OMG, they played Hyuna on channel nine

Omg, so i was watching A Current Affair, like i do every night right? And then suddenly they talked about BB Creams so I'm like "Heyyy Missha's bb cream is on here :3" and then BAMMM, they play a section of Hyuna's Bubble Pop omg. This may not seem like much but, oh god, I live in Sydney by the way, where you don't really see Kpop on TV unless it's one of those Asian or international channels. HAHA, I'm so stoked that channel nine knows about Hyuna :3 WOO! *starts singing Hyori's U-Go-Girl*
Anyway they even played the Troubler Maker instrumental *-* Tell me I ain't dreaming *-* I can finally see that Sydney here, loves Kpop :3 Tracy Grimshaw of Channel Nine agrees. 


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