Another super long quiz (also stolen from -jeiraz)


Time started: 12.50AM
Birthday: November 18th
Siblings: Older brother.
Eye color: Dark brown
Shoe size: 39/40/41, depending on the shape or cut or whatever really...
Height: Taller than the average Asian girls my age. LOL. I'm 168cm. People hate me cuz I love to wear heels too! XD
What are you wearing: My blue sleeping gown...LMAO, I feel OLD.
Where do you live: Malaysia...
Righty or lefty: Righty
Who are your closest friends: J-Han. But even so...I don't share much with people. I'm an introvert actually (though people always say I'm an extrovert)
Best place for a date?: Somewhere secluded but a special place on the hilltop where we can see the whole of the city but no one else can see us XD...yes, I used this place for the 'date' in my EunHae fic *shameless advertising*
Where is your fav place to shop: Cotton On...really, the cotton is just so...sooooffffftttttt~~~~~~
Favorite kind of plant: Hmmm....roses...? Actually, I've never given much thoughts to this.
Fave Color(s): Saphire Blue because it belongs to Super Junior (LOL), Any shades of blue, Green, Black, Purple. I've a weird taste, I know.
Fave Number: 7. As common as it is for people to have it as a favourite number, I like it...I like writing it, I like using it, I just...Idk, I like it.
Fave Boys Name: Korean = EunHae. English = Damian
Fave Girls Name: Korean = EunJae (lol). English = ............idk.........
Fave Sport: the ones I enjoy WATCHING = Badminton, Football. Doing = Running...though I don't have a very good stamina.
Fave Month: November.
Juice: Watermelon, Apple, Pineapple, Orange, Grape.
Finger: ........errr, none.....
Breakfast food: .........I never thought of that either...but the simplest is bread. I mean, it's not my favourite or anything but that is what I eat almost every day I wake up in the morning
Favorite cartoon character: Uzumaki Naruto....anime counts right? If not then Spongebob Squarepants.
Given anyone a bath: lololol...sounds kinda yyy...XD but no, never...unless if you count my friend's doggy...I helped her bathe it.
Smoked: I tried once. Choked. Hated it even more ever since. And I was like 10 ._.
Made yourself throw-up: Sometimes, in the morning when I feel too cold, I end up shivering like fark, but once I gag and choke (not actually throwing up) I feel better...its am I even saying?
Gone skinny dipping: Nope...I feel awkward staring at my self in the if I'll ever take off my clothes for others to see.
Eaten a dog: NO. NEVER.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Nope. LOL.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: counts right? :/ but there is a guy that I like right now...and...idk...I just feel pathetic compared to him...and sometimes it makes me feel very low on self esteem that I become a bit depressed....then I watch those heartbreaking videos or listening to Super Junior's Shining Star and end up crying a bit ._.
Broken a bone?: Nope.
Played truth or dare: Loads of times.
Been in a physical fight: No. I amazingly have very good self restrain from physically hurting people.....
Been in a police car: No. LOL...
Been on a plane: Yeah :D
Come close to dying: Twice. The first was when I was about 7 or 8, my family and I went on a holiday. So we were swimming in the pool. Then I decided to be adventurous and go to the big kids' I went there with my floatie, but I threw it into the water. Then I tried to get to it but I didn't know how to swim and my feet didn't touch the ground. So I ended up choking on the water...but then I moned my feet and I swam towards my floatie. LOL. That was how I learnt to swim. XD The second experience was when I was 15. My 'smart' friends decided to have a car race. Long story short, the car flipped. Luckily the driver and I wasn't hurt like at all. Not even a scratch. But the two at the back seat got a few cuts. It was scary. I thought I was dying when I felt the car flip.
Been in a sauna: Yeps...
Been in a hot tub: LOL...yes...
Cried when someone died: Yeah. My non-relative uncle. He, his wife, my two friends and I were very close. but he passed away two days before my major exam. I wrote my story about him in my creative writing session though. And I got an A+ for it....
Cried in school: Yes, once when I was just having a really really really horrible day and I broke down and cried. Of course, I wasn't dramatic. It was in front of my English teacher only and it was just the tears welling up and I couldn't speak, that's all. No wailing or whatever.
Fell off your chair: LMAO, yes. Oh, school memories are awesome...
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yeah...I'm actually waiting for someone to call me right now. That betch is uber late. Meh, I'll go to bed after this quiz.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: LMAO, Errr.......yeah....but that was just to blackmail the guy. XD
Saved e-mails: Yeah.
Fallen for one of your best friends: .........story of my life: I always fall for the guys closest to me. I gotta know a person well to actually fall for them. But right now, this guy I like is someone I barely know...I knew him long, but not well at all. I don't even know what is his favourite color or food or anything. I just wish he would fulfill his bloody promise and call me to hang out. Blardee guy took my number just to leave me hanging...ugh.
Made out with JUST a friend?: ._. erm...kinda complicated. But I guess it is correct. Yes then ._.
Used someone: erm......i think so, though I don't remember it clearly. LOL. I'm so evil...
