제로 Z.RO | YG New Girlgroup | Nam DaiYu




note : pls remove the bracket and notes  I  made to make your application neat *bows*



username : theaapaper

password : Cross Gene - My Lady



name : Nam DaiYu , 남다이유

age : 19

hometown : Seoul, Korea

birthplace : Shanghai, China

birthday : January 12, 1993

height : 170cm

weight : 47kg

ethinicity : 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese

language : Korean-Fluent, Chinese - Fluent, Japanese - Fluent, English - Basic



ulzzang name : Han Bom

pic of the ulzzang : 1 / 2 / 3 

backup ulzzang : Mikki

pic of the ulzzang : 1 / 2 / 3


about d'star

Personality : A mix of her parents, easily angered but greatly understands others' feelings. She doesn't trust people so easily, but when she does, she will definitely prove you can trust her too. She's isn't confident in aegyo, neither is she good at it. When she cares for someone alot, like her family & friends, she is very protective. If something bad is said to them, her temper will explode!

Thought she gets mad when negative comments are given to those she cares for, she controls it well when negative comments are given to herself. This is where her understanding of feelings come in. When she is given a bad comment or criticism, she understands that there is need for improvement, or she really upset the person giving the comments. 


Likes : 

  • Cartoon Monkeys
  • Historical Events
  • Fandom
  • Listening to people's problems
  • Helping to solve problems
  • Nintendo
  • Ballads

Dislikes : 

  • Clowns
  • Insects
  • Studying
  • Mirrors
  • Perfume
  • Little noises when concentrating really hard

Hobbies : 

  • Drawing Manga/Anime
  • Making stories
  • Composing & writing lyrics
  • Sleeping
  • Playing games

Trivia : 

  • Perfectionist
  • All songs she composes are ballad or R&B songs
  • Has a burn scar on her shoulder
  • She's quite hot-tempered, but can control her emotions quite well
  • Blood Type - AB

Habits : 

  • Gets super frustrated from making the smallest mistakes
  • Sighs alot
  • Drinks water or something every 5-10 minutes
  • Spaces out at random times




Family background : We originally came from a very poor family, & we nearly starved to death. My brother took responsibility & caught fish for us to eat. Our home was tearing apart. But we were saved by Seungri's manager, who found us & gave us help. After that, our lives were normal. My dad found a good & stable job, my mom was happier, & my brother found the love of his life.

Family members :

1. [ Nam Hyun Dong | 52 | Business Secretary | A kind-hearted man who understands others feelings.

2. [ Hu Mei Si | Age | 45 | Housewife | Hot-blooded, beautiful but a very sweet lady when she's not angry.

3. [ Nam Chi Yuan | 24 | Butcher | Just like my dad, & is now a married man with 2 kids!!


Bestfriends : Gao Jia Ning, Lee Seungri


How did you meet :

Gao Jia Ning/J.G - He is currently a member of Cross Gene. We met in school, we were in the same class & had common interest. We were so close til some of us thought we were dating. He's only like a brother to me & he feels the same. We go to karaoke together with some other friends as well.

Lee SeunHyun/Seungri - He is currently a member of BIGBANG. My dad was a friend of Seungri's manager. My dad saw some recording of my singing & passed it to Seungri's manager to show it to Seungri. My dream was to go to Y.G. After viewing the footage & showing it to Y.G himself, I was brought into Korea to join the Y.G Family. So since I came to Y.G because of him, we're pretty close.

Friends : Chu Xiao Xiang

How did you meet:

Chu Xiao Xiang/Casper - We met through JiaNing as they are both Cross Gene members, we chat through Weibo during our free time.

Crush : MBLAQ's Lee Joon

Rival : T-ARA's Jiyeon - As Joon & Jiyeon have acted together in various shows, they're pretty close...so I guess I'm jealous~



Stage name : D.Y , 디와이

Position : Main Vocalist

Persona : Power Look&Sound

How is your personality on stage? : Her sharp eyes spread her charisma all over the stage! Calm & Cool looking. Powerful Voice. A gaze that just shouts "I'm confident & will produce amazing results".

Personal fanclub name : HuoYu

Personal fanclub colour : Teal Blue

Trainee years : 4 years

How you manage to be YG trainee? : Thanks to Seungri~~My dad was his manager's friend. After recording a karaoke session with JiaNing, my dad sent the footage to the manager. Seungri saw it as well & showed it to the big bass, Y.G! After that, I was brought to Korea & fulfilled my dream, joining the Y.G Family!


for d'author

comments : I hope this is ok ;) BTW, The fanclub name 'HuoYu' means fire jade in Chinese. It's because I/character love jades & the fire represents the character's hot-blooded personality.

suggestions : Hmm...I got nothing.


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