Whenever You Remember Dong Bang Shin Ki


I was clearing up some memory on my laptop when I stumbled upon a folder filled with old videos of Dong Bang. 

I clicked on it and began watching these old videos one by one. 

I can't help but to feel upset and I thought I was over the whole lawsuit thing but NO... I will never get over the fact that my beloved boys are seperated. 

I am a fan ever since their debut in 2003... up till today.  

Their songs accompanied me through different stages of my life. 

I remembered bawling out to 'My Little Princess' each time I return after a hard day at school. 

Every song served a special memory...

When my family went through a hard time, I remembered hiding under my covers listening to 'One' and 'Remember'.

At that point of time, their voices became my painkiller. 

I may sound cliche, corny or cheesy now but it's true. 

I wouldn't mind cutting down years off my life to see them together again. 

I know people will ask me to give both JYJ and Homin a break 


The FIVE of them have been in my life for ALMOST a decade now. 

I can't 

It hurt me when new fans diss JYJ, hoping for them never to return to TVXQ. 

I bet you guys just don't feel the attachment I have towards the FIVE

The only reason why I wish for FIVE of them back together is because 

I ONLY saw the FIVE of them genuinely smiling when FIVE are present. 

So I made a video for them: 






Do SHARE this video and I'm going to tweet this to JaeJoong Hehehe...


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AlmightyBlingBling #1
Urm u dunno me, but I totally agree wif u :'). But I do wish dat JYJ nv goes bak 2 Changmin n Yunho. I hope dat Changmin n Yunho will go 2 JYJ. Idk da way sm I'll treat his employees. I want the 5 to be happy tgt
I'm crying so hard right now. This is amazing unnie! :')

And I totally know how you feel. :) Proud Cassie. :')
Just_Lan #3
I couldnt even watch the whole video I was crying too much...that was really beautiful...

And Im a friend of TiaraL lol. She sent me here ^_^
durian2003 #4
You know, I consider it such an honor to be a fan of TVXQ since they debuted. I wish I could have been a fan of theirs since they debuted. I only had a few years with them until they disbanded...
If only.... :') The vid's beautiful btw...
-jeiraz #5
I cried. Can I say I love you? Even though I'm a complete stranger...

Lol. I'm a friend of TiaraL.


Tia brought me here :'D /le tears

I'm new to being a Cassie but those people who influenced me on being one taught me how important DBSK is being FIVE.

Even though I'm new; even though I never met them when they were ONE, I'll still keep the faith - I'll always believe that they'll be together again.

Thank you for this. It made my faith grow stronger and firmer ^^
I'm sure Jaejoong will be touched. :D