I AM TAGGED AGAIN ...why donsaeng? why?!and DBSK update annoucement!

Hello chinguah's/subscribers,

Today is just not my day, literally, everytime I am close to finishing the DBSK updates, something happens to it, I will post it later this evening or tonight though, so don't frett, I have week's worth of News for you...

I will be only answering my tag questions and not tagging anyone.

I hate 'those days' they , well atleast the prelude to those days...I am rather annoyed easily and well not my best.


Her questions... Ihave been tagged by  violetmoons.

1.  Favorite bias? Park Yoochun

2. Favorite "Hello baby" baby and which group took care of it?  I am confused by that question..?! o.O

3. How long have you been liking K-Pop? about a year.

4. Which fandoms are you a part of that is not K-Pop? none, KPOP all that way.

5. Like Japanese music? If so, which group or singer? I like KATTUN..they are awesome.

6. Like videogames? Which ones? Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Mario Kart 7,Zelda series.

7. Favorite animal and why? Cheetah, cause its the fastest and fierciest cat in the jungle...

8. Favorite place in this world and why? My bed, I love sleep.

9. Where would you rather be right now? I would be sitting next to all of my best friends laughing at nothing...

10. Are you happy? Very.I am mildy content.

So there are my responses donsaeng.. :p

Hope you guys can wait for the updates later, I know I am behind...

I smell Watermelon, I know random...Happy Corpus Christi day, its a holiday in my country today...HOORAH!

CaribbeanCassiopeia/Cassioppeia United,



Always Keep the Faith <3 DBSK ...Cassiopeia....Hope to the End.


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Happy Corpus Christi Day Unnie ^-^ NO SCHOOL! WOOT WOOT!
Hello Baby is a series where k-pop groups take care of babies :P
I love Zelda, too~
Corpus Christi Day? O.O Well have a good one then XD *never heard of it* And yes Cassiopeia unite!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3