
I would like to apologize to NoLimitxInfinite, napeunyeoja, JWexpress, and YourRoyalHighness. I have let all of you guys down. :(

     'NoLimitxInfinite' I am deeply sorry for letting you down as a coauthor. I am forever grateful of how understanding you are. Thank you.

     'napeunyeoja'  I am so sorry for the long wait. I finished your poster but I don't think the theme fits so I will redo it.Thank you for being very patient for your poster.

     'JWexpress' Thank you for your patience. I will get your poster done as soon as possible.

     'YourRoyalHighness' Again, I am sorry for the wait. Thank you for understanding.

I have let you all down and I am sorry for that. Thank you for waiting. I will get all the posters done once all my projects and exams are out of the way. June 7 is when my summer begins. I will try my best to get your posters done. I hope you guys can forgive me. I will surely make it up to guys somehow.




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Awww chingoo...
Don't worry we all understand <3
Hwaiting hwaiting with exams mkay? :)
Can't wait til u come back with more amazing designs~~
lol it's no problem haha
You have your own shop to manage so I understand ^^