☆ mixed and messed application; Choi Han Byul


✖no. it's you and i. we're doing this together,

even if we're mixed up and messed up.




courage does not always roar. sometimes it is the quiet voice at the day, saying, "I will try again tomorrow."


[ username ]: beastbangblock

[ link to profile ]: boomshakalaka

[ activity level ]: 7


not even you can tear me apart. i'm unbreakable.


[ character name ]: choi han byul; 최한별

[ nickname ]: byul/byeol/별; shorter version of her name; it means 'star' in korean

[ age ]: 22

[ gender ]: female

[ birthday ]: may 1, 1990

[ ethnicity ]: korean

[ blood type ]: b


admiration, n. our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.


[ ulzzang ]: su kyung

[ appearance ]: i ii iii iv v - gallery

[ back-up ulzzang ]: jin jae young

[ height ]: 167 cm

[ style ]: Hanbyul's taste in fashion never fails to impress. She isn't afraid to show some skin. Her style is very unpredictable: from classy to chic or y to sweet, Hanbyul would wear anything. Through her casual clothing you can see how she is laid-back yet fashionable. She preferably wears neutral color clothing such as black, gray, beige, or even a hint a color when going casual. She has a few piercings and tattoos. Hanbyul has both earlobes pierced, but on her left ear she has an industrial piercing and on her right ear she has three forward helix piercings. Her right shoulder has a tattoo of a bird taking flight. A tattoo on the back of her neck reading 'destroy what destroys you' refers back to an incident during her actual high school days. Hanbyul's night attire is quite different compared to her day clothes. The night is a time for partying and having fun. The color of her clothes are more vibrant and dark shades such as red or black.

           casual - more

           night attire - more


the tale begins here, or so I say...


[ personality ]:

           come at me, bro. Hanbyul is one tough girl you wouldn’t want to mess with. It is best not to bother her unless you’re asking for a death wish. She is mostly known for her fierce and intimidating appearance, but underneath all that is a more ruthless and cunning person. Hanbyul isn’t someone to be taken lightly. She won’t back down to anything and is willing to face things head on. Her instincts and intuition are the only things she bases her actions on. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and could care less what other people think of her. Moreover, Hanbyul is very straightforward and blunt with her opinions. Sarcasm, Smart-, & Profanity are the 3 languages she is fluent in. Her remarks are sharp and cunning. Don’t push Hanbyul over her limit or she will shove her fist down your throat. As you can probably tell, Hanbyul is very rash. She has a tendency to come off as y all most of the time.

           you don't know me. Not many people understand or try to at least understand Hanbyul. People tend to automatically think the worst of her without even trying to get to know her. Not even her fellow spies know a lot about Hanbyul and her background.  She likes to keep her private life to herself. The only thing that they do know is that she was part of a gang prior to being a spy for the SWA. Overall, Hanbyul seems very mysterious in a way that allows people to grow interested in her. The glares she is able to make are capable of sending shivers down your spine. Hanbyul isn’t the easiest person to get along with. If you can put up with her attitude, then you have gained a very loyal and trustworthy friend. Hanbyul doesn’t have many friends to begin with because she lacks the ability to gain friends. Like what is mentioned before, her intimidating aura drives people away.

           bottoms up? You’re probably thinking that Hanbyul is some sort of loner who doesn’t know how to have fun. Well it’s partially true, the loner part that is. Actually, Hanbyul is very lively when it comes to partying and having fun. It’s just a matter of what kind of mood she is in. Most of the time, she is her y-self. Other than that, Hanbyul is the definition of a party animal. She loves to go clubbing in Hongdae dancing the night away to fast beats of the pounding music. Hanbyul also drinks a lot because she has a high tolerance with alcohol. She smokes too but not that often. Clubbing is the only way for Hanbyul to escape reality and just get lost into the music.

