♕Blue Fountain♕ Apply


♕Blue Fountain Application Form♕

[The Clown]


AFF Life

User Name: Akijune

Nickname:Aki ( Ah-Key )

Profile link:click here !

Activeness: 7.5


Character Profile

Name: Moon Jin Hyo

Nickname: Moon/ Moo / Cow

Age: 16

Enthicity : Japanese-Korean

Height and weight: 156 cm, 46 kg

Home Town: Hokkaido, Japan

Laguages: Japanese (F), English (F), English ( F ) Chinese ( S )

(F): Fluent (S): Able to speak but not write the specific language


What do i look like??

Ulzzang name:Seo Ji Hye

Links: 1  2  3 4 5

Back up Ulzzang name: Choi Jung Mi

Links: 1  2  3

Clothes:|| y 1 2|| casual 1  2 || formal 1  2 || pajama  1  2 ||

School uniform: Neat




She exudes a sense confidence that belongs only to her and her only. She is okay with haters, and her firm gaze is able to deter most haters from hurting her.Her mind moves fast, thoughts flashing past her in seconds and she will project it out. Most of the times, its those crappy and corny jokes that makes you want to strangle the living daylight out of her. Her persoan is known as the kid guardian. Given her young age, she is thought to be one of playfulness and childishness.However, she defied stereotypes and is one of the more mature ones.

She is very clear of herself and has two  distinct personalities.

The first one, where she is in her innocent and weird state, cracking jokes and sticking her tongues out at random people. She oftern forgets about image preservation and ends up getting teased for her unglam photos. But she is really chill with this, seeing this as part of her gag concert that is ongoing 24/7. This is when she is the most easy-going and she is mostly like this.

The second one, where she is in her determined and “Dark” state. This is a complete opposite to her other personality and is only activated when she needs to complete something serious. Most of the time, she stays in this state during the examination period. This is when she is a no nonsense persons and is so focused at the task on hand she sometimes even forgot how to joke, which is really ironic given her title. But thats how she works. She also uses this side of her to deal with the haters that went overboard on either herself or her friends. Her language is then transformed into one of sarcasm and harsh words, intending to destroy her opponent in one blow. This is how she got the guardian part of her persona.

Backround History:

Jin Hyo was orpahaned at 3 when her whole family was killed in an earthquake in Japan. A year later, she was adopted by a pair of chinese-korean couple that felt that she needed her as much as they needed her. The day she was officially adopted is also a year after in which the Moon couple had lost their second child. Haruka Sakamoto, now Moon Jin Hyo, was well adorned by the Moon family and strangely bore a resemblance to the deceased daughter.

​Jin Hyo's life was not smooth sailing though. Despite having many people around her to help fit into the Moon family, she still feels this invisible wall around them. This resulted in here often found stuffing herself food to get rid of the stress she feels from not fitting in. By 10, she was overweight and her self esteem plummeted.  This dragged on to puberty when she finally decided to change herself. By equipping herself with balanced meals and frequent excersice, she managed to shed all those extra fats. Not only so, she decided to try bridge the gap between herself and the Moon family, in which they welcomed enthusiastically. 

​Her biological father is Korean while her mother is Japanese. In order to communicate with her adopted, who is chinese and speaks little korean, Jin Hyo self-learned Mandarin by observing her adopted mother using that language.

​Likes : 

  • Has a certain fascination towards animals, especially felins and canines.
  •  Clouds, she finds them to surreal to be real and thus finds them the closest thing to fantasy.
  • Broccoli, the only green vegetable she will eat.
  • Brain teasers and jokes, she is the joker after all
  • Pillows, nearest thing she could hug that felt like a boy when she is asleep.
  • Soft toys, she feels protected if she sleeps with them
  • Reading and writing, given how active her mind is, she has to pen down all those thoughts .
  • Dreaming, her min works non stop, even when she sleeps, resulting in weird and wild dreams that varied in genres .

           Water. She loves drinking water and frolicking in a pool of it.Drinking water calms her down when she is nervous.


  • The dark, she would imagine a serial killer hiding behind her curtain, a monster under her bed and a female ghost staring at her from behind when she is left in the dark.
  • Vegetables, they taste bitter and bland.
  • The heat. She feels like she will disintergrate any moment when the temperature is too high. Drives her insane.
  • English mistakes. She tends to correct it when she sees it and if there is alot of them, she would be too busy correctiong the errors to read the content.
  • People who called her short. 
  • Guys that smells. Major turn off
  • Boot-ers. Abosolute disgust.
  • Dating. Cause she is too afraid to and has no experience.



  • Doodling
  • Interacting with animals in the school garden
  • Coming up with new jokes
  • Yoga
  • Reading
  • Building a pillow fort and sleeping in it


  • Singing, if didnt make much relevance to her life so no one knew about it.
  • Knitting. She knits clothes for the animals that hung around campus but has yet let them wear it

Why are you so popular? :

Her sense of humor and weirdness makes her a lot more approachable as compared to the other girls and appeals to everyone in the school. Everyone is intrigued by her weird mix of personality thus gaining her popularity .Even the teachers takes note of her.

Scandals: -


  • She has really small hands.


  • She broke her left arm once during physical education in primary school

  • She only uses toilet cubicles that are clean

  • She has many pairs of contact lenses that are in different shades of red. No degree. 

