I Was Tagged! (by WhiteAsian)


the rules;

  • rule one | post the rules

  • rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

  • rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post

  • rule four | let them know you tagged them!


1 - Suppose you knew your bias personally really well, and found out a major scandal about them. If a reporter asked you about it, would you tell or not? The scandal could either make them the biggets star or end their career,

~No. I wouldn't. Not even if there wasn't any risk.

2 - um.. How big is kpop in your life?

~It is my anthem, my music. I woulnd't say my life, but it is a big part of it...

3 - How long have you been obsessed with kpop, if at all?

~Turthfully, only since September last year.

4 - do you regret letting your bias group into your life?

~Never. Ever. Not. EVER. I love them too much. It's stupid of me, but I can't stop loving them.

5 - Have you ever seen your bias in the flesh? If so then firstly U R EFFING LUCKY and secondly how?

~Nope. Never. So I'm not lucky :(

6 - (these are getting worse) Chemistry, Physics, or bio?

~Hmm, chemistry...I enjoyed Chemistry classes best...but I'm better at Biology.

7 - Do you prefer angst or fluff? why?

~Both. Cuz...I just do.

8 - Would you like to work with your bias as the other model in a photoshoot?

~No. I'd probably ruin the picture for being so ugly.

9 - If (supposing you're friends with your bias) they were being cheated on by their girlfriend/boyfriend with another band member, would you tell them?

~Woah...that's...harsh. But, I'd try to hint it at my friend that something isn't right. Then try to hint at the cheaters to stop because my friend is catching wind. I'm not good with confrontations...hence my cowardly manner XD

10 - Do you think you will still like your bias at ALL in 15 years?

~Truthfully, I don't know. I mean, I effing love them with all my life right now...each and every one of them...but...I really don't know the future. I may change :\

11 - Do you use (if any) Safari, FireFox, chrome, or opera?

I use Safari, Chrome and occasionally Firefox. Only when Chrome doesn't work. And I don't use Opera at all.


I'm not tagging people.


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