          ★ heartbreaker. When it comes to love, she doesn't believe in happy endings. Hanbyul isn't someone to "fall in love" easily and she doesn't believe in all that "love at first sight" crap either. Hanbyul had some bad experiences with love in her real high school days. Hanbyul uses guys to fill the empty spot in her heart left by her ex-boyfriend. She never got into a serious relationship after that. Hanbyul had a lot flings here and there because she doesn't want to get hurt again. No, she isn't a . She manipulates them and has them at her fingertips. After she is satisfied or bored with the relationship, she will dump them.  Hanbyul is terrified if she gets into a serious relationship because she believes he will eventually leave her. Her flirtacious personality is what most girls hate about Hanbyul. Hanbyul goes by the saying, "Get close enough to have fun, but don't get attached enough to get hurt."

           the name's byul, hanbyulDespite being rude at times, Hanbyul is very mature and focused when it comes to her profession. She holds a strong determination to succeed. Letting people down is not what Hanbyul wants. Hanbyul expects a lot from herself and believes in her abilities to become better at what she does. She is strong-willed and determined to do her best. She is very competitive. Hanbyul is confident and doesn't let anything bring her down. She may seem arrogant and intimidating, but it is only to strike fear into others. You can sense a strong impression of responsibility and independence through Hanbyul.

           mission impossible. Being shot at? No problem. Car chasing? She’s in. Being chased? Tag, she’s it. But going back to high school? Abort mission! As much as she would like to find the source of who is producing the new drug, she isn’t all too happy about the idea of going back to that hell house high school. Who would want to go back anyways? Her unhappiest times were during high school. Back during her actual days as a teenage student, Hanbyul was quite the rebellious student. Cutting class to go to clubs was a common thing for her even though she was under aged, and so was getting into fights. When Hanbyul did attend school, you would have usually found her in the garden lying on the grass by a tree listening to music or in the library asleep. Many of her peers kept their distance from Hanbyul. And now hearing that she has to go back to high school makes her want to jump off a building. Hanbyul knows that she has to pull through in order for the mission to be a success. 

[ background ]: 

           san francisco, california. After being born in the lovely place of Busan, South Korea, Hanbyul’s parents decided to move to America for a better life. Little did they know that San Francisco will change Hanbyul immensely. Although her parents turned out successful, Hanbyul became more of a rebel. While living in SF, Hanbyul started to develop a bad attitude due to her influential peers. By the time she was in high school she was the only girl part of a Chinatown gang called Black Dragons. They weren’t your typical gangsters. They mostly fought amongst other gangs from different parts of town. When Hanbyul was in college there was an incident where one of the enemies from the opposing gang called Red Tiger was confronted for human trafficking. By the time the FBI got to the warehouse of Red Tiger, Hanbyul and her gang already had the culprit in custody. The FBI were impressed by Hanbyul so they suggested her to the SWA in South Korea. Hanbyul moved to South Korea by herself. The SWA saw potential in Hanbyul for her toughness and her skills in hand-to-hand combat. Hanbyul is swift and stealthy movement. Her parents opposed of the idea at first, but they eventually gave in because they felt it would be better for Hanbyul to use her skills for good.

[ role ]: the femme fatale

[ likes/dislikes ]:


               i; coffeeCaramel Macchiato and Hazelnut are her favorite kinds of coffee

               ii; food nomnomnom. She loves to eat BulGoGi and Kimchi fried rice

               iii; the sound of rainy weatherthe sound is very calming

               iv; the night life of Seoul - great time for partying

               v; dogs -  she likes how dogs are very loyal and loving


               i; aegyo she finds it really annoying

               ii; cats she thinks they are evil furring beings

               iii; people who are annoying gives her a headache

               iv; candy Hanbyul doesn't have much of a sweet tooth

               v; raisins she choked on it once when she was little

[ hobbies/habits ]: 


               i; drinking coffee

               ii; fighting - she loves hand-to-hand combat

               iii; flirting she finds it amusing

               iv; clubbing she likes to have fun


               i; curses or yells in frustration when something doesn't go her way

               ii; when Hanbyul is under a lot of stress, she tends to be very temperamental

               iii; gets very competitive

               iv; turns up the volume of her ipod to drown out her surroundings

               v; takes walks at night to get things off her mind that is bothering her

               vi; rubs her temples when she is annoyed

[ fears ]:


               i; cats

               ii; spiders

               iii; death

[ trivia/others ]: 


               i; favorite seasons are fall and winter

               ii; has a husky voice 

               iii; her motto is"your haters are your motivators"

               iv; ideal type - someone who is charming and y

               v; can play the piano and violin

               vi; black belt in TaeKwonDo


an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.


