Our Wedding~

Place: The beach~

The Groom (just imagine him wearing fitting pants!! :P)

The BestMan: B-Bomb


The BridesMaid: Kyuhyun


The Baby: Ren~


Bringing these Rings:

The Maid~


The Flower Bucket:

>> Ladies I wanna know who caught it~ :)) (first one who comment it will be the lucky one~ :P)

Yaaay~ Kyu-hyung~ caught them~... Now you'll be the next Bride~... Can't wait to see that~ *winks*

The Garter:

>> Guys Yonggukie had too much fun taking it from me, I also wanna know who got this?! (Again first come first serves~ :P)

The Cake:

The Food: Sushi-Plate for Everyone~

The Drinks: Cocktails for Everyone~

The Song the Couple Danced to: Fat Cat - Is being Pretty Everything?

We hope You all had as much fun as we did~

Thanks for coming and get back well~

We Love You All~

Your Sincere New-Married-Couple~

*throws kisses to everyone*


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CONGRATS KEVIN!! *hugs you*
Minhyukkie-- #3
*claps happily
Congrats hyung~~~ well it's fine I don't get the flowers~
Great job Kyu hyung
Your lucky. I was trying to catch them but my computer/aff was acting crazy. That and I'm at work. But I hope to be off in time to see the wedding. If not, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TWO OF YOU. <3 <3 I wish yall the best of luck *throws rice* XD
*catches the flowers and smiles* yay I caught them Kevinnie~