{ ⌛ } | hourglass application

h o u r g l a s s

the most anticipated domination of the year .


{ ♥ } | ze  true  earthling ;


  username:  AngelicWhisper

  profile link: (≧∇≦)


{ ♥ } | ze  lady;


  name: Kim Minah

  nickname(s): Min, Nana 

  date of birth: April 8, 1991 

  age: 21

  place of birth: Seoul, Korea

  hometown: Seoul, Korea

  ethnicity: Full Korean 

  languages spoken: Korean (fluent), English (conversational), Japanese (basic), Chinese Mandarin (basic) 



{ ♥ } | ze  flashback;


  personality: Minah is quite naive as people would describe her at first glance. She's cheerful and always wears a smile. Just like her apparance shows, she likes acting cute even if it might bother some people. Those around her like to treat her like a kid and she doesn't mind the treatment. She knows herself that she's still immature at heart. Minah is friendly with everyone and forgives easily. She believes that holding grudges too long makes people look old.

She does whatever seems interesting and loves to try new things. She gets bored when things are repetitives and likes changes.  She's strong headed and will fight to obtain what she wants. Minah doesn't give up easily. If there's an obstacle, she'd do whatever she has to do to overcome it. In other words, she's like a child. But instead of crying, she'd work at her best. Once she gets to her objective, she would self-congratulate by buying herself sweets.

Whether the person who's accompanying her is older or younger, when she sees something she wants, she'd use aegyo until they accept. Minah is a spoiled child, but knows her limits. She doesn't like extensive and outrageous things. Instead, she'd squeal over the toys in random street stands. When she happens to want sometime expensive, she thinks twice, and sometime thrice, before affording it. She thinks that those who spend money too quickly only waste their goods for useless things.

As she's a nice person at heart, Minah feels heartbroken when she encounters homeless people or stray animals. She'd give some changes if she has some on her and find a small shelter for the animals. She does her best to be appreciated by her peers. She doesn't like to have enemies because that'd only bring trouble. 

Even if she's hyperactive and cheerful, Minah doesn't like to go out at night. It's either too dark to her likings or she gets paranoid while listening to some rumors and stories. She also rarely goes to clubs. She doesn't like to taste of alcohol and don't think that she'll ever appreciate it. Instead of those kind of drinks and coffee, she enjoys tea. To wake herself up, she'd drink one cup in the morning and another one later in the day if she has to. 

Like everybody, there are some periods that are more difficult for her. During those time, she prefer to keep them to herself. People notice when she's sad because she turns quiet and doesn't smile, which is unusual.

Minah also has flaws. She gets scared easily so scary stories are a no-no for her. She sleeps with a night light on and many plushies surrounding her. Until the age of 10, she didn't dare to sleep in a different room than her sister. Until one day, she wanted to change that habit of hers to leave some space to her younger sibling. She's now used to sleep in a separate room, but not without her favorite teddy. Another of her weakness is dirtiness. She can't seem to stand dirty areas. Even with maids in the house, she cleans up her room by herself to keep it tidy and neat. Sometime, she picks up garbages on the ground. At friends house, without knowing, she's start placing things back to their places. 

She cares a lot for her skin and overacts when she sees a pimple. At night, she likes to rub some cream on her face to protect it. She also weekly goes to the salon to receive care treatment. In order to keep a good form, she exercises daily.

  background: Minah grew up in Korea and never planned to move abroad. She likes discovery the other countries, but has a strong korean pride. Ever since she became a trainee, her outings have decreased and she regretted not going out of the country more. To make it up, she'd get pamphlets and imagine her own trip.

Her family have been wealthy and successful for many generations. They get huge sum of money added into their bank accounts every month. However, each member of the Kim family don't overspend. They live in a grand villa and have nice furnitures but they won't go shopping for other unnecessary items. The Kim daughters were brought up to be well fine ladies.

Unlike many people would think at first sight, Minah has a lot of knowledge. Not only does she excel in music, but also at school. Even if she prefers to go out and play, she still works hard to attain good and reasonnable grades. As a challenge, she always tell herself that if she's not among the Top 10 of the school, she'll forbid herself to go out until she gets back her ranking.

Minah grew up to be sporty. She loves sports and even play a few. Since her parents don't want to see their daughter injured, they refused some that she requested, such as martial arts, hockey and most ball sports. Being a tradition in the family, she did equitation since young age. She also took swimming lessons. Her most favorite is figure skating. She finds it amazing how the skaters can do all those beautiful and swift moves. Her other favorite would be badminton. Minah and her younger sister make a quite fierce duo. Together, they won many medals. From time to time, they also like to compete against each other.

As she's from a wealthy family, her parents wanted her to play piano like most kids of their surroundings. She started to play the instrument at age of 6. Little did her parents knew that it would bring her to love music over anything else. Having the urge to try some new ones, she learned to play guitar at 10 years old. In high school, she tried some traditional intrusments, such as gayageum and janggu. She's always passionate about playing and learning instruments.

