Eat You Up Application!!!


Name: Lee TaeSu

Goes by: Tae

Appearance: Hwang Mi Hee

Powers: Can control shadows and manipulate darkness. By controlling shadows she can completely control someone’s movement. By manipulating darkness, she can create a thin robe of darkness (that can’t be seen by normal humans) that allows her to walk in daylight.

Age: 2,055 years old, was turned at the age of 17

Turned by: Key ………… I LOVE HIM <(^.^)> THIS MUCH, WITH A HEART (>^.^<) THIS BIG… THAT’S A LOT OF LOVE!!!

Partner: Key (Jonghyun, Minho, Onew)

Personality: Tae has a very bright personality. She has the kind of aura that influences other's emotions. When ever she’s sad, it makes others want to cry with her. When ever she’s happy, it puts a smile on everyone's faces. She doesn't like to see others sad, so she is willing to do anything to cheer them up (this gets her into a lot of trouble). She can also be very violent when angered. This is influenced by past as a vampire hunter. She acts a little childish, but she is actually a very mature person. She knows when to talk and when not to, as well as what to and what not to say. Occasionally, Tae will sometimes catch herself thinking sadistic thought. When necessary, she will act cute or seductive to get her way. In short, she’s an innocent face with a devil’s body.

Biography: Living the life as a princess, Lee TaeSu was pampered and surrounded by expensive silks, fine wine, and servants to do her biding.

Despite her spoiled life style, she never acted like a snob. In fact, she hated this way of life, because she didn’t like ordering people around! She tried to voice this out to her parents, but they never listened. They were always too busy dealing with other matters, such as protecting the kingdom.

Now, protecting the kingdom was actually how Tae’s family grew so high in status. Tae was raised in a family of vampire hunters, who protected the kingdom, and steadily grew in social status. Since the day she turned 13, Tae was trained in many different combat styles to protect herself against them, and was deemed a prodigy.

Even though she was a prodigy, there was, however, one person who always surpassed her. His name was Taeyang (Big Bang), and no matter how hard she tried, he was always better than her.

Tae’s castle overlooks a village that is divided into two divisions; one for vampire hunters and the other for normal villagers. Everyday Tae goes to the hunter’s division and trains with them.

One day, after her 16th birthday and being beat by Taeyang once again, she decided that she wanted to gaze at the moon by a lake located on the outskirts of the village.

While looking at the moon illuminate her beauty and listening to the soothing sounds of of the lake gently sway back and forth, it started raining. Tae anticipated the chance of rain and pulled a robe over her body.

As she walked back to the village, she encountered a stranger staring at the sky, getting drenched in the rain. Tae felt her body screaming for her to run away, but she couldn’t. She was enticed by his beauty. His smooth, porcelain-like skin, full lips that were slightly parted, silky hair, and defined cheek bones.

Tae found herself walking towards him. Before she knew it, she was standing behind him, on the tips of her toes, holding her robe over the both of them.

The stranger turned to her with a questioning gaze.

Tae stood there awkwardly as she lost herself in his deep brown eyes.

“If you keep standing in the rain, you’re gonna catch a cold, you know?” That was the first thing she ever said to him. “I’m Lee TaeSu, but you can call me Tae!”

The stranger introduced himself as Kim Kibum (Key), and explained that he was looking at the moon. Key smiled slightly when Tae laughed and said that she was doing the same.

After a light conversation, Tae invited Key into her house so he could change into dry clothes. Tae didn’t have to sneak him in, cause her parents were off in another village to help with a vampire infestation.

Key stayed until the rain died down before he bid his farewell.

After some sleep, Tae headed into the records hall of the castle. She tried for hours to find any hint of information about Key, but came up empty-handed.

It was like he never existed.

One year passed by, Tae was now 17, and she hadn’t had any encounters with Key ever since the night they met.

On her way back from practice, Tae found herself cornered by 10 blood crazed vampires. She was able to defeat 6 of them, when one slashed her leg open.

Tae fell to the ground, clenching to her leg as the excruciating pain jolted through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed for a miracle; hoping somehow she would live.

Tae opened her eyes when she heard the vampires scream and yelp in pain. She was shocked to see Key standing in front of her, a blood drenched sword held tightly in his hand, and her attackers lying dead around him. Key picked her up, bridal style, and quickly rushed her home. Once there, he gently set Tae on her bed and proceeded to tend to her wounds.

