me! me! ME!

 1. ual Orientation - I am a girl, and i like guys.. so that makes me straight.

2. Something i'm bad at- Cooking, like OTL , who cares if i am a girl?, i cant even fry an egg ;_; the egg was charred btw LOL

3. The one person's arms who I'd like to be in - Tao or Lay, i mean, look at all those muscles :3 so squishy and delicious  especially when they wear sleeveless shirts (like in Happy Camp ) /dead/

4. How did i get into K-POP? - KPOP practically took over my school last year, everyone was living and breathing K-POP, so i decided to give it a go and started watching SHINee's Hello Baby. From that moment onwards, i was on my way to heaven <3

5. A description of my self-esteem -  Its basically non-existent. Like, its really hard for me to feel good about myself :/ considering how i m constantly surrounded by people that outshine me in everything *hides*

6. First favourite KPOP band - SHINee, first favourite and still the favorite :D they are so adorkable, i cant even describe them. And i definitely acknowledge yoogeun and the toilet roll in sherlcok's prac video as the 6th and 7th member of SHINee XD

7. First bias?- Yesung. o-o Surprisingly i already had a bias in SUJU before i even stepped into the world of KPOP

8.  Favourite KPOP girl group - SNSD! i like the large amount of members they have, its really vibrant and they are all really pretty *_*

9. A description of my best friends - cheesee, buddha, cow, scorpio ;D and goddess haha *its an insider thing, soo..mianhe if you dont get it XD*

10. My favourite animal- Woah, this is a tough one..Giraffes? 

11. Anyone i miss? - My friends that are in Singapore, while i am here in Malaysia ;_; 2 weeks w/o them is tough.

12. The reason behind my last breakup - I realised that Tao is more appealing than Kris.

13. What i did yesterday- Sleep, wake up, have lunch, nap, have dinner, watch tv, write,reads exo fanfic, sleep

14. What my greatest acheivements are?- Having a wide singing range? idk really :/

15. A description of the person i most dislike now- clingy and self delusional, nuff said.

16. The songs i love right now - MONSTER - Big Bang , ALARM CLOCK- SHINee , MAMA - EXO-M , Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift, Twinkle- TTS, Angel- EXO-M 

17. Female bias - Sooyoung of SNSD. That girl made me proud to have short hair . I used to get depress because my hair is really short. And i frequently got mistaken as a guy because of that so, seeing a member of a popular girl group is like seeing a ray of hope from my pits of depression LOL lovin my short hair now btw

18. Favourite flavour of ice cream - Yam. its purplre*_*

19. Male bias - oh boy, this list is long..Key- SHINee TOP- BigBang Taoris- EXO Yehyuk- SUJU Changmin-TVXQ

20. Favourite OTP - oh dear.. the list is long with this one LOL Jongkey, GTOP, Taoris, Changsoo,2min, Jongho, Xiuchen,

21. I'll love you if... - you get me a good internet connection, world peace, no objections to gay marriage, no wars

22. What i want to be when i get older - A choir singer or an accountant in a high class bank or air hostess

23. An internal conflict i have with myself - to sleep or not to sleep.. hmm

24. Two insecurities - meyself and i ?

25. What would i do if i won the lottery - Donate it a portion of it to charity then fly all over the world and then stalk SMTOWN

26. A description of the person i have a crush on right now - i am older than him by a month , we have completely different lessons and we live in two different worlds. perfect

27. How many kids i want - 3 o-o or 4 if i can afford it

28. Biggest turn on - when a guy says a geniune '' thank you '', i get all fuzzy inside. Though smirks and slight aegyo dont hurt.

29. Which KPOP stars I want as siblings - Key,Ryeowook, Yoochun, Changmin and Kris as my oppas Sooyoung, Hyohyeon, Minzy and Luna as my unnies

30.My idea of a perfect confession - Something subtle but not online.. thats just plain insincere but not in public too, i am shy.. something like whispering it into my ear while we are star gazing together :D

hehe so now you reader know a tad bit more about me XD congrats! feel free to leave a comment below! 


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