Hyuna (4MINUTE), Demon, a respected student, on the student council and a surrogate big sister to her


Species you HATE: She claims to hate Angels, but she has taken special interest in Eli because she can sense his demon blood


-She likes cats
-Her favorite subject is history
-She thinks that most Angels are conceited
-Her father has never tried to take over her mind because he thought she was useless
-She likes pop music, classical and rock (CNBlue style)
-When she was born she had horns that come out on command and grow as she grows
-She knows Eli's secret, but doesn't need to know that. Yet.
-Her guilty pleasure is dark chocolate
-She has a tail. You don't mess with the tail. It's a death sentence.

Persona: The Defective Demon

Are you GOOD or BAD:  

15% Good

85& Bad()


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Oh thank you so much!! *Parade of joy* XD
Kamoria #2
So far, your character has seemed to outshine most of the other applicants. Your girl is magnificent in personality and looks. I love the way your present her. I just think I got my second character in my story :)