Personal Message

Annyeong~ Kevin imnida~

I'm Married With This Damn ing Perfect Guy *points down* =^.^=

Gukkie~ Hyung~ Saranghae ♥

And I'm Umma~ Of This Cutie *points down* =^.^=

Baby Ren~ Umma loves You~~

Now I'm The Brother Of Them~ *points down again* =^.^=

Kyu-Hyung~, Hyunseungie-Hyung~ Kevinnie loves you two

You four are meaning the World to Me!!

And this little Beauty means my Life to Me!! *points down, smiling widely*

Our little Bang DongYul!! Baby, Appa&Umma are loving you sooo sooo sooo much~

About Me

Name: Bang Woo Kevin

Job: Maid at Usangi Hotel

Relationship Status: Taken by ♥ Bang Yongguk

‘’Roleplayer at Usangi Hotel as Kevin Woo‘’

Gukkie~ spaaaaaaam~~ :P

First of all he's a Security Guard ||means I have somekind of a body guard now :P||

Then I fell in love with his smile/laugh/chuckle/giggle~ etc :) ♥

Nyaa~ just look at him!! He's such a cute dork ;)

He's just sooo~ beautiful

And lastly, I love his jackets sooo much :D ||If he hadn't been my boyfriend, I would have stolen them from him already||


♥ And the best thing is... He's all MINE!! ♥

♥ I love you so damn much Gukki~Hyung~♥

And HE wants has a child with me~ lol~

And that's how he STILL trains for it MORE!! :D lol~

I became an Umma~

You know what that means!? *wiggles eyebrows*

Baby~ spaaaaaaam~~ :P

He's sooo innocent~ I'm afraid of my Baby~~

But he also can be totally y~ ;P I'm even more afraid of my baby~

And I don't have to say how pretty he is, do I?!

Aaaand Ren-baby~ loves Pink!? :P

So try to hurt him and Kevinnie will kick some asses!! ;P ^^you had been warned!!

But Ren~baby~ Umma Loves You sooo much

I also have brothers now!! :P

||Gukkie~ Hyung~ will kill me for those gifs :P||

That means Brothers~ spaaaaam~~

They have got such a y stare~

But they also can be such dorks~ :P

But just look at their smiles~ soo cuuute~ :)

So if somebody messes up with me... Kyu~ & Seungie~ will always know!! :P



Kyu-Hyung~ & Hyunseungie-Hyung~ I Love You sooo much

And I'm so happy for Kyu~, because he has his own family now~ ;)

His Baby Henry~

And his Boyfriend Yeollie~

Thanks you both for making my Kyu-Hyung~ so happy~~