♔★A P P L I C A T I O N★♔ [xx]

♔★ Just A Dream?♔★


The Firefox




My Aff Life


AFF account name : AngelicWhisper

AFF profile link : (≧∇≦)

Activeness : 8 - 9 (I don't update a lot, but still log on almost everyday ~)


Character`s Life


Character`s name : Jung Hyeri

Nicknames : Ri, Hyell, Fierce Princess

Age : 18 - 19 (depending on when you'll write the story)

Birthdate : July 18, 1993

Birthplace : Korea

Hometown : Gangnam, Seoul

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages : Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Chinese (conversational), Japanese (basic)


Am I Pretty ??


Ulzzang`s name : Kwon Sujeong

Ulzzang`s links : [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Back-up ulzzang name : Lee Dasom

Back-up ulzzang links : [1] [2] [3] [4]

Clothes style : y [1] [2] [3] | casual [1] [2] [3] [4] | ball wear [1] [2] | pajamas [1] [2]


It`s My Personal Info


Personality : She always acts cold and rough and never let her guard down. She doesn't bother to get to know someone unless they can prove they worth her time. She also only talks when it's necessary. Talking back and having a conversation are too long to her likings and a waste of her time. Despite her lazy personality, Hyeri prefers to walk than taking a conveyance. She loves the fresh air and goes outside at the most she can. Being brought up in a wealthy family, she has good manners and is quite lady-like. Although she has a huge sum adding to her bank account every month, she doesn't like to spend a lot. Hyeri can be nice when she wants to, but it's really rare. Even with her best friends, Midnight, she doesn't show much of her likeable side. 

Background History : Hyeri grew up without her parents by her side. As she's an only child, she was oftenly left alone. She used to hate her parents for not being with her and envied the other kids, but as she got older, she became used to it and doesn't care anymore. She lived in Korea up until now, but goes overseas a lot because she enjoys experiencing novelty.

Likes : Art | Black | Heels | Music | Peach | Red | Reptiles | Sports | Tea | Travelling 

Dislikes : Aegyo | Dishonesty | Disrespect | Girly stuffs | Pink | Rodents | Snow | Spicy food

Hobbies : Basketball | Dance | DJing | Reading | Piano | Swimming | Walking

Habbits : [good] Does whatever is asked to do passionately regardless her laziness | Don't overspend | Gives some change/money to homeless people || [bad] Being lazy | Listens music at high volume | Shows no interests and keeps a stern face  

Trivia / special facts about you : Blood Type O | Don't drink, but her alcohol tolerance in high | Great fighting skills | Has a driving licence but no car | Has a phoenix tattoo on her lower left torso | Knows how to beat box | Light eater | Likes to take a walk alone | Never use swear words 

Weakness : Bugs | Kids | Stray animals


My Family And Friends~And also rival!


Family members :


[ Parents ]

Name : Jung Yong Ha

Age & birthdate : 51 - October 15, 1960

Occupation : CEO of Jung Resort Inn

Relationship : Father


Name : Na Gong Ju

Age & birthdate : 47 - September 5, 1964

Occupation : Head director in financial division of Jung Resort Inn

Realtionship : Mother



Name : Jiyeon (Park Jiyeon)

Age : 19

Band : T-ARA

How do you meet : They met a few times during events. Their parents are friends and oftenly sit at the same table to exchange some business affair. As time passed by, they got to know about each other.


Name : Seohyun (Seo Joohyun)

Age : 21

Band : Girls' Generation

How do you meet : Their first encounter was on a plane to Tokyo. Seohyun was looking for an item in her luggage. Suddenly, a small box fell and landed on Hyeri, who was sitting next to her. As she apologized, Seohyun noticed that her seatmate was reading the same book as her. She was surprised to see someone who seemed younger than her reading books about self-improvement. During the rest of the flight, the two of them shared some interests, although Hyeri hesitated at first.