  • She has perfect vision

  • Loves the Effiel Tower, has her room flooded with it

  • She had a 7 cm scar down the back of her right thigh from the earthquake that took away her family

  • Loves learning languages and is comtemplating if she should pick up spanish or french

  • She has a missing tooth on her lower jaw


  • Animal in pain, it disturbs her and affects her adversely 
  • The dark paralyzes her and she would refuse to move until the light comes back on again



Powers: Animal Manipulation and Empathy 

How they use it: To help tame the animals that surrounds the campus and communicates with them for fun. Sometimes called into the local zoo for assistance in taming larger animals like tigers and elephants.

Limitations: Only possible to execute abilities when in eye contact with animal. When connection and control with the targeted animal is obtained, then will the ability be truly utilized and eye contact is no longer required. 

When did you find out about it?: 

​The Moon couple are really busy people so Jin Hyo is often left to play with the servants since her adopted elder brother shuns her away. She is bound to sick of playing with the maids and decided to try her luck at the garden behind the mansion. She met a few animals there, a stray cat and two rabbits and promptly made friends with them, communicating through her ability.

How did they get noticed by Blue fountain?:

A teacher of the school witnessed Jin Hyo manipulate a few dolphins to save a drowning girl in the ocean.


Do they use there powers publicly?: Yes, but only vets and zookeepers knew of the existence of her abilities.

Offensive or deffensive type?: Both. It can be used to just simply have a little chat with a rabbit or to control a tiger and make it attack people

Wepon: Mary's contact lenses [ A pair of contact lenses, blood red in color, that amplify her powers so that animals can easily be controlled and the length of control is extended. ]


2 Cool 4 school!

Intelligence: Sufficient enough for her to maintain straight B's and above

Physical abilities: Bad. She has little to no stamina

Late or early to class: Early since she is constantly reminded by her animal friends

Fave subject: English

Least fave subject: Biology

Loud or the Quite Type?: Quiet 


Family,Friends and Rivals

[Rember, You guys are rich!]


Name: Moon Park Jun

Age: 49

Occupation: CEO of  Moon Astrology Development Institute

Gifted or normal?: Normal

Relationship: Adopted Father


Name: Huang Yi Ling

Age: 45

Occupation: Assisting Director of Moon Astrology Development Institute

Gifted or normal?: Normal

Relationship: Adopted Mother

Siblings[You can have idol sibligs too!! as long they are from the idol list and is realistic, Not like e.g My sister is CL and My brother is Leeteuk =_='']

Name: Moon Kibum

Age: 25

Occupation: General Manager of Moon Astrology Development Institute

Gifted or Normal?: Normal


Name: Moon Yoo Chul

Age: 20

Occupation: University Student 

Gifted or normal?: Normal

F is for friends who do stuff together~[From the idol list]

Name: Minzy

Age: 17

Group: 2NE1

Occupation: Student of neighborhood high school

Gifted or Normal?: Normal

How did you two meet?: Minzy's father is Jin Hyo's gardener and tags along with her father to work when she is free. Met Jin Hyo in the garden playing with animals and started playing together given their common liking for animals.


Name: Choi Soo Young

Age: 18

Group: SNSD

Occupation: Student 

Gifted or normal?: Gifted

How did you two meet?: Sooyoung was in-charge of Jin Hyo's orientation into the school when Jin Hyo first enrolled.

And finally..... Your Rival

[Yes Exo is your rival/love interest but these are the other people you hate, you can have more than one if you want]

Name: Heechul

Age: 18

Group: Super Junior

Occupation: Student

Gifted or normal?: Gifted 

Why do you guys hate each other?: Heechul's ability is acid generation can is often misused to kill off small insects. Much to the disgust of Jinhyo. Tried asking him to stop he refused.

And now,School Rivalry

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you hate EH(Exacalibur high)? : 5/10 Jin Hyo has a dislike for people that discriminates others, though she is one that rarely hates.

One word to describe you hate for them: Burden

Reason to hate: Jin Hyo heard horrible rumours from the vets she worked with that alot of animals are used as slaves or tested with spells of unknown effects, causing mutation and death.

Anything else they hate from EH?: Their air of ignorance and self delusional concept that any living things asides them are useless.

What would they do is they encountered a pupil from EH?: Stand guard and ready to attack if they posses a threat to an animal, herself or fellow school mates.

What happens if your are challenged By a pupil from EH?: Attempt to control them using her animal manipulation ability. After all, humans are animals too, just higher in intellect than other animals. Then distract the pupil and run. Though Jin Hyo likes to fight, she rather not as she knows that one wrong move might implicate both schools into a bigger fight.

If you had the chance to Raid EH, what would you do?:Let out all the animals confined in EH and allow the animals to destroy the place before taking them back home with her. 


Yes, I love you..

Name:Huang Zi Tao, Tao

Group: EXO-M

Age: 16

Power: Time Manipulation

Personality: Mysterious and shy upon first glance, Tao blends so well into the background that his existence is neglected. He does have a flair for jokes though, despite the emotionless expression he wears, and has a soft side for tamed animals. A man of few words, he rather spend more time on harnessing his ability or doing something meaningful.

Back up Love interest

Name: Kim Min Seok, Xiumin

Group: EXO-M

Age: 17

Power: Freezing

Personality: Bubbly and childish for his age, JinHyo completely understands his childlike manners and likes and enjoys it. Unlike the rest of the school that deems him weird, though Xiumin would prefer the word Exotic instead.


Anything more??

Room?: 6 seems nice ^^

Requested Scenes?: Nope

Comment: Cant wait for the story to start ^^ Looking forward to it

Password:Roll Like A Buffalo 



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