nothing much XD

Well it's nothing really worth reading but yeah just gonna share this a little or should i say a very embarassing moment hahahaha

but i need this out of my system lol
cause i'm alone here at home kkk~

i just fell down from the stairs...i missed around 3 steps i think XD

well yeah it really bruises....yet...
i don't get it why it happened though i mean not really that distracted while going downstairs..

it just happened hahahah well  "ONEW" syndrome lol sangtae 
i'm fine i serious injuries...thank god! whew


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kyoumi #1
Hey! Dont call it 'onew' syndrome. It makes onew awfully clumsy. Besides you just got what you deserve. Not updating like you told me so :c i got eyebags-i mean maleta pala! Ampft! :p