Name : Ricky (Yoo Changhyun)

Age : 17

Band : Teen Top

How do you meet : Ricky's parents oftenly have to leave him for an important meeting in other countries. One day, they couldn't find a nanny to look over their precious son. Hyeri's parents, who happened to be their good friends, accepted to take him in during their absence, leaving her alone with the younger boy. Since she was older and her parents weren't home either, she had to take care of him and they became closer. She treats him like her own brother. Since then, he often visits the Jung's villa.


Rivals :

Name : Suzy (Bae Sueji)

Age : 17

Band : Miss A

Why are you two rival ? : Hyeri hates her guts, her voice, her face; basically, she hates everything about her. She gets irritated at the sight of Suzy and can't believe that boys and girls fawns over her, because she sees nothing in that girl. They always fight whenever they meet. Suzy rants about herself while Hyeri snickers about her show-offs. They could argue for hours, but having no interest, Hyeri oftenly walks away, leaving Suzy dumbfounded.


School Life Is Not Easy


Favourite subject : Math

Most hated subject : History

Rate your intelligence : 9

Are you more to the quiet or noisy type? : Quiet


The Love Of My Life ~


Love interest : L (Kim Myungsoo) / 20 / March 13, 1992 / INFINITE

Personality : Myungsoo displays a cold city man image with his handsome features, but actually has a 4D personality. He can be sweet and cheerful, but also serious when he has to. He is aware of his visual and likes being the center. He may look delicate, but is stubborn and has a temper. 

How do you meet : Their first encounter was at a charity event but they didn't show interest there. Later on, fate had brought them together again. One night, as Hyeri was walking back home, three men came up to her. Fearless, she fighted back, but three men against one girl was unfair. As she couldn't beat them up by herself, her saviour came in. Hyeri was amazed by his fighting skills. Once the three men ran away, Hyeri noticed his injuries. She ran to the nearest pharmacy to get ointments so the cuts could be treated as soon as possible. Althought she isn't the kind of person to care, she somehow felt like she had to.


Back-up love interest : Himchan (Kim Himchan) / 22 / April 19, 1990 / B.A.P

Personality : Although he has the looks of a casanova, he's actually gentle. He's against wars and is a peacemaker. Himchan is cheerful and a little hyperactive. Dispite Hyeri's hate of aegyo, Himchan's cuteness doesn't seem to bother her. It actually makes her heart skip a beat whenever he shows that side to her. He likes to hang in clubs at night. It became a habit for him to frequent Jungle, a nightclub owned by the Jung Resort Inn. 

How do you meet : Hyeri was on her way to her family's nightclub to replace a sick worker. It was Himchan's first time there. They bumped onto each other at the entrance. Himchan noticed that she was different from the others and took interest. At first, he thought it was only a friendly meeting, but as time passed by, he became attached to her.


Just A few Simple Questions For you~


What will you do when you found out that your best friend cheated behind you? : I think I'll keep distance from her for a while, to understand the situation and all. Depending on how grave it is, it'll decide whether we can continue being friends. But we definitely have to talk and sort things out.

What will be the best present for you from your bestfriend on your birthday? : It may seem cheesy, but the presence of my best friend would actually be the best present. Since my birthday happens fall near Labour Day, I could never invite her to my birthday parties because she's usually away.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? : I rub my eyes and take a deep breath, lol. When I wake up, the first thing I notice is the time, then look at the mirror because it's in big display on my right, aha. After that, I do my daily morning routine.

What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? : Before bed, I like to write in my diary, but sometime I'm just tired and lay on the bed. My body mecanism is abnormal; I fall straight asleep at 2 and wake up at 5. So the things I do sometime change.


This Is The End!

Which room do you want? : Room 1

Any suggestions for the story : Have a major fight between two people in Midnight. One of those two starts to feel that she doesn't belong with them, then a Sunset member can try to approach her. They become "good friends" behind the back on the two groups.  - after that, I don't know. hehe ^^"  But I just thought that it'd be interesting if there's a twist at the end.

Requested scenes? : Nope. Write your story as you please ~ :)

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