What is ...
What's your good luck charm? ........idk, I don't really have one.
Best song you ever heard: Superman by Super Junior.
What's your bedroom like: I no longer have my own personal bedroom.
Last thing you said: "Goodnight" to everyone in the house.
What is beside you? My iPad. XD Watching youtube videos while doing this.
Last thing you ate: I don't know how to explain this...erm...fried fish chip? XD Its like fish, mixed with something else then fried into sticks then dipped in chilli sauce. It's super yummy...
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Clear...but I don't like it. I prefer Herbal Essence. XD
Best thing that has happened to you this year: Been to somewhere I have never been to...Langkwai Island....and writing EunHae fictions. XD
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: ......Idk, I can't decided whether it is something I deserved or really just bad luck....XD
Have you had ...
Chicken Pox: Yeah...when I was 15, two weeks before my major exam, mind you. Ugh, worst feeling ever.
Sore Throat: Hmmm...many times....
Stitches: 1 or 2 years old, the corner of my left eye. Fell and hit my head on the edge of the stairs. 4 or 5 years old inside my lower lip and chin. I fell on the staircase while going UP. Cut my inner lip and chin. There was a LOT of blood. 10 years old on my right foot. I was playing in the sand and a plastic piece cut into my foot. It was a mess. And the worst stiching I've everh far. Touch wood.
Broken nose: Nope.
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: I don't know. Some people actually do fall in love at first sight. But so far, it has not happened to me (unless if you count HyukJae XD)
Like school: Not really...but now I miss the carefreeness of it. Uni really needs you to concentrate.
What schools have you gone to: SKR, SMKR, HELP College of Arts and Technology (Malaysia)
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: NEVER. It's like you're asking me to eat Henry Lau...just...NO.
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Super Junior! Then we'd make lots of babies together and start our own population. LMAO. Nah, I'd rather not drag anyone with me.
Who was the last person that called you: My teacher.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: LOL. My friend Jia Jia. We were learning it in IT class. Yes, IT class. INFORMATION in TECHNOLOGY CLASS.
What makes you laugh the most?: Super Junior, AFF crackfics...and lately The Avengers.
What makes you smile? Cute stuff. Innocent children. Super Junior.
Last Person ...
You yelled at: It's been a long time since I've yelled at anyone.
Who broke your heart: Mr. 'A'. Sigh. I don't know...
Told you that they love you: My mom.
Is your loudest friend: I think I'm the loudest among ALL of my friends...and I mean ALL of my friends...and I mean a have A LOT of friends....
Do You/Are You:
Do you like filling these out? Yeap. Takes my mind off of ridiculous things.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I'm wearing glasses right now. I'll wear contacts when I go out with friends...XD
Do you like yourself: I've many flaws.
Do you get along with your family: ................a very tough question. I guess so.
Stolen anything over $50: Nope.
Obsessive Compulsive?: ..............................................................................
Anorexic?: No.
Suicidal?: At one point in my life, I was.
Final questions:
What are you listening to right now? Sorry Sorry live on Music Bank (LOL, spent 3 minutes staring at them perform Why I Like You just now)
What did you do yesterday: Went for class, watched The Avengers.
Have you hated someone in your family: .......................................
Got any awards: Yeah, just got one this morning.
What car do you wish to have: BMW X6, my dream car. Yes, I used it in my EunHae fiction too *again, shameless advertising*
Where do you want to get married: Somewhere that can fit all my family members, friends and HIS family members and friends. Really, I have too many important people in my life. I can't just choose 100 or 200 from my side or anything...
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: My size ._. I'm fat. No, really, my BMI is considered obese. I've been working out tho and I've lost some weight...but I'm still considered obese.
Good driver: I just got my licence like...last month, but I barely had any practice since getting it....I've no idea.
Good Singer: Meh, average.
Have a lava lamp: No, but I want one...after I get my own room.
How many remote controls are in your house: There's far too many. There's about 6 alone in the living room.
Are you double jointed: ...........okay, I'm stupid. What????
What do you dream about: Many weird stuff meshed together. I ocassionally get very horrilbe dreams or wonderful dreams. But usually weird ones.
Last time you showered: A few hours ago.
Last time you took a bath: Long long time ago...
Scary or happy movies: .........idk ._. depends on my mood really.
Chocolate or white chocolate: ALL TYYPES OF CHOCOLATES! MUAHAHAHAHAH
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Root Beer
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Lol...idk, both are stupid and disgusting.
Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.
Summer or winter: Winter.
Silver or Gold: White gold :D
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds.
Sunset or Sunrise: Hmmm, sunrise. There's something beautiful about dawn. I wish one day I could watch the sunrise together with my hubby or whomever...XD
Sprite or 7up: Both.
Cats or dogs: Dogs...
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Phone or in person: In Person. Defintiely. I'd choose meeting in person over calling over texting over FB messaging over tweeting. Any time.
Indoor or outdoor: errrr..........idk ._.
End Time: 2:05AM Took me more than an hour...but that's coz I spent like 20 minutes watching Super Junior in between XD


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