Being afraid of her family's opinion, Minah secretly practiced singing and dancing on her own away from them. Her younger sister was the first to find out, since she notices things quickly. She always knew that her sister has potential to become an artist and fully supported her. Following the younger sibling, it was her father. One day, he came back from work earlier than expected. As he thought there was nobody home, he heard a melodic voice. He approached Minah's room and discovered her secret. After a while, her mother also suspected her three family members. When she found out that Minah was supported by her sister and her father into her musical path, she wasn't pleased at first. Especially because it was hidden from her. She was against it at first, but she eventually gave in as she reminisced her past. She believed that her oldest daughter could live her dream for both of them.  

  likes: Giraffe | Fashion | Music | Panda | Snow | Sweets | Yellow

  dislikes: Clown | Coffee | Dark | Rain | Thunder | Scary stories

  habits: Draw circles with her index finger when nervous or scared | Humming songs | Use aegyo to get what she wants

  hobbies: Badminton | Dancing | Exercicing | Singing

  trivia: Absolute pitch | Ambidextrous | Blood Type A | Favorite number : 7 | Has no piercings | Instrument genius


{ ♥ } | ze  beautiful  feisu;


  ulzzang name: Jo Soyeon

  picture links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

  back-up ulzzang name: Byeon Seoeun

  picture links: [1] [2] [3] [4]

  height: 161 cm

  weight: 43 kg

  style: Minah likes to keep track of the fashion trends although she sometime stays behind. However, she also have some personal tastes. As she loves loose shirts and shorts, she often matches them together [x] [x] [x] [x]. During hot days, she likes to wear dresses [x] [x] [x], especially floral ones [x] [x]. For colder periods, she'd wear warmer clothings [x] [x], but that doesn't stop her from wearing some one-pieces [x] [x]. Her sleeping wears all have cartoons on them [x] [x] [x]. Still having her childish side, she loves to have her favorite characters on her. Minah's fashion isn't something too flashy or revealing, but rather simple and cute.


{ ♥ } | ze  relationships;


  family members:
Kim Ilwoo | Father | 51 | CEO of Kim department store | Just like his oldest daughter, Ilwoo is playful. He likes to fool around and make people laugh. Even if he's a successful business man, that doesn't stop him from playing tricks here and there. Many people admire him as he's a great man. Every ending of session, he'd gather his staffs for a company supper. | Minah is daddy's girl. Those two spend more time together and do whatever seems fun and daring. Together, they make the fuss in the family. Their bubbly and cheerful characters always brighten up the mood wherever they go. He had always been supportive in whatever she does. Being her source of energy, Minah likes to make her father proud.

Shin Minhee | Mother | 48 | Housewife | Unlike her husband, Minhee is more serious. She takes her tasks of a mother seriously and educates her children to become recognizable people. She takes a laugh from time to time but always worries about their future. | Being too childish to her mother's likings, Minah often argues with her. Minhee's mostly biased on the younger sibling as she's the perfect daughter she wanted. When she discovered that Minah was hiding her dreams from her, those two broke into a big fight and didn't talk for almost a week. Minhee, on her side, was reflecting on her past as she, herself, dreamed to become an artist when she was young but was forbidden to. When she saw how much effort and passion Minah put to attain her dreams, she realized that she was too selfish and let her daughter pursue the musical career. Since, those two became closer even if there are silents here and there.

Kim Minji | Sister | 20 | Medical intern | Minji is the total opposite of her older sister. She's quiet and displays a calm image. She never dared to break any rules and don't plan to. Minji does everything that is told to do seriously and never fails to amaze someone. She has great determination and tends to focus too much on one thing, which leads her to forget the others. | Although they're really different, they love each other a lot.

  best friend:
Sooyoung (Choi Sooyoung) | 21 | idol | Sooyoung is cool and has a strong personality. She's also fun to be around. She enjoys being with friends and never stops laughing. Sometimes, when things go wrong, she has a bad character. | Sooyoung and Minah have been friends since forever. Both always cheerful and active, they were always together, until Sooyoung became a trainee and went through difficult trainings. Althought they couldn't see each other a lot after Girls' Generation debut, their friendly bond had never weaken and still call each other whenever they have time. 

Key (Kim Kibum) | 20 | idol | Key can be blunt sometime without knowing. He's straightfoward and doesn't like to beat around the bush. However, once people get to know him, he's actually cute and funny. | Minah and Key met when Sooyoung brought her to visit SM's building. Since Day 1, their chemistry was pretty strong. Even if she hasn't debuted, Minah's part of the infamous 91-line created by Key, himself. Minah often ask him about fashion tips and loves to go shopping with him as those moments are really rare. Those two fight over the smallest and useless things, but that's how their chemistry grow stronger. 

Sunggyu (Kim Sunggyu) | 23 | idol | He's being described as a grandpa since he shows his lazy side on broadcast. However, Sunggyu can be really caring. He has a weak heart, so he can't stay mad for a long time. Although he likes to nag those who're younger than him, he believes that it's for their own good. | Knowing Minah for many years, he can't help but being overly protective. He may seem weak and soft but whoever dares to lay a hand on his beloved dongsaeng gets to know an angry Sunggyu. Those two share a sibling-like relationship and love to make fun of each other.

