Application for 21 Jump Street

⋆Contact Information

Profile Link:
 What would you like to be called? :Ro

⋆ You caught my eye

Name: Lee Jaehee

Fake Student Name:Kim Sangjae

Code Name:Jee


Birthday: 12/01

⋆ An invitation to your mind

 Personality: She may look like a normal girl and you may think she is.She look innocent and nice but inside,she's mean,sadistic and sometimes even suductive.She does not like doing that but that's for the sake of her job,she does it.She can lie her way through anything and can make up an excuss before you can even snap your fingers or blink.She tries to act innocent in front of everybody and most of the time,it works.

She can be nice to her friends and close people in her life,but she keeps all the walls in her heart up.She guards herself very very strictly and will never forgive herself if another guy she likes breaks her heart again.She does not let people know her easily cause she likes to be in her own world,think about her crush when she was 11.She's very shy around her(new found)crush and likes to act emberresed around him.

Clique:21 Jump Street agent

What kind of student are you?: She's an A+ student in all her subjects (except Music)and people think she's an overachvier. She likes sports and her gym teachers,no matter how strict they are,respects her a lot for her hard work.

During Music,she struggles a lot to catch up with the class,cause she at singing,playing any instrument and even can't play the triangle.Her music teachers tries so desperately to help her improve but it is all useless.
During maths,she sleeps.That's like her 3rd bedroom,2nd is the library and 1st is her bed.Even though she always sleeps in Maths,she is still the top in her class.

In her extra classes(Drama and band),drama cause the teacher forced her to and band cause her music teacher thought it would be good for her(but she still struggles).Drama,she always is the lead and her dislikes it.She likes to be in backstage work but no matter,if she auditioned or not,she would still be the lead.


When she was younger,she was a gentle and kind girl.She was cute and kind and a perfect lady.Jaehee was all around every Romeo's ideal type.But it all changed when Jaehee's older brother,Jun Hee,was taken away from her.She over heard her parents say they were getting a divorce.She begged and plead her parents to stay together but it was all worthless.When her pearents were siging the divorce papers,she ran away from home with her brother but they went to diffrent places.Junhee went to Singapore to study and Jaehee stayed in Korea but went to Seoul.They still keep in touch but Jaehee wished they would be together again like when she was 5.

When she was 10,her brother came to visit her in Seoul and they were happy.They went to a cafe to catch up to each other's lives.Junhee said that he had a girlfriend,Ain,in Singapore and he wanted her to come with him to Seoul but Ain had to saty in Singapore to catch up with her own family. 

After a year,Junhee returned to Seoul and said that he was going to be staying with Jaehee.He bought his girlfriend with him and said that they were engaged.Once Junhee and Ain got married,Jaehee was the flower girl.After Junhee got married,he went to Amarica and stayed there forever.

After Jaehee heard that,she felt mad and betrayed.She could not believe that her own brother would do that to her.She went to the park and started to cry.After a few hours,a boy saw her and felt sorry for her.The boy went to comfort her and once she saw his face,she knew for her,it was love at first sight.

When she was 12,she  saw the boy moving.She felt like she was lonely and that nobody likes her.She thought she knew the boy well enough,why did he move away?After that,she began to live alone on the streets and guared her heart with all she had.But after a year,she found a home and she had slept there ever since.


  • Her home
  • Sleeping
  • Eating
  • Her bed
  • Her brother
  • The boy
  • Texting
  • Sports
  • Netball
  • Studying
  • Black


  • Her brother
  • The boy
  • Pink
  • Singing
  • Beef
  • Roses
  • White
  • Lights
  • Time


  • Frowing or grunting when mad
  • Clapping her hands when laughing
  • Biting the inside of her lips
  • Puffing one of her cheecks put when annoyed


  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Playing netball by herself
  • Dancing


  • Her blood type is O
  • She can speak Korean,Japanese,English,German,French and Chinese
  • She takes basketball and Vollyball as her extra curriculars
  • She takes food(for her love of eating),band(for trying to improve in Music and forced to),Drama(forced),Gym(for her love of sports) and Fashion(for trying to be like her younger-self)
  • She always finds her head on her floor when she wakes up and her upper body on her bed.
  • She loves Blood On The Dancefloor(B.O.T.D.F)and Cobra Starship

⋆ Beauty is only skin deep…

Ulzzang name:Do Hwe Ji

[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ]


Shirt: [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ]

Jeans: [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]

Skirts: [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]

Shoes: [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ]

Extra: She has a small heart tattoo on her right palm

⋆ Love is the answer…

Family members:

Lee Sang Hyeon-Dad

Lee Eun Ji-Mom

Lee Jun Hee-Older Brother

Nurl Ain-Step-Sister


  • Kwon Yuri,Agent,18,She y and deadly,Jaehee's bestfriend
  • Sandara Park,Agent,23,Carzy,outgoing and an expert on the field 

Love interest: 

  • Zelo,16,Agent,The childish boy.He's the most loved one out of all the agents and he always takes adventage of it.He likes to and Jaehee knows that Zelo was the boy that showed care for her.But he does not remember.
  • Oh Sehun,18,Popular Kid,he's a popular jock.With every word that he speaks,every girl in the school falls for him.He's the kind of guy you don't want to mess around with.
  • Ahn Daniel,17,The nerd.He's weak,struggles and gets good grades.He's Jaehee's tuttor in Music and sometimes Jaehee tuttors him in English.He's nice and romantic but gets jaelous easily.

Desired work partner: None,she likes working by herself

Rivals: Im Yoona,18,Agent,she may look and act nice but Yoona has a heart of ice when she's near other girls.

Yoona is Jaehee's rival cause Yoona is a lazy and does not do things herself so she orders Jaehee to do it and you think Jaehee gets all the credit?No!Yoona gets all the credit and she always gets up a rank.


Is there anything I missed?Nope
 Comments:Hawaiting Autor-shi!Good luck on your story^^


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