Favorite OTPs

As usual, I will start with a more personal entry thingy majig xD

Thanks for saying hi to me, even if it was the last day of school. Sorry, I was just so shocked I didn't respond with anything else but a wave, even though you held your arms out like you were going to hug me. But the relief that washed over me was so strong, I'm not even sure hi. Thank you for clearing the misunderstanding with a simple hi.

Ok, so one day, I was just super crazy and bored, so I was talking to my friend about my favorite OTPs :D

Well, here they are :D (omg, why do I sound so awkward? sorry, I'm watching Infinite's Sesame Player at the same time so xD)

lol These are not necessarily in any order guys

I mean, who wouldn't love this couple with the Almight Diva Key and Dino head Jonghyun? I remember I went nuts over the JongKey moments uploaded on YouTube and didn't do my homework until like twelve in the morning or something LOL I love love love when Jonghyun was spinning around singing 'Ready or Not' (I think it was that) and then he lost his balance, stumbled to Key, and hugged Key. I was like shrieking LOL.

Oh my god. Their moments on Chef's Kiss were soooo cute! They were MADE for each other. MADE. I mean I still remember the awesome moment where Kevin and Eli were eating at the market, and Kevin fed Eli something, and Eli held another piece up, and just put it in his own mouth. And then Kevin was like "I want one too!" And Eli was like "Don't you have hands?!" ...>.> IT WAS CUTE OKAY. IT WAS CUTE. THAT'S WHY I REMEMBERED IT.

...I don't care they're from two groups okay >:O TVXQ IS FOREVER ONE! AKTF guys, AKTF! So anyways, I also watched all the YunJae moments. And even though I love Jaejoong, I'm willing to give him to Yunho -nods-. I almost started crying in class the next day cuz I was telling my friends about them ;__; I can't believe they're separated. WHAT'S THIS MADNESS? ;__; I wish I was into Kpop when they were still one group... Too bad I was too late >.>

I LOVE this couple :D They're so cute together LOL. The awesome dancing couple xD. I have like a bunch of pictures of them. And I watched that one mini drama thing they flmed. And I was SQEAULING cuz I think... Eunhyuk kissed Donghae on the cheek? Or was it the other way around @__@ My memory is failing me... I also love how Eunhyuk always asks for Donghae. IT'S SO CUTE!

Holy crap. I roll on the floor every time I see them. Sungyeol is SOOO obvious about it. He always remembers L, always calls him cute, etc etc. I honestly love ALL moments with MyungYeol. And yes, L is my bias in Infinite. xDD But omg, I remember that one time in Sesame Player where L betrayed them all, and made Sungyeol get caught by the managers, and Sungyeol was all yelling at him, OMG IT WAS SO CUTE. And I'm just rambling now >.>

OMG I was into HunHan BEFORE I was into EXO. Amazing, isn't it? I just honestly LOVE how Sehun said HunHan was real, how he said he realized what true friendship was when he met Luhan, how Luhan's eyes sparkle when he's talking about Sehun (I am NOT imagining this), the way Luhan wishes him Happy Birthday, AND  JUST HUNHAN IN GENERAL.

LOL. KRIS. LOL. HE JUST CAN'T RESIST TAO'S BBUING BBUING. xDD Too bad Tao deemed himself too old to do that aegyo >.> I was heartbroken ;__; So was Kris xDD He even said it was a shame... i think. LOL. it was something along those lines :D I love how Tao gives the smallest punishment food to Kris. I love how Kris was all like "You'll be rewarded tonight" (with what Kris? with what? xD). I love how Tao was just clinging onto Kris during the game they played on Happy Camp xDD

I'm not as familiar with EXO-K as I am with EXO-M, but like my friend sent me her Tumblr filled with EXO (regardless of K or M) and... I ended up sleeping at 2 cuz of it LOL. And in it, there was this one GIF where Baekhyun was looking Chanyeol up and down, sort of like "Why are you so tall?" And Chanyeol stepped down from the platform and looked at Baekhyun like "Happy now?" And Baekhyun started smiling like he was all satisfied. LOL IT WAS SO CUTE. BAEKHYUN WAS LIKE THE GIRLFRIEND AND CHANYEOL WAS LIKE THE BOYFRIEND THAT DOES EVERYTHING LOL. And there was another one with Baekhyun playing with a necklace, and then Chanyeol touched him, and Baekhyun jumped and was like "WTF?", and then he started smiling when he saw Chanyeol. AWWWW. I was freaking out about BaekYeol in class LOL. Right before Finals too >.>

...I think that's my list now LOL. I will update... when I think of more. Sorry if it sounds really awkward... I'm still watching Sesame Player LOL


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