Qri (Lee Jihyun) | 25 | idol | Not only she has pretty features, but her character is beautiful as well. Qri doesn't speak a lot, but she has a feminine and considerate personality. She might be daring sometime, but usually hides in the shadows, which covers her charms. | When they first met, Minah thought that Qri ressembled her sister a lot and thought it was funny. They tease each other from time to time, but don't over do it. There may be awkward silence from time to time, but Minah finds it quite peaceful.


  rival(s)/enemy: Hyorin (Kim Hyojung) | 21 | idol

  reason of rivalry: Hyorin never liked Minah and Minah never liked Hyorin. Since grade school, those two have always had something against each other. Even themeselves don't know why or how everything started. Since Hyorin debuted first and is now recognized as Korea's Beyonce, she likes to rub it on her rival's face. Minah would describe her as an arrogant and mean witch. While Hyorin depicts her as the annoying fake doll.


{ ♥ } | ze  love lifeu;


  love interest: Yongguk (Bang Yongguk)

  how did you met: Minah's actually a big fan of Yongnam, Yongguk's twin brother. One day, she won a backstage pass to his concert. Once the performances were done, she quickly ran to the back and bumped onto Yongguk. Without thinking, she asked for his autograph. She was surprised to see the real Yongnam approaching them. They thought she was cute so kept contact with her by inviting Minah to their underground concerts.

  personality: Yongguk's image is a tough one, unlike his brother who's more gentle. Although he is brusque, he's very softhearted and cares for the younger ones. He might not show it but he's kind and tries to understand the others' feelings. His best feature is his charming smile. His failed aegyo is actually also cute. 

  how do you act around each other: It was awkward at first because Minah kept blaming herself for recognizing to wrong person. But as time passed, she became closer to the twins and actually prefered Yongguk over Yongnam, although she never said it out loud. Clueless of her feelings, she acts hyperactive and sweet around them. As Yongnam knows about their feelings, after some observations, he tries to match them together whenever he can.


  back-up love interest: Dongwoo (Jang Dongwoo)

  how did you met: They met through Sunggyu's introduction. The leader of INFINITE wanted Minah to meet s that he was proud of so he brought her to their practice room.

  personality: Just like Minah, Dongwoo also has a cheerful personality. He likes to play around and makes those around him laugh. He may be secretive sometime, especially when he writes in his diary. Dongwoo almost always smiles and loves every happy moments. However, when he's down, it shows on his face. He can't hide his emotions but keeps his feelings sealed in his precious diary.

  how do you act around each other: Although they share the same personality, they are actually awkward around each other. The other members of INFINITE think that it's only Minah who's being shy, but Sunggyu could see through them. He actually noticed the faint blushes on their cheeks whenever they're together.


  any ex? Nope

  reason of break-up:  -

  how do you act around each other: -


{ ♥ } | ze  fame;


  stage name: Mint

  how did you get in: Sooyoung was the one who introduced Minah to her company's CEO. He was impressed to see the hidden talent in the small body of an 19 years old. However, since he had no plan to debut a girl group anytime soon, he decided to transfer her to CUBE Entertainment and believed that the company would take good care of such giften child.

  trainee life: Minah was surprised by her best friend's "present". She couldn't believe that she was a step closer to her dreams but felt awkward as she though that it wasn't fair. It was also hard at the beggining for Minah because she wasn't used to the packed schedules. After some time, she finally got used to the daily routine but still worked as hard as the other trainees. Some weren't satisfied with her sudden apparence in the company as they thought that she didn't deserved the chance while they had to audition. However, once they got to see her practice the first day, they acknowledged it even if she was favored. Moreover, they were surprised that the small built girl always had a smile and a nice atmosphere around her.


[ 1 ] main vocalist,lead dancer

[ 2 ] lead vocalist,dancer

[ 3 ] main vocalist

  stage persona: Choding Min

  fan club name: Mentha(s)

  fan club color:  #3EB489  Mint Leaf

{ ♥ } | ze end is here;


  suggestions: I'm not really good to give suggestions, but I'll try ~

For some songs, I thought it'd be good to have Time Machine by Girls' Generation because it kind of relates to the theme although it's in japanese. Another one would be Time, Please Stop by Davichi ft. Eunjeung. It's a pretty nice song. And finally, there's The Boys from Girls's Generation because "hourglass - girl power domination!" ^^

For the fanclub name, I thought of Timer(s), because a hourglass measures the time.

For the fanclub color, maybe a kind of sandy yellow [x] [x], like the original color of the sand, not those that are colored. Since there are sand in the hourglass, it makes sense to have a yellow-ish or white-ish color as the fanclub color. However, you can choose whatever color you like, it's just a suggestion.

  comments: Em, no, not really. Except, good luck with the story! ^^

  password: Er-hem, this is according to Wikipedia, so I believe I'm not going to be wrong. Wanderlust is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or to travel and explore around the world.


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