I Missed You Guys~ T.T ; ; ; NOT! =.=

you know, i can get used to this new aff blog post thing where it doesn't post the first 2 lines of the body of the post anymore~


totally missed you guys like CRAZY!!! ignore the title <3


I survived the first 3 days without touching the special tab dedicated to this site but then after awhile, i kept on coming back....i didn't really sign on though LOL I just went on the home page and checked out the newly updated fanfics and subscribed that's all~ Which reminds me tht i have a LOT of fanfics to get through before I leave~~~~~~~~~~

So now, I am BACK on AFF <3







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HA! Welcome back..<br />
0____o; Ikr? Just press the tab, check for updates..leave.<br />
xD MISSed you!<33
welcome back XD i'll officially be on holidays next tuesday LOL so until then tc XD *BIG HUGS* and i miss u T_T
-xminhye #3
Dreams #4
Yay!`~ Eonni saranghae! I miss ya~<br />