“Are you alright?” She asked once she took notice of his pained expression.

He was gazing at her leg in… longing?

Key looked up and nodded slightly in reassurance.

When Key finally finished bandaging her leg he found himself staring at her.

“Are you sure you’re al—“ She didn’t have the chance to finish her question as she found Key’s lips on hers.

Key gently pushed her to lie on the led and trapped her under him. When Key felt Tae’s tongue sweep across his bottom lip he quickly drew away; slightly panting.

“Sorry,” Key mumbled as he slightly slid away from her; his eyes fixed on the floor.

Tae was in too much of a daze to notice Key taking his leave.

Most people in the kingdom use messenger birds, but not Tae. Tae attached a message, that expressed what happened, onto the collar of a wolf, and sent it to her parents, whom were still in the other village.

As soon as her parents received the message they immediately rushed home, for fear of their daughters safety. Once they arrived home, Tae explained to them everything that happened.

A few hours passed and Tae was happy to see Key at her doorstep, though her parents were a different story. The moment they met Key, they instantly didn’t approve, and it angered Tae that they wouldn’t tell her why.

After a bit of arguing, Key calmly told her that it was alright and that he needed to get home.

Tae brushed it off as her imagination, but when Key left, she could’ve sworn she heard him mumbling about being hungry and wanting something sweet.

The moment Key walked out the door, Tae demanded that her parents tell her why they didn’t approve of him.

“You should just listen and obey your parent’s judgment!” They tried to argue, but gave up once they saw that she wouldn’t back down.

Her parents sighed deeply as their gaze settled on their daughter. “Key is a vampire…” Her mother stated.

Tae couldn’t believe what she heard. “You’re lying…” She muttered under her breath.

“TaeSu—” Her mother tried to speak up, but Tae interjected.

“If he’s a vampire, then why didn’t you kill him?” She shouted.

“Letting him live is our thanks for saving you!” Her father argued.

Tae refused to believe it. There was just no way Key could be a vampire!

Tae stomped away from them, headed to her chamber, and readied herself for bed angrily.

Right when Tae was about to climb into bed, she heard the faint voices of her mother and father scream as well as the sound of thing being broken. Grabbing her sword, Tae quickly made her way to the source of the commotion. When Tae reached her destination, the sight before her caused her to drop her sword to the floor; forgotten.

In front of her lay her parent’s bodies as they laid dead, cut open, and dismembered in a pool of their own blood. Blood stained the carpet, walls, and furniture as well a few limbs scattered around here and there. However, what shocked her the most, was how Key stood over her parent’s corpses with a sticky, red liquid dripping from the fangs that protruded from his lips. Key stalked over to her with a lustful gleam in his bright red eyes. He roughly pinned her against a wall and leaned towards her.

At this moment it didn’t matter that she was a prodigy vampire hunter. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to kill him, even if she wanted to.

Tae shivered as she felt his cool, slimy tongue sweep across the skin of her neck, just above her jugular.

“So sweet,” he whispered right before he plunged his fangs into her neck.

Relationships: Her best friend is Song Victoria. She likes how she can talk go Victoria and talk to her about anything, and admires how she never hides her opinions.

Her worst enemy is Taeyang (I love him, but I couldn't think of anyone else) because, aside from their human rivalry, after she was turned he had once angered her so much that she changed him into a vampire. Ever since then, he had longed to human again, and has hated her. No one knows what he did to anger her enough to change him.

Because she doesn't like to command others, she only has one human slave, whom is named Mir (Dong Woon, Gi Kwang, or Lee Joon). He is kind of quiet and obedient, yet he isn't afraid to share his thoughts (Tae really admires that about him).

Random facts:

- Likes to read

- Likes all animals (especially wolves)

- Sometimes she'll call Key "Kitty/ Kit” cause he reminds her of a cat (Jonghyun = Dino-Puppy, Minho = Panda, Onew = Teddy Bear)

- Likes to observe humans as a way to remember what is was like to be one

- Hates liars

- Will sometimes lie in a dark room to think

- Even though she enjoys watching the moon, she sometimes prefers the sun

- LOVES to play with Key’s hair

- Likes to wear Key’s clothes

-Has a HUGE sweet tooth


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RenaSyuuki #1
How do you make pictures show up like that instead of just the link?