Tagged By Kippie

My Answers


1. Who is your bias?


2. If you could go out with any Bias of your who would it be? (only one)

Ummm, that's REALLY hard... But if I had to choice, it'd be LEETEUK!!!

3. How many times did you fangirl this week?


4. Did you ever meet one of your bias or any famous Korean?

No. An I never weill because THEY DON'T COME TO COUNTRY!!!

5. Who do you like the most out of Teen Top?

Chunji. He's cute~

6. Do you think people should like a guy/girl for looks or what is on the inside?

Both. But if he's a jerk and he's good looking, leave him because there's better people out there who will treat you better.

7. Have you ever liked someone only for their looks?

.......yes...... And I'm not proud of it.

8. If you had One thing to say to your bias what would it be?

Can you take a picture with me?

9. If you had a chance to go to Seoul Korea and See any Kpop group but only one which one would you want to meet?


10. Did you have hug one of your biases

Yes Leeteuk.

11. If you could take your bias anywhere (other than your bedroom) where would it be?

I'd show him around Melbourne.


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