Junsu & Siwon


I come to spam with another story. This time is about Junsu and Siwon. This is how the story starts.

Currently I’m having Xiantic fever. All because of ‘you-know-who’ (refer to my previous blog). But seriously, who can resist this:

This is too much. I can’t take it anymore but I can’t stop! I had been like this for a few days. I didn’t write anything for my fic because of this! I didn’t play games too. So, what am I doing? I don’t know! I’m just like:

So, I’m talking about this to my good friend a.k.a great author, byul_mi. She said “Su's spell is really strong okay i'll try to help you get over it, so you'll write for your fic ^-^” and she was like this:

Since she is good and also great, I believe her and leave everything to her to cure me. Then she gave me this pic:

Then I’m just like ‘What is this? Is that Siwon?’. I just like:

Then she sends another three pics which were this:


Now I know it’s Siwon. And Siwon and another Siwon and another Siwon. This is too much. No! No! No! I’m just like:

Then, in the end she said “Hope it helped ^-^”.  Seriously, Siwon? Help me? Siwon? Seriously, I want to ask her ‘Why did you give Siwon to me?’.

Why did you give me tons of Siwon’s pic?!!!! You want me to become like Junsu in you fic, ‘My Boyfriend is a Billboard Model’? (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/185097/my-boyfriend-is-a-billboard-model-junsu-minbum-siwon-yoochun-yoosu-yunjae). Seriously? You want me to become like that? With my wall full of Siwon? Seriously? You better update that fic now! I’m just like:


I can’t believe you did this to me. I’m not surprise if someday I become like this:




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there's no virus in the world stronger than my baby SUSUUUUUU virus...its incurable..spread through out the world like fever..BABY SSUUSSUU....HERE COME TO GRANNY.....
now,it is time to fall in XIA's spell~~~~~~~~~~

please make a story full of my handsome and tall Changmin!!!
btw love Nichkhun gif that you have there *cute*
first is Junsu virus now is Siwon virus...hahaha you guys are funny...infecting each other with virus XD
eat antibiotik that will cure you XD
waaaahhh unnie, i can't stop myself from laughing, *serious mode** did i made thin'g worst? TT.TT unnie, you wanna know my reason, well Siwon is the great cure for you, since Su Virus is so strong, waaah unnie **pouts**