

Let's play a tagging game!


Rule One- post the rules

Rule Two- answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Rule Three- Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule Four- Let them know you tagged them!


[Skipping rule three and four because I have no friends. D:]


Tagged By: 000095 ♥ ^^



1. Who is your ultimate Kpop bias? Kim Jonghyun. 8D

2. What's a big pet peeve of yours? People who always forget to unplug things from the outlet D:

3. What's the best novel you've ever read? Tuesdays With Morrie! It's was really nice. :3

4. If you could go on a date with someone, who would it be? Kim Jonghyun, of course. 8D but I would like to go on a date with Onew too. XD

5. Have you ever had a dream about your ultimate bias (any fandom)? ..I've actully never dreamed of my ultimate bias, ever. O_O I dream of other idols but never my ultimate bias. 

6. Is there any same gender idols you'd shoot for? Is yes, who? Uhmm. Jessica? LOL. I'm not sure since I also kind of like her to be an older sister or something. D:

7. What do you consider your best talent? Sleeping like a sloth. :3

8. Where do you live? .. :3

9. What thing does your ultimate  bias remind you of? Microphone...? XD

10. What couple can you NOT ship? Uhhmm. JongStal, I think? XD

11. What do you like so much about your ultimate bias? His voice. :)


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1.kim jonghyun
2.what's a pet peeve?
3.my love lies bleeding *a vampire story*
4.kim jonghyun
5. i am not quite sure cause i can not remember hahahaha
6.no one
7.singing,dancing and rapping
8.Sri Lanka
9.Kim jonghyun LoL
11.His voice,body,puppy eyes,the way he speaks,his hair(basically every thing of his i like LOL)