Hey, hahaha im bored I don't usually blog because theres nothing to really blog about Hmmm what should I blog about? Well let's see. Let's talk about what there is for mento blog about. There isn't much for me to talk about if I was ever to do a blog about so I never made an attempt to blog Alot of people talk mainly about there fanfics (but I jus like to call it stories because they are just stories that people likeyou & me make up) when they are blogging but for I just feel like blogging about my stories because there lame And others talk about who are the best Kpop pairs but I don't know many Kpop pairs or jpop or tpop etc... So I don't talk about them pairs And others random stuff like what I'm doing here So I'm just here thinking why so many people have so much they want to say tell (SHARE) to the world and I think of why I don't write any blogs and then it finally came to me You wanna noe what it is? It's because i don't have anything to say or just don't want to say ... You could say. But here I am finally making my first blog ever on AFF Hahaha I'm a boring person i know that hahaha a girl once eve told me that I'm a "very boring" person she said it to my face and I said, "yea I know" I do know that I'm a boring person so I don't care that she said it because it's the truth Some of you guys must be saying what the heck is her problem And I'll say I don't have a problem this is just me and I don't care what the heck you think about me but I just have one thing to say don't be going around and talking behind my back if you dint want me to hear then just don't say it at all but if you have something to say say it to my face Know back to what i was saying ive decided to finally post up a blog ive done them before on myspace or what ever but hose where just repost of things of what over people posted I just did it for the heck of it not really caring what it was about But know I want to post up a blog because I want to put my opion out there What is there really to blog about other than your opinion of something or some one So here is my opinion of why I don't blog: 1 I don't want to 2 too lazy 3 & nothing really to blog about That is has my it my random about why I never blog before. Hey I know this is a lame blog but who told you to read it in the first place. -(L.V.)-


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myladys15 #1
I meant funniest person messed up and put dumbest
myladys15 #2
Hahaha your right<br />
But you never know<br />
You could tell or not when someone boring or not it just all depends if you have things in common with that person<br />
Then you'll think that person is sooooo borrrriiing...lol when you guys have nothing in common <br />
But if you guys have lots of thIngs in common youll say that that person is just the dumbest person to be with..lol<br />
I say I'm boring because I don't have a lot in common with the people I've meet so for...lol maybe 5 years from now I won't consider my self boring...lol<br />
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I'm weird...lol that's just how I am XP<br />
Thanks anyway<br />
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hahaha.... there is no such thing as a boring person.... I guess it's all in how we live our life... If others would tell that what we are doing is boring to them but it is not to us then it is a proof that everything differs from one another.... :D