Random Interview For..... Myself and YOU





1. Why did you decide you join AsianFanfics?

-The idea was prompted when I watched DBSK's drama "Dangerous Love", its the part where Yunho gave a Fiction novel to JaeJoong. LOL, that's when I decided to join and read fan fictions.


2. What made you start writing fictions?

Truth be told, I have no idea too, I mean, it just happened, but for you to know the longer explanation of me starting to write... Here's the LINK.


3. Why do you ship your OTP and why them?

Why I ship them and why did I choose to ship that couple over the dynamic and popular YunJae couple? Simple, I saw something in JaeMin that I can relate to my parents.

My parents are total opposites of each other.

My Mom is short, My Dad is MAD tall.

My Mom is smart, My Dad said he survived his exams enough (LOL Daddy)

My Mom has a nice smile, My Dad is.... erm.... Fine.

My Mom can't speak in English, My Dad is awesome at it.

My Mom can't swin, My Dad can swim and he said that if my Mom would drown he would die saving her ♥


All in all... My Mom and Dad are opposites except for the fact that they LOVE each other to the bones that their marriage last for 20 LONG years.

and that's why I ship JaeMin.... They may be complete opposites but I believe in what they have, friendship or an intimate relationship. I will ship them. xD


4. Who's your favorite fanfic author/s?

So many of them.

Okay, One at a time.


Jaceni (livejournal/AFF)

epiktraveller (livejournal)

whatifgirl86 (livejournal)

Radioheading (livejournal)

umeboshi-heart (livejournal)

youngsonggi (livejournal)

tohoginka32 (livejournal)

k-chan91 (livejournal)

blacksheep007 (livejournal/AFF)

shriya_4 (livejournal)

beekon (AFF)

suzukikasami (AFF)

CassiopeiaLuv (AFF)



5. Tell us about your inspirations and future plans.

My insipirations, it can come from many shapes and sizes, I can be inspired by a song, by a picture, by a fiction and bvy a person. It's all different and the effects on me is different.

And as for my Future plans.... My plans is to move on forward, to the things I do, continue the things that I love, and irritate poeple with my sheer contentment and happiness in life.


6. Your dreams about the future and your dream job.

Oh.... a very sensitive topic for me, when talking about my dreams about the future, all I want is to be married to a good man, have my own kids. I want to live a normal and happy life by still continuing the things that I love to do and to keep pursuing my goals until my dying day.

My dream job? A script writer or Director and if not that, I want to be a cook in a cruise ship and travel around the world.


7. If you could have some people join you in a mansion to live with you, who would they be and why?

I want to be with these following persons if possible. (In no particular order too)



































Why them? Because I love them all. PERIOD.


8. Do you believe in God?

Of course, he's always there serving as my inspiration when the times get to rough. I know that I may not be a perfect daughter in his eyes and also a sinful human being. But he's always there to guide his children and someday may he be proud that he created me.


9. What's your gender preference?

Male, but if I fell in love with a girl.... Might as well ^^

Love is blind. Love is universal and I won't be closeminded.


10. Your weaknesses and can it somehow be your strength.

Well... My weakness is that sometimes I can care and give too much to the persons that I cherish, reaching the point that I will somehow forget myself and tends to over think things.

But I think that it's also a part of my strength, because maybe when they see that I have nothing, maybe they'll give the love back and then I won't be that empty.

And if my friends would like.... It's better if they read THIS to learn more about me.


11. Did you answer honestly?

As far as I know. Yes.


12. If you could pick a genre in fictions that you can relate to the most, what genre is it and why?


Because I think everyone should experience pain and suffering for them to see that there's happiness in the end.





WOOH... that was a LONG interview. xD

And somehow... I wish that all the peeps in #7 can answer these questions too....

Well... I hope... xDDD


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O: Living in a mansion would be some FUNN MAN!!

Sorry ^^; Just the thought of living with so many awesome people makes me wanna scream and jump and yell and idk what else XD.

Although if possible...we COULD all maybe one day just save our money and buy a mansion together. O___O HOLY DREAM COME TRUE RIGHT THERE!!!
N0wayaway #2
Unnieeeee~~~ I luv u so muuuch!!!!! Your parents sound so sweeet.. Awwww
DeadMeru #3
OMG !!! I'm in the top 10 LOL \(^0^)/ (although it means nothing -_-) but seriously...are you crazy or sth ??? You want that mansion to BURN DOWN ???
okay...I'm bored, I'll do that (but nobody's gonna read it XD)
OhMyLawwwd, hehe you are so cute XD
this made me just wanna squish you boo-boo ;D
can we cuddle??? heheheh XD
and you speak so eloquently (<--- totally had to google that word spelling)
Love you unnie :*
Your parents are awesome! My parents are in their 19th years of marriage now kekeke just one year behind your parents ^^

I'll answer it when I'm already home ^^
awww.. thanks jessa.. I feel loved being included here.. LOL. I just saw my name up there..
Point no 2 is so touchy .
I could imagined how HUGE the love your parents had to overcomes all the differences that they have.
awww. your parents must be really affectionate towards one another. :)
andd.. I'm on # 7 ? the first one too.. :D I ish glad. <3
I'd love to move in with you Jessa-unnie! ^^