[ family ]: 

          ★ we are family. Hanbyul comes from a well-off family. She is the only daughter of Choi Han Jin and Park Eun Byul. They have three jindo dogs: Tofu, Macchiato, and Beast. Not much is said in the Choi household. Hanbyul’s parents have a good relationship with each other, but the issue is Hanbyul. She doesn’t talk much with her parents. Her relationship with her parents isn’t very strong. Although Hanbyul doesn't see her parents much since she moved back to Korea, her parents call her from time to time to check if she's doing well.

[ members ]:

          choi han jin | father | 51 | doctor | living | He is the man of the house. Hanjin is very strict with Hanbyul because he wants what is best for her. He loves Hanbyul very much but she isn't able to see that. Hanjin is quite a powerful influence in the medical field. He specializes in brain surgery. Many people respect him because he has never had a patient die on his watch. Hanjin is very meticulous with his work. He doesn't like to boss people around and always has an open-mind. Back in the days he used to be quite a cold-hearted person who never smiled. Hanjin was your typical bad boy in high school but he did a 360 degree change once he entered college for a medical degree. Hanbyul got her attitude from him.

          park eun byul | mother | 48 | coffee shop owner | living | Eunbyul is the pushover. She loves to household chores and likes everything organized becayse she is a perfectionist. You can probably say she has a mild case of OCD. She owns a small but popular coffee shop in San Francisco. Eunbyul is a type of person who likes to laugh. She has a sweet smile that was able to melt the icy heart of her first love, Hanjin. They were your college sweethearts. Eunbyul loves Hanbyul so much.

          choi tofu | white jindo dog | 1 in doggy years; 15 in human years | living | Tofu is very laid-back and spends most of the time lying around the house. He is very lazy and is just as spoiled as Macchiato. He loves Hanbyul the most in the family.

          choi macchiato | tan jindo dog | 8 months in doggy years; 9 in human years | living | Macchiato is the youngest and most hyper out the three. It's is like he is bouncing off the walls. He causes the most trouble due to his mischievous ways. He is the "baby" of the family and is terribly spoiled.

          ★ choi beast | black and brown jindo dog | 4 in doggy years; 32 in human years | living | Beast is the most responsible dog out of the three. He is a leader of the pack and is the oldest out the three. Beast likes to spend his time walking around the house. He makes a good guard dog and is very loyal to his owners. 


the ones that are ready to walk in when the world is ready to walk out.


[ friends ]:

          kim sung gyu | best friend | 23 | spy for SWA | living | He is Hanbyul's partner in crime, the peanut butter to her jelly, the sunshine to her rain. Hanbyul met Sunggyu during their training days as spies. Sunggyu is overprotective of Hanbyul and he treats her like his sister. He cares a lot for her and always has her back. He is always there for Hanbyul no matter what and will always try to make her smile whenever she feels as if it is her against the world. He is caring, considerate, sweet and kind. He will always offer a shoulder to cry on when she is feeling down. He is someone who brightens her day. He is very responsible, but a little naggy. Sunggyu is such a great friend to have. He is a type of person that will always be with you through thick and thin. 

[ enemies/rivals ]:

          ★ im yoo na | enemy/rival | 22 | college student | living | They went to the same high school in SF. Yoona was her bestfriend, until she stole Hanbyul’s boyfriend, Henry Lau, away from her. Yoona was just using Hanbyul to get to her boyfriend. Yoona was a two-faced . In front of Henry she would be super sweet and friendly, but when it was just her and Hanbyul, Yoona was such a snobby . Yoona is a plastic girl who thinks that the world revolves around her. They became rivals in everything they do. Grades, sports, popularity, all of it became a competition. Hanbyul lost her first boyfriend to that . Because of that Hanbyul became cold and distant. Hanbyul hates her so much that she wants to throw her off a cliff. Yoona and Hanbyul’s feelings of hatred towards each other are quite mutual.


what is nothing to you, can be love and more to me.


