im thinking of doing a girl group apply fanfic.

i have ideas down and even the group name ready but i dont think i can do this alone

so im asking if theres anyone that would like to co-author with me.

i actually personally, have someone already in mind - she's a friend i hardly talk to yet i feel like ive talked to her a lot in the past (O.o...i know LOL) 

but the thing is, if she does want to i cant say anything and i dont want to ask her

i want to see if she will comment on this blog post in her own accord LOL


regardless, im open to other users asking for a position

i know that 2pmvietguh has taken the position to be my co-author in a selection of b2st one-shots which i haven't forgotten about

i just don't have time for writing one-shots...........


and even this fanfic, i don't know if i'll have time for LOL

anyways, if ure interestd, please comment


i want the lovers to be b2st and the sunbae's to be boyfriend ^^ or the opposite it fine by me LOL


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angelica-swagirl #1
I'd help you write this fanfic but my writing so does the grammar =.=
Hey, don't worry about the whole b2st one-shots! Ooh, girl group apply fan fic. Sounds interesting, and it features B2st, even better! I'm interested in being a co-author for this fan fic. I'm a bit confused with the last line, "the sunbae's to be boyfriend?"
Sounds like fun n_n