Just an FYI

You guys who have subscribed to me would know that I have posted up a new multi chaptered fiction of HyukJae. I just wanna let you guys know that I will only post the story up once I've finished writing ALL the chapters. Which means it will take sometime until i actually post everything up. I think it might be two, three or maybe even four chapters. Right now I'm thinking of writing a prologue first. What say you? Or should I just delve straight into the story? Hmm, I roughly know what is my plot (but of course, as usual, the end is still hazy) but it might not be one of the brightest endings. Just saying, I'm still unsure yet. And I actually thought of this plot while in the shower and just HAD to write a story about it (no, not the shower). I know I said I might not be writing anything new soon, but what can I say? Inspiration strikes and I have to take action. Anyway, I might disappoint my EunHae, KyuMin or any other couple shipping readers. Really, I know what I want in the story but I'm not sure about the coupling. The details arent really there yet, but I'll get it once I start typing away. WARNING I really might take a long time one this. I'm super busy with classes and assignments and projects. And starting next week is when I have A LOT to do. I just wanted to write, okay! XD so I hope you guys can wait patiently for me. Go read voodoobaby's, themagiczebra's, TheNarrator's, and ConfessToShissus's fictions while you're waiting for me. I bet their stories will blow your minds away! :)


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I shall wait patiently and OMG i approve of ur authors.
Add empii_vipelf
god, her stories will BLOW YOUR MIND :O
hwaiting with ur assignments! I have school in three days ;-;