We caught a parrot. Yes, we CAUGHT one.

Say hellaw to....

our beautiful, QKEY! (sometimes I call it qwerty, but whatever ._.) We just caught it yesterday HAHA, props to my dad from luring it into the cage >:) 
Okay, so there was a strike at school yesterday til 10:30 right? So I was planning to sleep in and stuff, and then very early in the morning my gramps called and he was like "There's this bird in my backyard that keeps coming here." He told us because one of our budgies died last year while giving birth and I won't go too much into the story but like, the egg couldn't come out and then it squished all of her internal organs, T^T, unfortunately.

So he knew we wanted a new bird so he called us. We got ready and then went over to his place with a small portable bird cage that we used to use for our baby budgies back in like 2002 (THAT FLEW AWAY, DARN YOU WIND FOR MAKING THE CAGE FALL). Then I was like HOLY COW, that's a big bird :P Like it was so fat!! So we knew it was some home pet that flew away 'cause come on, when an animal lives in the wild and is fat it either ran away from home or miraculously manages to find an abundant amount of food to feed on. LOL

Okay so my dad was like, wow we have to catch this and my sister was all like OMG OMG IT'S SO BIG D< And I was there, just chilling. LOL Anyway, my dad scattered the bird seed on the floor making a trail that leads to the cage and then the parrot actually jumped in ._. I don't gnaw (get it? cause she likes gnawing my fingers T^T) Anyway that's the story of how we caught it. LOL she's so stupid, but in a way she's smart too :L It won't be able to survive in the wild with all those birds here D< Trust me, the birds here are scary. 

Okay so let me post some more pictures of her: 

(ngaw, she's eating the bread I gave her ><)

Omg and I decided to make this post now because I just found out what species this baby is :) She's an Alexandrine Parrot asjfhsjkdg (according to my research btw), and she's quite expensive as well... I feel sorry for it's old owner ._. But I think it likes me now LOL and finders keepers, right? Yesterday it tried to bite me so then I fed it some bread 'cause my budgie likes to eat it occasionally (if it ate it all the time, it would have died of malnutrition) and it got a little fonder. But today, oh today...

I DISCOVERED WHAT IT LOVES IT EAT :') It loves apples and bananas HAHA, it was full staring at me while I was eating it so i fed it some and omg it's the cutest thing ever. Oh and it also likes to stare at my pizza ._. But no way in the world would i feed it pizza D: Pizza isn't good for us humans let alone those little birdies HAHA. But I didn't take any pictures D: Cause one hand was holding the banana, while the other was dangerously close to her beak. Safety first, then pictures. LOL 

Oh and i forgot to mention, she is soooo fat. We're planning to get it a bigger cage or clip it's wings though I really don't want to do that cause that's like cutting it's arms off- not really. But yeah ahsfkhsdjgh I'm so happy :') I've always wanted a pet that weren't fish or budgies. Not that I don't love my other pets it's just that my budgie hates me and my fish are just...well, I can't really cuddle with them can I? == And I like eating fish so...I've always wanted a dog, hamster and a rabbit but then I'm not allowed to own a dog since our house is small and hamsters/rabbits stink apparently :( I used to have cute little hermit crabs as well, but they passed. Omg, I'm rambling again D:

Bye guys :D 


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