[ love interest ]:

          ★ yoon doo joon

          ★ wu fan/kris

[ relationship ]:

          how can i entertain you?

          ★ can we make this work?

[ background ]:

           heart for two. Ever since Hanbyul became the new recruit of the SWA, Doojoon couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her. He knew Hanbyul’s bad girl act was just a façade to fool people. He saw how Hanbyul flirted with many other men, yet his feelings for her never wavered. As for Hanbyul, she knew Doojoon liked her. She admired his kind personality and grew very fond of him. Hanbyul didn’t want Doojoon to fall in love with a girl like her. She didn’t want to hurt him or disappoint him. Doojoon tried to become friends with Hanbyul because he grew jealous of her close relationship with Sunggyu. Doojoon wanted to prove to her that his feelings are sincere. He wanted to break down the wall Hanbyul puts up to distance herself. It took weeks before Hanbyul could realize that Doojoon really does love her. She mustered up her courage and confessed to him.

[ personality of your love interest ]:

          mr. genuine. Doojoon is a very kind-hearted man inside and out. He is dependable and responsible. Doojoon is beyond mature. His maturity and wisdom help him lead people. He was born a leader and earns much respect from his fellow peers. Doojoon is serious and very passionate when it comes to his job. Everybody loves to be around him. He is very down-to-earth. He is the ideal man of many due to handsome looks and sweet personality. His friendliness and sincerity attracts many. Doojoon has a great sense of humor and likes to joke around. He is very romantic and sweet, but can be the jealous and flirtatious type. Doojoon is very approachable and tends to put others before himself. He is able to make anyone around him feel safe due to his fatherly leader-like instincts.

[ interaction ]: 

          during relationship. Labeled as the “newlyweds”, Doojoon and Hanbyul were your ideal couple. They actually seemed like married couple. Everything about them complimented each other well. Doojoon was the responsible husband who took very good care of his wife. He would always act very lovingly. Hanbyul was the sweet wife who wasn’t afraid to show any act of affection towards her husband. She threw away her flirtatious ways. Nobody saw the break up coming.

          after break up. That one week relationship was pure bliss. Hanbyul deeply cared for Doojoon, but she didn’t want to lead him to a road of disappointment. She began the relationship and she ended the relationship. Hanbyul went back to her playgirl ways and began to flirt with her assigned partner. She knew it would break Doojoon’s heart, but she knows it’s the only way for Doojoon to move on. Doonjoon desperately tries to get back together with her, but Hanbyul acts coldy as if her relationship with him never happened. She occasionally flirts with Doojoon too which drives him over the edge in anger. It hurts her, but she wants Doojoon to realize that they can’t ever be together. Hanbyul is blind to see how she is hurting both Doojoon and herself.

[ back-up personality ]: 

          ★ mr. heartthrob. Kris is the epitome of a playboy. He is one flirtatious casanova who never fails to flirt with any pretty girl he sees. From putting his hand around their waist, to slightly biting their neck like some freaking teenage vampire with raging hormones, Kris will woo them all. He is arrogant and cocky. He thinks he knows everything and gets jealous very easily. What has girls falling for him the most are his handsome sharp facial features. Kris just oozes out the essence of masculinity. He does have a dorky side to him. He has a great sense of humor and loves to joke around. Although he may seem tough, he also has his soft side. He secretly cries when watching dramas. He can be very sweet and kind at times. Everybody loves to be around him because he can lighten up any mood with his jokes and smile. He is laid back and outgoing and loves to have a good time.

[ back-up interaction ]: 

          cat & dog. Hanbyul and Kris have that love-hate relationship. One minute they are flirting with each other, then the next they can't stand each other. Hanbyul and Kris are both playgirls/playboys. They are both capable of having people at their finger tips. They tease each other so much to the point they can't get enough of each other. 

[ his/her relationship ]: ★ make me feel loved.

[ ending? ]: up to you~ ^^

[ other ]: ---


shall we close this chapter, you and I?


[ questions ]: ---

[ comments ]: Hi! I'm terribly sorry if my personality is confusing and my background doesn't make sense! ;___; There are probably a bunch of spelling and gramatical errors OTL. I'm brain dead right nao. Well, best of luck with the fan fic~ ^^


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