Facebook. BLAH.

There's this one Facebook friend I met around two years ago. That time I was not into K-Pop yet, still a hardcore face of Animes. He was a really special friend to me. Everyday, after school I will talk to him until night, I share jokes, tell him secrets I never tell my closest friends. He's a real special friend that I don't want to lose, ever.

But yeah, happens and we got into a fight and we didn't talked for weeks. I missed him like hell. I want to talk with him but I didn't because I'm a coward. I'll wait for him to start talking with me again, acting as if something bad never happened to us. But he didn't. I thought there was something wrong because he's the type that apologizes very easily, no matter if it's his fault or not, but I waited for weeks.

I got worried and checked his profile and I saw his wall full with new posts and he replied to each one quite happily, actually and I realized I just got replaced.

He moved on, so I decided to move on too. And that's when I slowly got into K-Pop. I don't know how long have you been my friend but two years ago my Facebook name was Kushina something. You know, Uzumaki Kushina from Naruto? Then I changed it into Sheela, until now. He used to call me Kushi Kushi. I know. It sounds ridiculous but I love that nickname, to be honest.

After several months I got into K-Pop, he out of nowhere suddenly start talking with me again, calling me Kushi Kushi again. I was shocked, really. I had actually forgotten about him and all of a sudden, there he was, acting as if nothing happened.

happens again and he deactivated his account. I can't find his new account until now. I miss him, really. I wonder if he still remembers me or not.


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I wish i had a friend like yours. Someone i could actually talk to without any worries. Hopefully, he'll find you again since he did it once, he'll do it again.
You never know until you talk to him. Things like this happen, but if you're meant to continue talking, it will happen. I have faith in you, and I'll be supporting you. Hwaiting~ ^-^