Need help: Recommend me good fics?

I've been here in AFF for over a year now... and it's been difficult finding good fics to read for three reasons...

1. I only read HET fics.

Slash couples are fine, but I don't necessarily care to read about them for a whole 90+++ chaptered fic. No matter how good the fic is... if the main focus is a slash couple, I can't stomach it or I get really bored with it.

2. I don't like you/OC fics.

I just don't see the point of putting in OCs that are basically Mary Sue's of the writer. (Sorry, if it sounds mean.)

3. I am a very picky reader.

Not just for the fandom or pairing kind of picky actually... I'm picky about plot and format. How the words are ensembled together and formed... if the fic has good grammar along with it or a beautiful plotline or have interesting characterizations, I'm totally there. I appreciate those kinds of things...

My criteria for a good fic are: good grammar, reasonable format, fandom, pairing, plotline and characterization. If two or three of these elements are gone, I am not going to read the fic. It's as simple as that.


I realize how snobby I sound right now but this is how I judge what I read. A friend told me that I shouldn't be like that and try other stuff and so that's why I'm here asking for help. ^^ If you have an author or a fic, you'd like to recommend me to... by all means, please lead me to them! I would love to see those recs!

Helpful Tip: I don't know a lot about the new groups in K-Pop, so let's stick with: SMTOWN, FT. Island, CN Blue, Infinite Big Bang, Wonder Girls and... Idk, miss A? ♥


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Shame you don't like OC fics :/ What's HET?
tinchiq #2
I'm not sure if you'd like to give NC-17's a try or you're already reading one but I got a couple fics to recommend you with that rating, but I don't like these fics because of "the ratedness" it's actually just a bonus. I got attached to these fics because of the plot itself. And besides that, almost all the fics that I really like have the same plot, or not really the same but has the same idea(lol, the difference? OTL). I came to like angsty fics because of these. ;D<br />
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Yoochun + Female Jap. Actress<br /> <br />
I was never into the Japanese actresses, but through this fic I was introduced to Maki. Plot is a little angsty, involves gangs and the like, cheesy romance here and there. <br />
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Jaejoong + Niddie(i'm not sure if she's an OC or an actress:D)<br /><;br />
Same author as the one above, so they should have about the same writing style. Sci-fi-ish fic and still angsty. <br />
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Why don't you try reading 'A PERFECT DAY FOR A LOVE DECLARATION?' loljk. ^^
katdiva #3
I read you... and of late, it's only you. So whatever you find, pass it my way too, k?
Hey~ Y'know, I think I have a pretty good idea of what you're looking for; I'm kind of on my phone right now, so it's hard to link, but I'll PM you with some of my fave fics kay? I kind of have high standards like you so I'm sure you'll be okay with them :)
Here are some of my favorite authors. I'm also a very picky reader. I do read some that are not up to my liking but I could assure that you would love their stories. The only difference we have in choosing good stories is that I consider slash pairings but in temrs of everything else we almost have the same judgement.<br />
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ifallelsefails: her stories are mostly kyuna and eunhae. i know you don't like slash but her eunhae stories are really good. it's up to you to read them. :D<br />
I have read everything she has posted and i love all of them.<br /><;br />
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aceofspades: he writes good fics about yongseo. i don't know if you like yongseo but they're really good.<br /><;br />
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candyredhearts: she has commented below and she is a really good writer. mostly minyoon but there are also other pairings like jongsica, taelli, ontoria, keycole and many others.<br /><;br />
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OnceUponATaem: she is also a good writer. her fics are mainly taelli and minyoon I think.<br /><;br />
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There you go. I hope you like their stories. I don't know if you like the pairings but the plot, grammar and everything is perfect.
I don't know whether you like MinYoon/KyuNa much but...<br />
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->m a y b e t o m o r r o w by OnceUponATaem <br />
it's really good, not too cheesy.<br />
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->Walking On One Leg by OnceUponATaem<br />
it isn't a love story, but it touched my heart. This is OnToria/OnFany(:<br />
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->The Story Of Us by ifallelsefails<br />
it's KyuNa, but this story is especially good(:<br />
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->Checkmate by ifallelsefails<br />
it's funny, lighthearted and cute(:<br />
yeah, so far, i think these few are truly worthwhile to recommend to you(: