ACE application



	Name: theaapaper
	Profile Link:               
	Name: Hu Feng Lei  胡锋雷 
	DOB: 08/13/94
	Birthplace: Hunan, China
	Hometown: Busan, South Korea
	Ethnicity: Chinese
	Height: 5'11
	Weight: 132 pounds
	Blood Type: A+
	Personality: He's not the type thats too happy or too sad, he doesn't really talk much either, but when he does, he just spills out nonsense. He likes too joke around & poke fun, but mostly criticizes himself as he doesn't want to hurt people too much. When he's making fun of people he hates, the words he says are harsh but mostly true. He fights alot because of his short temper, whether verbal or physical. It's scary when he fights because he laughs while doing so, he's very sadistic. 
	Likes: Cats, Cartoon monkeys, Acting
	Dislikes: Insects, Amusement Rides
	Habits: Sighs alot, Oblivious to stuff around him, starts lip singing/dancing whenevers music is playing
	Hobbies: Watching childrens cartoons, Drawing/Creating Manga/Anime, 
	Trivia: Short-Tempered, Sensitive to others feelings


Ulzzang: Yu Ha Min

Backup Ulzzang: Park Jaehyun
	        Stage name: Hu
	Personal: Joker
	Position: Main Vocal
	Back up Position: Main Dancer
	Voice: Infinite's Woohyun[Hu's pronounciation still has his chinese accent inside but its rare]
	        Family Members: 
Wang Xue Ming | Mother | Deceased; Pianist
Hu Wei Jie | Father | In prison; Teacher
Chang Chi Yuan | Guardian | Alive; Police
	Background: Hu was abused everyday by his parents & bullied by schoolmates & teachers. His parents always fought, which is where his sadistic side came from. When Hu's dad shot Hu's mom, the 9-year old took the gun & was about to shoot his dad, but the police came in time. Hu's dad was imprisoned & Chi Yuan took care of Hu, sending him to Korea to learn the language & fulfull his dream, being a singer. 
	Friends: JJ Project's Jr.
	        Love Interest 1: Infinite's Dongwoo. Met after Infinite had their interview with MNET, while they were leaving the place for their schedule, I dropped all my school books near their car & he helped me. He told me to give him my twitter & yeah. We're still awkward around each other.
	Love Interest 2: MBLAQ's Joon. Met during his filming for Jungle Fish 2. I stared at him & he stares back. XD 
Awkward silence again ;)
	Enemy:  APINK!
	Yes or No       
	        Would you mind having a love interest from the group: Hmm, nope, I don't mind.
	Do you like love triangles: Yeah, it's interesting
	Would your character ever use violence: Yes!
	What are you Straight? Bi? Gay? ~Gay
	Comments or questions? This is cool ;) 


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